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08.28.24: The Next 6 Months, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

[On To The Next One]

Started by Rayo, September 24, 2023, 09:45:00 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:22/01/2010 9:16 PM
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Date Posted:28/02/2010 4:57 PMCopy HTML


...And the momemtum continues to roll on through on Ray Ray's road to Wrestle X. For someone who isn't booked on the supercard yet he sure is making good impressions. First a very well done singles victory in his debut, now he can add a tag team win to his list of things to brag about here in EFW. Rayo's a tag team specialist anyways he's a former W2K Tag team champion so teaming with people especially with people who are clearly a top name in the buisness comes pretty easy for the Luchador.

Well as Jay-z would say...On to the next one, and just who is the next one? Chris Orton..former World Heavyweight Champion, current European Champion. Obviously management has faith in the Mexican Warrior to book him in the pre main event spot for the second time in a row against the man that only about a month ago was the top guy in the company. Ray Ray knows if he ever had a chance to show the boys in the back that he belongs here and on that Wrestle X card it's this week at Extreme. Unlike Azreal and Shadow Dragon, Chris Orton will actully pose a threat. Orton actully has skill he's got a title to prove it.  Chris Orton vs. Rayo promises to deliver, shit with there talent the match almost seems pay per view worthy if you ask me, but hey I'm just a narrator.

Rayo:"Que Ondas?"

The lights bright up and it's a clear sight of Rayo sitting down at bus stop. No one but Rayo, and with this time of day..which is about 5 o'clock in the afternoon you would think there would be more passengers waiting for the bus. Maybe Rayo paid em off for the promo? Naa let's face it Ray Ray don't got that kind of money, just call it luck I guess.

Rayo:"You know, last weeks victory was bittersweet. Although it proved that Drew Stevenson and I make a hell of a tag team, it also showed how bad of shape the tag team division is. You know I've always been known to be respectful..na that's not true but I try not to knock one's talent but sheeeeesh. Shadow Dragon and Azreal definetly didn't bring there A game. I honestly hope they find it soon because hey I don't want them to be on a constant losing streak, nobody wants that for the career. They don't need a pep talk from me though. All they gotta do is watch our match from last week. It wont take long, it was the shortest tag match I've ever had. But Dragon and Azreal? Naa we off that!"

Rayo smirks throwing up the Roc Sign..Jay-z will surely sue us soon.

Rayo:"Anyways I bet you guys are wondering what the hell I'm doing cutting a promo at the bus stop like a damn hobo, well if EFW would send me a decent camera crew they would stand back a few feet so they could see my luggage. If you haven't heard were going to England for the next Extreme. I gotta' get to the airport somehow. Get it now? I'm killin' two birds with one promo holmes'! Now speaking of Extreme which is why I'm in front of a camera in the first place The higher ups and powers that be have granted me the priveledge of going one on one with the former world heavyweight champion, Chris Orton.Now he's the current European Champion that was awarded to him after a victory which was a very unexpected swerve I might say.  I guess the higher ups thought you deserve it and hey I ain't takin' nothin away from you holmes your one of the best EFW has to offer, which is why I already know that in three days this will be my most important match yet. You see the triple threat match I had in my debut was to prove to myself I still got it, prove I can still hang. Yeah I'm still young but I had hung up the boots for a long time I had a huge amount of ring rust. I also had to prove to the fans I could still go out there and leave em speechless which my high risk in your face action. I had always thrived on making magic whenever i graced the wrestling ring and for the past two weeks I've proved that I'm still a damn good magician.  This match with you Chris isn't for myself, nor the fans. This match is simply for the boys in the back. For the owners and powers that be in the EFW. Orton standing at 6'4 and two hundred and forty five pounds. The odds are definetly stacked against me when it comes to power. But let's face it Orton..your not faster then me and for every powermove and slam ya boy Ray Ray has most likely got a counter for it so I'm telling you now don't underestimate me and waste time in your promos about the height and style difference because when I beat you embrassement will consume you and honestly esse' I don't want that for you."

a pause while Rayo goes into thought rubbing his chin.

Rayo: "There is one thing about you Chris that I don't really understand. Now I know how successful your brother was and still is but it seems to me like your stealing his whole style. Maybe not his tactics these days but you seem to be just a copy of what Randy is. I mean the CKO? Com'on holmes if I was your brother I'd tell you to get your own finisher you feel me? Your the older brother too! You would think Randy would be the copy of you but we all aware Randy didn't start using his RKO until sometime after he had debuted with his company. I just think you should set a better example as a older brother holmes. Randy should be looking up to you and If you ask me it seems like it's the other way around. Your a great wrestler yes but perhaps you could have excelled if you werent in your brothers shadow. Perhaps you would still be holding the World Heavyweight Championship. But I'm not telling you how to go about your wrestling career and how you wanna end your matches. Because no matter how much style you may have *borrowed* from your brother you've done a pretty good job with it.  Like I stated earlier your one of the top draws here in the EFW and I know there is room for another top draw and well damn your looking at him. I know people are thinking I'm going into this match with the david slaying goliath mentality. Psshh that's the ignoranance of society these days. I honestly have no mentality for this match. I'm going to go in there do what I know and that's wrestle. I may have been through a roller coaster ride of a life but if there is one thing I can do right in it's Wrestling. I was born into this buisness, I was bred to be one of the greatest and carry on the Sanchez name my Grandfather made for my family in the wrestling buisness. There is too many people I would be letting down to stop this momemtum. I will never let my ego get to big for his own good and even though it's only been two weeks..I have yet to get pinned or submit. I'm don't plan on it anytime soon either.

And you know I would have expected you to have cut a promo earlier but I think your distracted Chris. Yes you managed to become to the new European Champion but let's face it it's no World Title. You miss that championship and any former champion would. However I think your letting it get to you. I think everytime you see Shane Mack parade around with that title you get knots in your stomach and you lose focus. I was trained to capatialize of my opponents flaws and by god I think I stumbeled upon yours. You let the predators run down to the ring and screw you out of the match last week. Maybe your worried your top spot is in jeporady? Your a champion again yes..but com'on Chris if you really think about it, you've downgraded from the top title to a secondary perhaps even the third most important title. That's gotta be eaten away at you holmes."

Ray shakes his head, and notices the bus coming in the distance.

Rayo:"I gotta bus to catch, see ya in England holmes"

Ray pounds his chest with a peace sign as the bus stops at the bench covering Rayo. When the bus slowly drives off Rayo is out of the scene and on his way to the airport.

End scene

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