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Seig Heil!!(Extreme)

Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 02:50:37 PM

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Date Posted:09/03/2010 2:05 PMCopy HTML

Vikky was seen in an abandoned rundown building in an undisclosed location. She was circling slowly around a long table that had someone in a ski mask,tied up and unable to move. Vikky let out a slightly evil chuckle as she reached out her left hand,caressing lightly the top of their body. Vikky then looked to the camera and spoke.

Vikky: Lacey, I beg differ. It is you that fed into my trap. You see Lacey, I have someone on table that you are very close to, who I believe make you see things differently. They was like family to you, and yet you think,believe you are better then them. Let me introduce them to you.

Vikky grabbed ahold of the ski mask and removes it from the tied up person's face and reveals Nattie Neidhart. The camera pans a closeup of her face and then zooms back some as Vikky brings up a hose to use on Nattie. Vikky turns on the hose to where only a little bit of water came out and she hangs it over Nattie's face, causing her to squirm like hell.

Nattie: How DARE Y...(water hitting her face to the point she is almost choking on it)

Vikky chuckles.

Vikky: Nattie don't fight it. Embrace the torture. Your used to it back in the dungeon.

Nattie: When I get...(gurgles water) on you....

Vikky: Not likely coward.

Vikky puts the hose down and brings up a hairspray can and a lighter. She flicks the lighter until it lights while bringing the can of hairspray to the lighter itself. She then aims towards Nattie, who screams in fear.

Vikky: Poor Canadian. Weak and cowards. That's what they are. Like you Lacey. You run gums and annoy people with it too. You and Tina are NOTH-ING.

Vikky does it again, making Nattie squirm like hell as the hairspray can with lighter lighting it up,causing Nattie to pass out. Vikky chuckles.

Vikky: I suppose you say this is not Nattie but a look a like and that I am shit compared to you. I say, don't bounce checks if you get drift. You will see when I break spine of some goodie two shoe and her swine named Lacey. As for your friend....

Vikky then takes a sledgehammer and nails Nattie in the head with it, making her bleed profusely. Vikky watches as Nattie's face becomes crimson red full of blood. Vikky walks away as the scene fades off.

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