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Smokey's Run-in with The German Mauler(all read)

Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 03:22:10 PM

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Date Posted:11/03/2010 11:49 PMCopy HTML

ICC: Ich werde Wirbelsäule brechen!
A german male wearing a military nazi uniform walks into the arena with Vikky Lynn and gets stopped by the security guard. Vikky folds her arms in front of her chest and stares at the average looking security guard. The guard began to speak to the german male figure.
Guard: Your name please?
Dolph: Mein Name ist Dolph Von Strumm
The guard looks confused and doesn't understand german, so Vikky interprets for him.
Vikky: His name is Dolph Von Strumm, you american swine.
The guard looks for his name and then shakes his head.
Guard: I am sorry. You can't enter. Your name is not listed.
Vikky snaps her fingers and Dolph grabs the guard up by the throat and nails him with Blitzkrieg. The guard is out cold as Vikky speaks.
Vikky: We have contract. He will enter, or you die.
They both walk over the guard's limp body as the both of them walk on down the hallway. They get halfway down the hallway when Smokey Mcweed sees them and runs up to catch and interview. Vikky sneers at Smokey as he speaks.
Smokey: Vikky, so nice to see you. Who is the  dude that is with you.
Vikky: None of Business. Not out of way.
Smokey: Awww come on Vikky. I got to know, the fans want to know.
Vikky: They know soon. Now move!
Smokey goes to move out of their way when he trips and falls onto Vikky, hands firmly planted on her 40DD chest. Vikky gets angry and then throws him off her and onto the floor. She snaps her fingers and Dolph picks him up and hold him up in the air. Vikky continues.
Vikky: Too late swine. You will fight Dolph in the ring on next Extreme. Dolph will crush you like grape.
Mack walks by and manages to save Smokey from being destroyed.
Mack: Whooooa..big fella. easy now dude. Let's not hurt him, ok. Vikky, tell him to put him down please.
Vikky speaks to Dolph in german and then Dolph drops Smokey to the ground. Smokey rubs his butt in pain.
Smokey: Owww! That hurt man.
Mack pulls Vikky to the side and talks to her in private.
Mack: Vikky, what's going on here, tell me.
Vikky folds her arms.
Vikky: Swine tripped and grabbed chest.
Mack chuckled some and then facepalmed. He shakes his head and then continues.
Vikky: What funny?
Mack: Vikky, do me a favor and leave Smokey be, OK?
Vikky: Why? He grabbed chest. So he must fight Dolph.
Mack: No changing your mind? Maybe I can offer you some tasty mack sausage if you know what I mean?
Vikky's focus turns to Dolph who walks up to Mack and sneers. He speaks in german.
Dolph: Sie berühren meine Freundin und ich breche Ihre Wirbelsäule Amerikaner, verstandenen?
Mack: What he say?
Vikky: He say touch me and you die. Dolph and I date now. He manages me too.
Dolph stares down Mack as Mack backs up some.
Mack: Look Vikky. Tell your boyfriend no disrespect and that I would like to be cool with him.
Vikky turns to her man and speaks german back to him and he nods and extends hand. They both shake and Dolph smirks.
Vikky: So do we get swine next week in ring or no?
::Seig Heil!
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Re:Smokey's Run-in with The German Mauler(all read)
Date Posted:12/03/2010 12:28 AMCopy HTML

Mack is shaking this dudes hand and looks around confused, looks at the guy weird and pulls his hand away, then says.

Who they fuck are you?

He looks confused and Vikky does as well and says.

This is Dolph, I just introduced you two!

Mack scratches his head and says.

Fuck, I need to stop going without weed, fucking me up!

Vikky just snickers and Mack says.

Not funny, it helps, not hurts, nothing bad about it, not even a fucking drug, its an herb, fucking worthless, cocksucking government assholes, well pricks, cause they like to screw ya!

Smokey is all tuned into Mack now as Dolph just stands there confused and Vikky smiles while Mack says.

So what the hell is up, what you want? What does the big monkey want cause if he thinks he's bad, he's wrong, plus I don't like being so close, invades my space.

Mack looks all casual, hasn't backed up once despite the lie told before, hell, he never even said please, and disrespect, what the fuck? Vikky now says.

He wants Smokey in a match to destroy him.

Mack looks confused again and says.

Ok, so what ya want me for, another round?

He winks and laughs as Vikky says.

I have Dolph now, so no. I want you to make a match happen for next Extreme.

Mack responds still confused.

That's why I put ya out before, eh. By the way, I don't book this shit around here, so if Smokey wants to wrestle ya, Smokey can wrestle ya, whatever, I gotta go though, so nice meeting ya I guess, yo boy, move!

He looks to Dolph motioning to move and the guy just stands there. Mack nudges him out of the way and Dolph shoves Mack taps his leg with his hand warning Vikky what will happen and she steps in motioning Dolph back knowing it would not be wise. Mack now walks off leaving the crew on there own and Smokey runs behind Mack. Will Dolph get his match?

Lacey Daniels

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Re:Smokey's Run-in with The German Mauler(all read)
Date Posted:12/03/2010 5:20 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:




Smokey's Run-In

Triple Threat vs Tina & Vikky Lynn

Who knows?

None .. yet!

Just for fun, hope you don't mind me using ya!




Lacey has been watching the scene ever since Vikky and her muscle headed boyfriend arrived with amusement. It's making her laugh how Vikky thinks she can bring this guy in and everyone will quake in fear. Doesn't she know anything?

She's leaning against the wall laughing quietly to herself as Mack walks past her and away down the hall. She turns the corner and comes face to face with Vikky and the newbie. She strikes a pose but putting a hand on her hip and gestures with the other hand pointing from Vikky to Dolph.

LD: So I can't quite figure it out ...

Vikky scowls at her whilst Dolph just continues with his blank look.

LD: .. which one of you is the monkey and which one is the organ-grinder?

Lacey cracks up laughing as both Vikky and Dolph stare daggers at her, blatently not understanding what Lacey is talking about.

Dolph: You want I should break her ...

LD: Oooh ... does the monkey do tricks too?

Lacey is almost crying with laughter as Vikky and Dolph look more and more angry. They don't get what she means but it's obvious to anyone that she's laughing at them. 

Vikky:  You American swine ...

Vikky steps forward with an arm raised to hit Lacey when a strong hand grasps hold of hers and wrenches it behind her back and spins her away from Lacey.

CO: Uh huh .. no you don't!

Chris Orton laughs as Vikky thuds into Dolph who looks mightily pissed off. He deliberately turns his back on them as he faces Lacey and puts his hands on her shoulders.

CO: You okay?

Lacey manages to stop laughing long enough to nod her head and her eyes soften at Chris's concern.  Lacey glances over Chris's shoulder  to throw Vikky one more dirty look before taking his hand and walking away down the hall.

CO: You should really learn some self control ...

LD: Yeah but what fun would that be ...

TBC: Anyone


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

The Legendary Steve Weigel

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Re:Smokey's Run-in with The German Mauler(all read)
Date Posted:12/03/2010 5:45 AMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of  Steve Weigel that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

The scene opens to weigel and amy summers walking into the arena. They both stand there watching and laughing as everything goes on with shane mack and Lacey and ex world champion chris orton. Amy and steve weigel walk over to vikki and the new comer dolph.

Steve Weigel - Bine ati venit la extrema nenorocit trinta fiul. Aici dreptate acestei a doua ta decit o bucata de rahat pentru ca aici, daca vrei sa fie strict ciine poti sa-ti faca marcaj. Dar grija pe cine ati alege pentru ca nu poate veni sa-si muste tine in fund. vikki si tu si chiar ma sunt germen dar ca nu te face sa te sau ea sau chiar ma mai bine. Nu mai incerce sa plece dupa ce nu, sa ne gandim la adevarata lista. Vrei o lupta? Apoi intensifica!

Amy laughs a bit.

Amy Summers - In other words where you retards understand. Want some come get some!

Steve and amy walk off as vikki and him look really upset like they didn't know weigel was germen. Steve and amy come to orton and lacey and stop them, Steve smirks and looks lacey up and down checking out her goodys.

Steve Weigel - First off orton we both hate shane mack. I'm not here to fight with you. I just want to talk to you about something that could help us both later on. So what you say we go to your locker room and have a talk.

Amy Summers - Hi Lacey I love your outfit makes you look really pretty.

Steve Weigel - Sorry orton not trying to piss you off but damn lacey your a hottie, but anyways lets talk about bussiness.

The scene fades to blackness.

This Layout Was Made For  Steve Weigel  by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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