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Untouchable ----- Wrestle X Promo

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 05:28:28 PM

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Date Posted:28/03/2010 5:53 PMCopy HTML

And so here it is, the day of Wrestle X, just a few hours from the evening and then the night when Wrestle X officially starts. But for now we find ourselves away from the mighty Tokyo Dome and off into the country of Japan a little, well not too much, but we go into a secluded area where a decent sized ol' style house sits and now inside that house is the man who owns it, Shane Mack! He sits back on a leather sofa, eh, the inside is not that ol' school, just basic furnishings like most modern houses. He sits there smiling, eyes glazed, sports a black tee and a pair a blue jeans, legs up on the table and white socks cover his feet. Enjoying the silence, the peacefulness, the calm before the storm and now he breaks that silence.
So Gabriel, your all ready to go, your all hyped up, excited as you can get, and all for something, to show the world you can take Shane Mack to his limit, but Gabriel, beat me is something you won't do! I care more about the World Title than your or anyone in this company. I make it the most valuable title there is, in or out of this company because I make people want to take me down, to target me, whether I am champion or not! If I didn't care about this title, if it were just a hunk of metal like how your little Infected group treats titles, Chris Orton would be facing you now because I woulda never beat him even once this year! Chris Orton couldn't make this title number one and neither can you because Mack is the only here today that makes people wanna improve. I have no doubt Gabriel, that you do want to be champion, but there is reason to question how much you can handle being champion and that is what can keep you from wearing the gold. Will you be another Chris Orton and keep competition at a low or will you just phase in and phase out too quick to even do what he did, to last?! Or maybe you will be a guy such as myself, not me, but like me in the respect that ya improve the whole roster over all? Only you know if ya can Gabriel and its your duty, your job to let people know ya can, to make them look at you and say, wow, he's the man to beat. Until ya do it, they'll only look at ya and say, man he has so much potential!
Mack sighs and brings his feet down to the floor now, then leans forward with his arms on his knees and says.
Potential means ya can be, but also that your to it, not yet! I never downgraded you, I never once buried ya Gabriel, I simply spoke my mind, asked questions, philosophized about what could be and what is and I've said it before, your could be it, but at Wrestle X...Tonight, your not gonna be for you have yet to show why. The title won't put you in my league Gabriel, there is no way to accomplish that tonight, so get over it and shoot for what ya can get, the World Title! Ya want it, ya really want it son, then come and get it cause Mack is going nowhere, he ain't dying, my legacy will only increase and continue to overshadow all and I am sorry if others feel held down, but I try to help you all as best I fucking can, so accept it what is and move on!
Mack slips on his shoes now, already tied, he never unties his sneakers. He stands up and slides his hands in his pockets, then says.
In a few hours Gabriel, you will get to see why Shane Mack is so respected, everyone will get to see why Shane Mack needs to do nothing more, he needs to prove absolutely nothing to anyone and that is just the way it is, so see ya tonight!
He walks towards his main door and picks up a bag from the floor, then opens it and walks out shutting the door and locks it. Mack heads to a parked limo that is running in his driveway, opens the back door and tosses in his bag, then climbs in and shuts the door. The view picks up inside where Mack nods to the driver and says.
Time to fly bro, wake me when we get there will ya?!
The driver just nods and puts up the shield separating him from Mack who now closes his eyes and leans his head back, so for now the view fades to black.
***** Almost An Hour Later *****
The view opens back up now and the limo is pulling up to the security gate of the dome, fans line the outside of the fence, it's a madhouse outside, wonder what it is inside? The limo gets in of course and pulls up to the back of the dome and stops, the driver lowers the shield and says.
Yo Mack, were here bro!
Mack opens his eyes, stretches a little and smirks, then blinks some and says.
Oh man, ok, well then it must about time huh?
He really smirks now, pulls a few hundreds from his pocket and leans up handing them to the driver. He then grabs his bag and climbs out of the limo and the driver says.
Thanks man, have fun!
We follow Mack out and he approaches the door where a guard stands and the fans spot him and begin yelling in favor of Mack, cheering for the guy. Soon a huge chant begins for the ol' school Mack, the one and only!
Mack just looks over that way now smiling and chuckles a little. He turns and drops his bag near the guard, then says to him.
Hey bro, watch that will ya, I gotta go do something!
The guard nods he will and Mack heads off towards the fence and the crowd gets louder for him. He just looks over them all and now shouts out.
And a nice pop for that ol' school line, then they quite some as Mack cuts a little more for them.
Mack is back and that be better than crack, kinda whack, but I ain't cutting no slack, and that's a fucking fact just like Gabriel gonna end up flat on his back, this shit stick like a tac, I just got the knack and he gonna go quack. Sip a fucking shot and tell ya whats not, well D-Mack party all night with after one hell of a fucking fight!
A huge applause for Mack now who raises his arms like a fucking maestro, what a prick! He then says.
Gabriel don't get it, he don't get me, like all the other pathetic posers out there who don't understand how a guy who busts his ass so hard can make it so high, eh, I guess some people just don't get hard work! But fuck them all if they can't accept that, fuck anyone who doesn't get me. I am no different than anyone on the roster as for as a being goes, but I am an individual like they all are, so how can any of us know what its like to be anyone else? Simple answer, they can't and they don't!
A huge cheer of approval for Mack and he just smirks and continues.
I ain't gonna let ya all done tonight, don't ya worry, Mack is gonna show you and everyone on the roster why no one outperforms me, so I'll see ya on the inside and if not, I'll see ya all after the show cause Mack ain't getting no more sleep for a while now and that is the price I pay for being who I am, the best!
And still they cheer him and Mack steps forward high fiving quite a few, then turns to go back and turns back making rounds to sign as many autographs as he can like he does at every single event he wrestles on. And so now the view backs off letting him be while we all get ready for the biggest event of the year...Wrestle X!

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