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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 05:32:28 PM

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Date Posted:28/03/2010 10:50 PMCopy HTML

Megan sits in a chair, outside of the arena where she will be facing Vikky Lynn. Megan seems to be spacing out, staring off into the sky. She is sitting there in a pair of torn tights, a black and red plaid minidress with chains all over it and a pair of wrap up heels. She glances at the camera.
"Vikky, you and your little friend only helped me get closer to the top. Thank you. After tonight, I will be one step closer to the top. I will be standing over you and smiling big. You need to go back to your country and keep your....filth....from the ears of my people. If you don't like how we are here in the States, go home."
Megan stands up and stretches before heading for the door.
"Vikky, keep your 'friends' away from the ring tonight. I will take them out. That will only make me hit you one hundred times harder. You come to the ring tonight alone. I have no one in my corner. You should have no one in your corner"

Megan heads inside, flipping off the camera as she enters the locker room to get ready for the match. The camera fades out.

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