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I Will Own The World!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 25, 2023, 06:09:32 PM

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Date Posted:07/04/2010 12:12 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
I Will Own The World!
 Nikky Venom, Bobby James, Lacey Daniels,
"Extreme" r/p #3!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
Extreme F'N Wrestling presents "Extreme" returns from a commerical break, "You're Going Down!" by Sick Puppes blares on the pa system, and European Champion Chris Orton comes out with his girlfriend Lacey Daniels come out from the curtain, so they stand at entrance stage looking around hearing heat reaction from the fans. Chris Orton puts his title on his shoulder, and he gives Lacey Daniels a kiss on the lips, so he has a microphone in hand lift the mic up started talking to everyone.

Chris Orton: You know I been telling you people how I feel about Nikky Venom and Bobby James, and my opinion on them being champion, so let's really discuss what this match is about three champions step inside the ring with with all the titles on the line. What that means which champion stays champion or become a loser. Everybody knows I held International Champion longer than anyone in this company, and I never won US Championship maybe that title will be pretty good around my waist don't you agree Lacey?

Lacey Daniels shakes her head even touching Orton waist, so Orton continues on speaking.

Chris Orton: My whole career been I'm making history in this company, because everything I earn in this company is making history, because people are starting to see Chris Orton making history every single week by winning championships that I never held or wrestling in history matches against very best in this business. Tonight on "Extreme", I'm making history once again not only will I retain my European title also I'll add US Champion, because I will own the world meaning I'll be superior champion in European and US continue on making more history to my successful career.

"You're Going Down" blares on the pa system, Orton kiss Daniels again, making his way down the ramp to the ring for his match, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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