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I Wanna Rock! but should I rest?(Nikky threads)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 26, 2023, 09:31:18 PM

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Date Posted:02/04/2010 12:13 AMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:I Wanna Rock, but should I rest?
OOC message:I will get you Bobby James, and your little dog too!
Nikky is hanging in the Infections locker room taping up his ribs from WrestleX.

"Many say this could have been avoided, but could it really? I could have done shit less Extreme, but who would watch if I didn't? I put my body on the line everytime I step in the ring, and why, because I love to hear the fans cheer 'Holy Shit! Holy Shit!' It is the second greatest feeling in the world, who does love that sound, the feeling of the blood showing your ability to give. When I faced Booby James and I jumped off of that ladder, it couldn't compare to anything, sure I jumped off of the cage too, but on Drew Stevenson. He's just a guy who's a good guy, in a bad situation. But jumping and hitting James, he's a true asshole. I'm betting that by the end of the week, he will brag about how he won. Well lets clearify what happened, you had someone do your dirty work, I had it won, then this clown in a black mask screwed me. James you didn't win, and as soon as my doctor clears me fo another hardkore match, you better believe I'm coming with a full head of steam."

He tapes up his ribs then puts on a shirt.

"James will be donezo on a later date, but this week is...Hey Megan..."

She's in the shower in the locker room. The rule is that everyone must wait until she's done before going in, the only one allowed in there with Megan is Nikky,but he already had his shower.

"Ya Nikky?" she says

"Where's this weeks card?"

"Oh, I took it, sorry, it's under my bag!" she yells to him.

"Don't worry about it, and thank you honey!" He yells back. He looks at her bag, heads over to it, and picks it up. He sees the card and picks it up in disbelief.

"JAMES! I GET MY REMATCH THIS WEEK! Fuck my doctor, I'm wrestling and winning my International championship again! Hot damn. This is HYPE!!! James, I hoped you liked your 10 seconds of undeserved fame, because I will beat you this time."

Megan walks out from the shower area only wearing a towel.

"I'll only be a second, okay Nikky?"

"Take as much time as you need to try to make yourself look more pretty. Seriously, try. I want to know of there is anyway for you to be more pretty. If there is I will be astonished."

"Kissing ass does nothing for me Nikky." she says as she walks out of camera sight again

"Who's ass-kissing, I'm speaking the truth! Anyway, while she finishes up, where was I? Oh yeah, James, I will make you bleed to one inch of your life. I will hurt you badly, you think I have the disadvantage, well remember WrestleX when I was supposed to be done and came back to almost win. But still Almost doesn't count. But this week when I step into the ring, of course I will have my eye on the title, but I'm more concentrated on killing you! I don't care if Orton wins, as long as you suffer enough before the guards drag me away."

He looks pissed now, he better calm down before Megan gets here.

"Speaking of which Chris Orton, at WrestleX you retained your title, just like me and Johnny. You did a good job too, way to go. The odds were against you and you said fuck the odds. So congrats on that, you are a good champion and one that has been very effective in the ring. As for this weeks Extreme, I will stillemd up winning the match and becoming the once again united International Champion. I will FINALLY have my title back, so Diamond Dogg, if you're watching, I'm burning your sorry ass douche of a title and replacing it with the International Title I held.You may think you burned it, but that was plastic, everyone knew you didn't burn the real one. But I digress. Chris Orton, though your championship reign proved to be a long and good one, I will win back my title. Now, I gotta go. Oh and one quick thing, welcome back Midnight and your not hetting the DSS locker room back! Goodnight all!"

Megan comes from the back and everything becomes inaduible as Megan and Nikky leave the locker room holding eachother.
TBC: Anyone


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Re:I Wanna Rock! but should I rest?(Nikky threads)
Date Posted:02/04/2010 1:08 AMCopy HTML

Midnight comes out of the shadows and speaks.

Midnight: You can keep it. I got a much better spot in the rafters and in the shadows then some room that is not to my liking.

Nikky and Megan chuckle.

Nikky: Congrads on winning the Women's. I guess I didn't really see it coming with the whole Vikky Lynn disguise.

Midnight: No one did. Me and Megan spent months planning this out and working it to our advantage. Besides Nikky, at least you got my daughter in your arms. I have to work alone for now because Ravyn is off on a mission to destroy Phoenix Winterborn.

Megan lets go of Nikky for a moment.

Megan: So any luck?

Midnight folds her arms in front of her chest.

Midnight: He is in The Domain. He recently won and lost the World title and now I sense he is at a decision to what he will do next. If you ask me, I say that he retires for good. He is useless now. He has no fight left in him. Which makes it more easy for us to destroy him. He can't run from us forever.

Johnny Camaro

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Re:I Wanna Rock! but should I rest?(Nikky threads)
Date Posted:05/04/2010 3:48 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.


live while the whole world dies.

Roleplay Title:
OOC message:

Nikky and Megan Sorrow are out at Boston Pizza, and they have the EF'nW Repeat and Promo channel called "EF'nW R.P." When on the screen a man comes on commenting on how Chris Orton busted into the Budokan Hall while they were setting up the ring. They show the promo he did infront of them and Nikky Chokes on his drink, trying not to laugh.

"Who are you to call me a good champion?! What an idiot, even he doesn't think he's a good champion! I was just trying to be a good guy, but I guess I don't have to now!"

He and Megan are laughing hard as the promo stops. They keep laughing through the rest and don't see what else he said, but they played it again before going to commercial.

"Ahhh, Chris, that's a good one." He says wiping the tear from his eye. "But seriously, I am a paper champion? If anyone is a paper champion in this match, it's you and Booby James! Booby had to hve somone literally give him the win, and you, weren' you given the European title? I actually fought for my titles, I went through a terribly tough tournament for my Tag title, so no one jut said here have it like with you. And I fought hard to win my US title, I fought hard against Booby to come back and almost win the US title again. I was the one main-eventing PPV's and shows while you stayed at home with the World title. I was the one busting my ass so I could make my presence known while you were no where to be seen. I whent through two grulling, terribly excruciating matches, and still almost won both. I am not a paper champion, I am an awesome champion, that everyone can be prowd of. Not like you or Bobby. You are soo happy about winning your match last night in a triple threat, well lets face it, had Johnny not been in the Cage Match, he would have won. Besides, you had the additon of Weigle in when it was suppose to be just youandhim, if you want to prove something, face him next week in a title match...Oh, Wait, you won't have a title to hold! 'Cause I'm taking the International Title back." Nikky says athoritatively.

"The fact that you're hearing the same bullshit is because you aren't a good champion, you care too much about winning. Hell, I bet you'd throw your girlfriend into hell before giving up a loss. You are not the biggest star in EFW and you never were. In fact, that man that you are trashing is, Shane Mack. He may be a dick to me, but he is loyal to his fans and isn't one to fight dirty. At WrestleX, I doubt that was Mack. But I digress. Chris, you gotta come down to solid ground and realize that I'm the prize in the upper-midcard. And you gotta learn your place, I'm gonna win my Interntional Title again, and niether of you can do anything abou it. Peace y'all."

The Camera fades out

TBC: Anyone

Johnny Camaro

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Re:I Wanna Rock! but should I rest?(Nikky threads)
Date Posted:07/04/2010 10:44 PMCopy HTML

.:::The Panic in the Motor City:::.
live while the whole world dies.
Roleplay Title:
OOC message:
So it's basically garrenteed that Nikky Venom had the most hype entrance of all Wrestle X, and that's the way to do it. Don't go all awesome entrance for every PPV just WrestleX. Anyway, Nikky is standin in the ring.

"Chris, I'm done with you, you are such an ass and terrible on the mic, I'm just done with you. Booby though has finally show his face. And let me say this, Booby, your 5 minutes of fame are up.I will beat yor ass down and I will win back my International Championship and you will have to give back that US title. No longer will you be able to open you promo's with that same picture of you holding my US title."

He says getting a pop from the crowd

"Secondly, do you see cuts on my arms?"

Nikky holds his arms out so the cameraman can checkout his arms. They are mark free.

"I don't cut myself, all the cuts on me were from Wrestle X that's it. So am I an Emo no, I'm a metalhead, get it right dude. And ya, I gave you a tough fight. I almost beat you, and I was already in a hellachous match. My ribs were taped up and freshly hurt, but I still put you through a table of Flaming Barbed-Wire. I still Fuckstar Pressed you through a table from 20 feet up! I was the one that after being pushed off of the top of the TitanTron I still am showing up to win my title. I will take both of your titles and you two will know why I'm the Devil's Saint, why they call me 10,000 Horses of Pure Detroit. And why I won that title in the first place. Oh and Chris, Booby, you both think I wasn't a good champion, but more people wanted to fight me then Mack or Chris during my first reign as International Title then both of them combined. I retained it more times then both of them in their most recent runs. I was a great champion, and I still am. I won't let you win, and I will fight back and win my title back. Peace out y'all."

The Camera fades away.
TBC: Anyone

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