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Timpul se apropie de lacey sa taci si lupta!(EXTREME)

Started by Midnight, September 26, 2023, 09:49:31 PM

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Date Posted:12/04/2010 11:44 AMCopy HTML

Warning: Rated R for Vampire Violence
Ever feel like slapping the holy shit out of someone who has broken record syndrome? Yeah, thought so. Lacey Daniels tend to do that to people. She whines and cries that she is the very best but yet, she makes no effect to really prove she is just that. All she is and will ever be good for is to be the fuck toy for Chris Orton. Lacey has always been an expert at lying flat on her back. Hell, the first day she come to SEF she targeted Orton. I guess women these days don't have morals. They care more about sex then fighting. Lacey is perfect example at why suicide is the answer in her life. She should really just end her life because if not, and Midnight gets ahold of her, she is already good for dead. Midnight has always been a woman of her words. She makes people suffer inside the ring and torments them through their minds, driving them insane with rage because they can not accept the facts she is the true Diva of Death.
Midnight was in her mansion,sitting comfortably on her red velvet throne in a trance like state. The look of her eyes showed great rage and murderous intent that even Lacey could not ever remotely understand. Midnight suddenly utters some words from her lips. They was in her native language of Romania.
Midnight:Timpul se apropie de lacey sa taci si lupta! The time is coming for Lacey to shut up and fight! Totul s-a vorbit despre este nimic mai apoi cuvintele ea nu poate indeplini! Everything she has talked about is nothing more then words she can not fulfill! lacey discutii mai apoi ea are actiuni. Lacey talks more then she does actions.
Midnight quickly comes out of her trance like state and then jerk her head to the camera and lunges at the cameraman that was filming the scene. The camera drops to the ground and all you see is static on the screen and the sound of slashing,screaming and laughter. Everything stops and then fades away.

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