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Jade RP #2 to Lacey

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 10:35:15 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:28/04/2010 1:28 AMCopy HTML

JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
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××roleplay title.. Response to Lacey
××inspiration.. Sex is Not the Enemy
××out of character comment..its late LOL
××to be continued by..Lacey/Julie/Megan
834-975x643.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
{{Jade finally watches the replay of Lacey's response to her.  She pauses in her working out looking as good as most Knockouts do}
Jade:"So, you got jokes, eh?"  {she snickers} "So my uniform was hand me down, at least I wasn't getting detention for wearing it like a stripper, training bra pushing up what little you had, nice boob job! You must have spent some time out in Beverly Hills.  Yeah, you must have because I seem to remember your thighs being a little wider from all the time you spent on your back.  You know that's probably why Nattie got tired of you being a hanger on, then probably you were giving it up to old Uncle Brucie and that's why he must have been the one taking your side when Keith, the legit and straight up uncle took Nattie's side.  Let's face it Nattie has it and is the shit when well, you are full of shit.  I know you can talk a good game and maybe you are the number one contender but not for long.  Honestly I don't see what Weigel or Orton see in you really, I mean pussy is pussy and if I could get it anywhere before I started seeing Julie then I know they have got to have infinite more resources with straight or bi girls.  I mean you have no ass and your tits are so fake I bet Orton thinks of beach balls when he messes with them.   Anyway, {Jade smirks} "You commented on why I didn't have a long relationship with Harry.  He was to much of a goodie-goodie, unlike the rumors I heard about his Dad.  No, never slept with him, you're right.  Can't say I wouldn't have minded if he'd offered.  I swear I was willing and he wanted to wait till we got to know each other better.  {she gives a weird look} Right, in this day and age how many men give that as an excuse?  Now as for being completely lesbian no, stupid I'm bi, why else would I have went out with him or why I spent a little time with Evolution.  {she gets a big grin on her face} "Now I'm going for the home wrecking spot, Justin, if you're watching.  It's no secret that the Orton Boys like dark haired girls, eh Lacey?  Randy likes it rough and so do I.  That's why we had so much fun.  We shared many a girl, he and I.  Sadly, old man Rodgers put his foot down when it came to training and I had to focus on that or get out.  Celibacy is not a fun habit.  God! I could never be a nun, I'd kill myself.  {she stretches and winces a bit} Ok, sex on the hotel room counter, that angle, not a good idea.  Mack got a good camera angle out of it though.  {chuckles} Sex isn't the enemy, Lacey.  {thinks} "I think that's a song by Garbage...maybe Hole.  {she waves her hand} "It's not important.  It's the I've only had one lover who dumped me girl's random mix of songs she likes to listen too.  Tried to help Dusty out but, {she shrugs} she'd be goth if she wasn't afraid of her father.  It's like come on, you're 21 just do it.....{she smirks} completely off track hot girl crosses my mind and I almost forget out the silicone queen.  Lacey, broaden your horizons, you're whole world is just proving that your better than Nattie, {she does a fuck cough that does nothing to cover bullshit} when you could prove that you're the best period.  {shakes head} That's why I don't see you beating Megan for the title.  She's hungry and she wants it.  I'm sure she knows what it takes...Me, on the other hand I want to make a name for myself.  Yea, revenge is a dish best served cold, so you might want to put some more clothes on Lacey, you know what they say about silicone when it gets to cold.  You did give me hell in high school but once you graduated, {rolls eyes} please, became eligible for the soccer team and the rest of my high school career, I was a starting striker.  Instant popularity, but that was high school.  That was the past, {she frowns and then points at the camera} you know, maybe that's your problem.  You're stuck in the past.  Boohoo, I ate dinner at the Hart House and now I don't.  I was so pretty and popular in high school.  Honey, this is 2010 and we're not in high school anymore.  This is SEF and I hate to break it to ya, you're not so popular.  You get a few drunk guy cat calls and some lame computer dorks downloading pix of you and photoshopping you into porn pix trying to impress their friends.  Oh wait, that was Riot, never mind.  He wasn't doing that to impress his friends.  {she snickers} Wrong kind of porn to impress anyone.  Maybe I'll bring you a copy.  The kid's a friggin genius!  {rolls eyes} No, Justin, not like you obviously you can take the whole I graduated before I hit puberty Doogie Howser crap and shove it.  I'm not talking that kind of genius.  {she laughs and tugs at the strings of a pair of pink warm ups} "I love annoying him.  He gets so flustered when he's teased.  He's used to be the heartthrob in Texas but never really explored it.  He's like had what? Three girlfriends in his life?  It's a miracle that Katana hasn't given him a kid a year the way they go at it.  I think he's repressed.  {she dials the phone} Are you sexually repressed?  {she holds the phone away from her ear and Justin can be heard asking 'how much she's smoked} "Not enough, Justin, Not nearly enough.  I think you need to calm down, take a puff, drink a beer, you're acting all straight edge like you don't do shit.  I know you drink, bra, I've seen you drink B-Real under the table and he's been muy loco since 12 when it came to things your dad would bust him for....wait, that could be why we got Arizona in the news about illegal immigrants.  B-Real's sparking it up when he should be patrolling...Nah, I'm not filming anything....nope..no cameras."
{she winks at the camera as we fade.}
»quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts for Harley using the character of Christy Hemme. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!o

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