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universal6 star tag team

Its As Simple As Saying It...New Tag Team Champions ----- THC Extreme Promo

Started by Da Gangstas, September 26, 2023, 11:14:02 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:03/05/2010 11:32 PMCopy HTML

Just hanging out pool side in their hotel is Xanthus and Corez laid back in a couple chairs all stoned, cooler between them and each with a Heineken in hand. Corez wears his jeans shorts, sneakers, and a leather jacket while Xanthus wears track pants and an old army jacket, but sport THC shirts as well and Corez says.
So bro, this is it, were fucking back and this Thursday we get to correct a fucking mistake, we get those Tag Titles back, I can't fucking wait to bust some heads, too bad this match wasn't hardcore!
Xanthus just smirks at that and says.
No doubt, but we can rough them boys up before or after the match, during that bell time its out wrestle them, out maneuver, our perform and take back what should be ours right fucking now! There hasn't been a team to enter SEF who could have beaten us, so Johnny, Nikky, your little Infection is crumbling and so will your hold on the Tag gold!
Xanthus takes a drink of beer and Corez says.
You two came in pretty hot, saw some success, but Nikky, you fizzled out quicker than a can of cheap soda and Johnny, you just seem to not care for the Tag Title anymore. Maybe ya want more, something of your own, jealous of Nikky being the only solo champ between the two of you, so what's that say for Extreme when the two of you have to put up the gold against the team who never lost the Title, against the team that redefined the tag division until that son of a bitch Ric had to fire us all because, well fuck, why did he do it again?
Xanthus shrugs and says.

Fuck, I don't know, who knows with that dick!
They both laugh and Corez says.
These two chumps don't compare to us man, their a fucking disgrace to the title they hold and its time to take them back, its time to infect those bitches with a little THC and then we'll go celebrate with some real thc!
They both smirk and Xanthus says.
Hell yea bro, fucking Nikky claiming Detroit, proclaiming the Motor City, fucking bitch fixing to see a real Motor City Panic live and in color this Thursday and Camaro, fuck him, little prima dona poser, its time to beat them senseless, cheers my brother!
Xanthus raises his beer to which Corez raises his and they guzzle down the rest, then grab new beers. Xanthus reaches into a pocket pulling a fat blunt and a bic out as the view now fades away to black. Not a lot to say from the returning team of Xanthus and Corez, but hard and heavy as always from The Hardcore Connection, so is it that simple, will they win or will Camaro and Venom somehow pull out a win and retain their titles?


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