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Family meeting

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 11:15:10 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:03/05/2010 1:38 AMCopy HTML

. . T h e   W a r n i n g . .
This roleplay might be a little to risky for those of you who are little virgins, when it comes to sex, rough language, and violence! So if you don't think you can handle the heat the get the hell outta dodge!  I warned you!
. . T h e   R o l e p l a y . .
{{Scene opens in Lucas Rodgers' Hardcore Heaven office.  He has cut his hair and has grown a goatee.  Hayden is sitting in his lap, Jade on one corner of his desk, with Katana and Dusty on the couch.}

Lucas:"I understand fully why you brought Jade up here.  If Dusty goes ahead and signs this new deal with SEF she'll probably be Justin's interim manager while Katana's in school.  Justin's got a good thing flying solo.  He's been trying to play mediator with everything so now that he's figured out that girl, no offense, Sis, I know you thought you could save her from herself, but she's a lost cause.  Granted, on our side of the family, Dusty, our dad, his friends, they were different.  They didn't take the easy path.  Sure, they got in trouble but it was only to survive.  This chick, she's mental."
Jade:"She's a wannabe lying slut."
Lucas:"I got this Jade.  {he gives her a stern look before turning his attention back to the whole room} "You girls do what you have to do, but if it comes down to a match where Justin is forced to team with this chick because he brought her up here, play it straight. He's not going to come looking for a problem with you guys but don't cross him either."
{Katana stands up, a little heat between her and Jade already}
Katana:"In other words, keep your hands off my man."
{Jade slides off the desk and gets in her face}
Jade:"If I would have wanted him like that, then I wouldn't have hooked up with Riot."
{Hayden gets up and gets in the middle of them}
Hayden:"Look, that is what this skank wants.  She wants us fighting amongst ourselves.  Our problems aren't neccesarily there problems.  Maegan would be here with us if she wasn't on maternity leave.  Remember family is family.  Katana and I married into the Stallions Clan and you are about to.  Don't let them tear us apart because you used to have a crush on Justin."
{Jade grits her teeth and closes her eyes to get a hold of herself.  She then looks up and reaches out to hug Katana}
Jade:"I'm sorry.  That girl has got to go.  {she then smiles at Katana} "I would have loved to seen you go all Beast girl on her skanky ass."
{Katana laughed}
Katana:"Okay, I haven't been Beast Girl since I was like nine and my dad kinda made me then."
Jade:"Daddy's do the strangest things to their tomboys, eh?"
Katana:"No doubt, but uh, I did see you guys in Queens over in France.  You two looked like you were Rocking a little Hart Princess motif."
Jade:"No way, that so wasn't me. I didn't do the whole Tiara thing. I was just there to back her up."
Lucas:"I liked it."
{Dusty groans}
Dusty:"I don't need to hear this."

{Lucas pulls Hayden to the side.}

Lucas:"Justin won't lay a hand on any of you, unless someone touches him first.  If Lacey or Jade go off on him, this whole place will look like a Civil War Battlefield.  Gabby and Journey will quit school just to come up here.  I wouldn't be surprised if half the damn females associated with the Stallions under the age of 30 do not declare all out war on the three of you.  I understand the family honor thing and you backed me when I came to SEF to back Justin.  I'll back you now if you need some male muscle, but my brother and sister are another matter entirely."

Hayden:"Don't worry, Luke.  We haven't even gone to Lacey's yet.  I wanted to see you first.  We were going there next.  I'll talk to her.  She'll get Jade to listen to her.  This is a woman thing as much as it is a family thing, so unless some stupid executive thinks Justin is Jadan's loyal protector, which he clearly shown he isn't, I doubt will even cross paths."

{Lucas hmmphs}

Lucas:"What if Orton has to wrestle Justin?"

Hayden:"Chris is Lacey's domain.  She'll react in whatever matter she thinks to if it means protecting her man.  I have your back just like she has his, like Katana has Justin's.  Dusty is smart enough not to cross Lacey yet so I don't see that being a problem either."

Lucas:"Do you think that will matter to Lacey?"

Hayden:"It all depends on what Dusty decides about her first student."


{a little later Hayden and Dusty are on there way to Lacey's.]

Jade:"What as that little tete a tete with Loki?"

Hayden:"He wants me to make sure Dusty isn't hurt."

Jade:"You don't think she'd back the little tramp do you?"

Hayden:"No, I think she's up here to get some answers from Corez about his attitude and the way he dumped her."

Jade:"He needs a Loki ass kicking."

Hayden:"I don't see Justin letting him take the first shot but I dunno.  {she reaches for the buzzer} "You gotta time to see your favorite cousin and little sister, Lacey?"
. . T h e   D i s c l a i m e r . .
Envy is ignorance...imitation is suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, so don't so it! If you would like a layout from Self Centered order one at Faceless Designs


Lacey Daniels

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Re:Family meeting
Date Posted:04/05/2010 8:18 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:




Family Meeting

TV Title vs Megan Sorrow in a Steel Cage Match

Chris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Rogers/ Megan Sorrow & all other divas

None .. yet!

yay .. my peeps are here! .. go with it anyway you want! lol




Hayden and Jade are standing outside the locker room door after knocking, waiting for the door to open. It's obvious there is someone inside as you can hear noises coming from the room but the door remains shut. Jade turns to Hayden and raises an eyebrow as if to say "what the hell's going on?" Hayden shakes her head.

HR: Told you we should have called ahead

JH: Yeah but where's the fun in that?

Jade raises her hand and knocks again, more loudly.  More noises come from within the room and then Lacey's voice can be heard.

LD: What do you want?!

Jade calls out real loud: Special delivery for Mizz Lacey Daniels!

Hayden turns to Jade with a half smile on her face.

HR: You don't think she's .. you know?

Jade stifles a giggle.

JH: Oh no! I sure hope not ...

More movement is heard from within the room, and then footsteps as the door is flung open and Lacey Daniels is standing in the doorway with a half pissed, half puzzled look on her face, her cklothing is slightly messed up. As soon as she reconises the girls standing there she lets out a huge squeal of excitement, quite unlike her and throws out her arms to hug both Hayden and Jade.

LD: Oh my God!! .. My divas are here!!

Lacey backs up and takes a good look at them both.

LD: It is sooo good to see you both. Come on in!

Lacey gestures them both into the locker room and as they enter the room they notice Chris Orton sitting on the black leather sofa buttoning up his shirt. He stands up quickly and offers the couch to the girls who go to sit down.

Lacey: Girls .. this is my man, Chris Orton. Chris .. this is Hayden Rogers and Jade Hart ...

Chris is shaking hands with the girls when he pauses slightly holding Jade's hand with a frown on his face. Lacey laughs.

LD: No babe, this is the real deal Jade Hart, not that fake-ass wannabe who's trying to stir things up.

Chris smiles as he releases Jade's hand.

CO: Pleasure to meet you both. I'd love to stop and chat but I really gotta be going ...

Jade: mmmhmmm ... likewise

Hayden nudges Jade in the ribs at her comment as Chris walks up to Lacey and wraps one arm around her waist as he leans forward to whisper in her ear. Lacey blushes slightly as she listens to his private message and smiles up at him. He gives her a quick kiss on the lips and leaves the room, waving again to the girls as he walks through the door. Lacey watches him go and then turns back to her girls as she notices Jade giving the departing Chris a lingering look.

LD: Hey! ...

JH: What? ... Nothing wrong in looking. You know I'd never tread on your toes sis. But damn he is fine ...

LD: Yep and he's all mine too, so keep your eyes and other parts of your body to yourself, okay?

Jade laughs.

JH: As if I'd even think about going there ...

Lacey smiles at her as she squeezes herself in between Jade and Hayden and gives Jade a quick squeeze.

LD: Yeah I know but I really like him you know? ... So let me guess what brings you here? ... Some phoney-ass-fuck lesbo pretending to be you, by any chance?

JH: What I need an excuse to visit my sister now?

Hayden and Lacey stare at Jade til she cracks and laughs.

JH: Yeah okay I guess she was starting to get on my nerves and I know it's nothing you can't handle but we thought why should you have all the fun. We want to kick some ass too!

Lacey laughs.

LD: Yeah well there's plenty of pathetic pieces of shit here to kick the crap out of, so you can take your pick pretty much! .. Personally I wouldn't mind if you could keep your eyes on this Fake Hart and the newbie girl Dawn.

JH: Oh you know that Fake Hart is going to get hers real soon!

LD: Mmmm, I thought she might have cropped up on your radar. What the hell was Justin thinking?

Hayden and Jade both shrug.

HR: And what's with this new girl Dawn? She thinks that you're some kind of slut? Hello?! She obviously doesn't know the first thing about you. And she thinks Jade rocks? ... She must be suffering from some kind of brain damage.

LD: Well if she's not careful she will be! The be honest both are starting to get on my nerves and I guess I could deal with them but I've got a huge match coming up on Extreme this week and I wanna concentrate on that instead. Plus I gotta give my Dynasty Divas something to do right?

HR: Yeah we saw you got a title match this week, anything we can help with?

Lacey smiles at Hayden.

LD: Thanks for the offer H but I got it covered. Megan Sorrows will be changing her name to Truely Sorry when I beat her ass for that TV belt on Extreme. I got her in a Steel Cage match ..

Lacey gets an evil smirk on her face as the Hayden looks happy and Jade claps her hands.

JH: Holy shit does Megan know what she's let herself in for?

Lacey laughs.

LD: I doubt it. Although she's got to know that she's not going to be walking out as champ, not after me defeating her so convincingly last week in our tag match. In fact if I have my way she won't be walking at all ...

HR: Bad-ass bitch ... living large

LD: ... as always!!

All the girls laugh.

LD: So tell me what you been up to while I've been here?

TBC: Hayden or Jade


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

Kristin Fox

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Re:Family meeting
Date Posted:04/05/2010 11:23 AMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings

DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

Final Word count: 

{{{The girls settle in for a real dishing session.  Jade waves her hand}}}}}

Jade:"Other than this bomb diamond engagement ring?"  {she giggles} "Ok so maybe I didn't land someone in a real wrestling family but in TX its no longer about the Von Erichs.  It's about the Stallions.  Technically, they are a family.  Riot's dad is Justin and Lucas' godfather and vice versa for Riot and Knox.  Yeah, I know, Riot.  {she laughs} "I wasn't so sure about the name at first but he's really great and it helps that his dad and their friends are tied into a legacy.  Riot's dad was trained by Chris Adams and The Von Erichs so, {she claps her hands} I get the best of both worlds and he is so raw its like dating a rock star who doesn't do drugs and does have common sense not to touch unless I give him permission."

{Hayden laughs}

Hayden:"He's also unique but a real cutie.  As for the poser bitch, Luke told me that Justin didn't want to bring her up here but Dusty begged him to give her a shot.  {she rolls her eyes} Girl has a heart of gold but has her eyes squeezed tight to the real world due to Corez dumping her so brutally.  She thinks everyone can change but the bitch wasn't suposed to lie about her name is like some lesbo butchering of our Jade's name.  The ho is acutally Jaydan.  Like some guy's name or something."

{Jade pinches the bridge of her nose}

Jade:"Sometimes I wish Poppy wasn't so generous.  Now every foundling child in Alberta is given the name Hart.  When Poppy was alive he wouldn't have allowed our family to be so polluted."


Jade:"Daddy said he doesn't watch SEF because he's to busy.  Vince is giving Harry and TJ a lot of trouble and the one thing I can say about Nattie is she won't ho up just because Vince told her too.  So Daddy has to be there to make Vince recognize he can't force them to do stupid stuff like what killed Uncle Owen."

{the three are silent for a moment}

Hayden:"Anyway, Uncle Bret said that if its one stupid chick that he believed you'd take care of her after you win the title since she's probably not important.  I don't think he understood the magnitude."

Jade:"I had to explain to Daddy when that slut went to train at Damage Inc.  So he helped me knock off my ring rust before I got Lance to train me his way, Uncle Bruce's way and you know what that means."

{they share an evil grin}

Hayden:"If a Hart was going to go bad it would be Uncle Bruce, he throws people off.  Just like Vince at WM."

Jade:"I don't see the hos making it out of Extreme."


Hayden:"Other than planning, we went to see Luke at the gym.  He doesn't want us messing with Justin or Dusty.  I don't see Justin being a problem.  I mean after he totally dumped on her for lying about his mom's house but Dusty, {shakes her head} "I think she feels sorry for her.  I'll make sure she stays out of our way.  After she sees what stuff trick is doing and Dusty's a Daddy's girl just like we all are.....Dusty's not going to go againist Josh.  She was even thinking about becoming a cop or something since its a family tradition to be wrestlers or cops."

Jade:"Sometimes both."

Hayden:"I convinced, {she grins and raises her eyebrows at Lacey} Lucas not to be a cop.  Also got him to cut his long hair."

Jade:"I don't think she realizes we're here."

Hayden:"Uh Captain Obvious she probably does and is doing the smart thing for once. Hiding."

Lacey:"The problems will be in a match on Extreme."

{Jade laughs}

Jade:"We aren't 6'4 and tat'd up but look at us, sis, like your problem solvers."

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