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universal6 star tag team

Johnny Crackhead & Nikky VD ----- THC Extreme Promo

Started by Da Gangstas, September 27, 2023, 06:37:29 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:05/05/2010 7:05 PMCopy HTML

The view opens up in a locker room at the arena where we see...um, Johnny and Nikky? Johnny is laid back on a sofa looking all cool or trying to, seems to have trouble keeping his hairline straight and it seems he has a goattee as well, looks a little like Corez. Nikky sits over on a chair staring at the floor and he seems to have grown a bit of a beard and looks a lot like Xanthus. He has a razor blade and keeps slicing up his arms with it and then looks Johnny saying.
Look man, when I cut myself I can bleed!
He continues to do so and Johnny just rocks his head, looks all laid back and flicks his hair like a girl, what the fuck, he pulls out some blush and starts applying it to his cheeks, then says.
So hey, does this color make my cheekbones stand out?
Nikky looks up and tries to look all demented and says.
Should I try to cut my face too?
They both stare at each other all fixated and shit, then suddenly they start busting up laughing and Johnny suddenly shifts his eyes around and says.
Hey, knock it off, I'm Johnny Crackhead and your Nikky VD, start acting like it. Keep cutting yourself, hell, start with the throat and I'll, um, fuck, what is it Johnny does again besides run his mouth about shit he don't have a clue about?
Nikky or Xanthus or whoever he is supposed to be right now says.
Fuck, I don't know what he does, bitch and moan and whine and complain and make up lies about how he won the Tag Titles form nobody yet me and you busted our fucking asses to earn them.
Johnny or is it Corez, whatever, don't fucking matter, he says.
Well hey, they did go through tournament!
He laughs and Xanthus finally stands up and leaps into the air delivering a spin kick to the locker behind him denting it. Corez sits up on the sofa more and take steh wig off, wipes the blush away and tosses it down. Xanthus jumps around the room some and looks all fired up ready to kill, then leaps up on the chair and says.
So were old men huh, well, veterans yes, but Johnny questions how we can be in our twenties, but um, fuck dude, when did we start in SEF?
Corez laughs and says.
Uh fuck man, you started a few months before me, '02 it was I believe, you were eighteen and fuck, I'll be twenty nine this year. So what if we started young, just means we got the experience over the infected duo of shit known as Johnny and Nikky, Crackhead and VD, fucking pathetic jokes. Nikky came in at the right time, got his claws into some gold and once SEF picked up more talent he lost and hasn't been the same since, Nikky is a shell of what he was and he never even made it in SEF. Johnny, he's got more flare, but he's too full a shit, too full of himself and that is why the tag team division hasn't been worth a damn at all in this new year, there had been absolutely no interest in the Tag Titles in two thousand ten.
Xanthus still on the chair is nodding in agreement and says.
Ain't that the fucking truth. And what the fuck is with him, thinking we don't deserve this shot, what a fucking retard and a half. We were screwed Johnny, the owner who tried to kill this company, Ric, who thankfully is ousted and no longer running the show, he fired us and stripped us of the gold, he did it to a number of people, twenty some I think it was and there was no reason for it except he wanted SEF to die, but couldn't pull the plug as he did not have full ownership, just majority. He's a fucking dickhead and Johnny, you are indeed a crackhead or ya just got your head too far up your ass to have a clue about what the fuck is reality.
Xanthus hops down now and runs across the room tearing a poster of Johnny down in a corner, then we hear him unzip and piss on the poster as Corez just laughs and says.
Gotta admit the two guys coulda been a good tag team, potential out the ass, but they showed none of it for the Tag Titles and now on Extreme, tomorrow night, just twenty four hours to go and finally real prestige will be restored to the tag team division. All our work from last year has to start over and considering were far from being old and over the hill we got a long time to work at it. Stop being jealous Johnny, stop hating because your bitter over your partner Nikky not pulling his weight. Yea boy, I know it and X knows it, Nikky is indeed the weak fucking link of your team, he hasn't gave a shit in months and tomorrow night after we take OUR Tag Titles because lets face it, we never did lose them, hell Johnny, where do you get that we lost them eight times? I myself have only been Tag Champ three times in SEF. Now maybe ya meant Xanthus cause he has been Tag Champ eight times with eight different partners. Man, you done yet or what?
He says that as Xanthus is sipping up and turns now grabbing his bulge and shakes it, then says.
Kiss this bitch! Now Johnny, Johnny fucking Crackhead!
Xanthus leaps up onto the back of the sofa now and balances perfectly, then says.
Ya see Johnny, as my bro just ran down for ya, we only been Tag Team Champions together one time and we never lost those titles, not once as a team and we stood out every fucking night trying to make other teams step up, we did what Mack does with the World Title, we made the tag team division something to watch again and now since you two won the belts its like a tag division don't even exist. And what's with this we have to put up legacy in SEF to get a Tag Title match? Son, we already got the match and yea, you can try to get a cheap count out or do, if we let you! Champions advantage yes, but first you have to out perform us, our do us, beat us down and then walk off and that Johnny is something you and Nikky cannot do together or one on one with either one of us!
Xanthus leaps forward stomping down on the coffee table breaking it and stumbles some as he hit's the floor, but catches himself and grabs the monitor tossing it against a wall, then Corez says.
As far as your claim Johnny, that you and Nikky worked for months with show stopping action to gain gold, now who is being dishonest? We never uttered a single fucking lie unlike your cheap trick ass. Hell Johnny, if your so good, where is your singles gold at? Gonna suck to be you when ya wake up Friday morning and got no more gold to hold on to, gold that you never earned anyways because you and Nikky never beat myself and Xanthus and you won't and that is a fucking true, like it or not, it is true. We came back pissed off and we still our, but were not gonna be satisfied beating down anyone, even you two, no, the only gratification will be taking back what we never lost. Get it through all the rocks in your head, let it sink to that pea brain upstairs and realize that there is no hope for The Infection. Hell, ever since Gabriel left due to injury there has been shit to come from your little group, your nobodies who got a luck shot at vacant titles, your nobodies in a world where were somebody, were the real fucking tag team around SEF, we are THC and there ain't no team out there that can compare. I'd put up anything to get a shot, if I didn't already have one. Remember Johnny, like X said, in order to use that advantage you have, ya better beat our asses and ya better hope Nikky pulls his head out of his ass, stops cutting himself and focused on the titles he and you let go to a disgrace. Part of our return to SEF was a Tag Title shot and the management now recognizes real talent unlike Ric who was simply and solely out for his own gain. He had no care for SEF, hell, why is he even working in the company anyways?
Xanthus is spray painting Johnny Crackhead and Nikky VD on the wall and says.
Beats me bro, least he can't fuck with us again. Be nice to get our hands on him though, oh man, if only we wouldn't get fired for doing it!
Corez shrugs and says.
Yea, but fuck him and fuck these two posers disgracing our titles. No more of it after tomorrow, no more bullshit tag team demeaning those belts no fucking more of it!
Corez jumps and screams loud, then kicks at the broken table and turns bending down and rips the sofa up and over, then he and Xanthus turn to each other and Corez says.
Lets go tear up these posers like their locker room!
Xanthus smirks and tosses the can of paint down, then says.
Fuck yea, Johnny, Nikky, prepare for the worst night of your life and the hardest fight you ever been in!
The two back up to the door and do crotch chops, then rip the door open and walk out, the camera following them and we see The Infection on the door, then the last thing seen is Xanthus and Corez performing a double super kick to the camera and now static before we fade to black. Hey, didn't Mack already do that and just today?

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