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Shane Mack Will Win ----- Mack's Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 27, 2023, 06:50:33 PM

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Date Posted:06/05/2010 6:04 PMCopy HTML

The camera is back on and we see Shane Mack now laid back on a leather sofa in a room somewhere backstage, another leather sofa across from him is empty and straight ahead from the camera is a monitor and a door to the left of it. The camera moves on to Mack who drinks a Heineken and has his World Title laying on the coffee table between the sofas and his feet are kicked up on the table. Mack just looks around and takes a drink of his beer, then says.
Is it me or is Chris Orton been smoking some of dat bad shit, some of that crystal rock shit cause it seems to me I pegged him dead on for not being the same person as he just said. I saw what he was doing and I mocked him for it because its what Shane Mack does, I do it all and I make it all look good because Tina baby, what exactly is it to be me?
She speaks up now.
It is great to have you inside of me!?
Mack looks confused, then just grins and shrugs, nods yea and says.
Well I'm sure it is, but that is because it is good to be super Shane Mack and that's a shoot! Orton, I've stated what I think of you and ain't bad, it just is bro. Potential to do it, but lack of desire unless your standing across the ring from me! Every match I have I push my opponent into thinking hard about what he has to do, about how he can put me down, if he can, I push so fucking hard that I put you down as I always have. Now as for you Chris, every match you have does not stand out, as a matter of fact, its few and far in between your encounters with me. Your not the only one for very few stand out much on this roster and none as much as myself. All ya gotta do is care Chris, just fucking care. Beating me won't make you number one, not even five times in a row would do that. If you want to be the greatest star in SEF history, then you better start caring for more than just a match against me, you better care about every match. That's why I have earned what I have earned here, because I care, because Shane Mack has that desire to be the best. I go out to that ring every night with one goal, to steal the show and I do it without a shadow of a doubt!
He grins and takes a drink a beer, then sits up and looks a little more serious as he says.
Look Chris, you gotta step up, you gotta step in the ring with me more and more and not just that, but you gotta push me harder, you gotta push everyone on this roster harder than I do. You want to lead this company, you want to be the top star of SEF, then push every single muthafucka on this roster harder than I do. Take every one, one by one and make them look better than I ever could and that will earn you a status right up ther like mine or possibly higher, who knows Chris, who knows until ya actually do it! But one win over me ain't gonna put ya over me and that's a shoot and no matter ho much of an ass your being lately even you can admit that, or can ya?
He shrugs and smirks, takes a drink of beer draining the bottle, then leans back saying.
Alright, so enough about Chris, wonder where Jenom and Jade are?
Tina now says.
I think they went shopping for some, um, toys!
Mack's eyes light up some and he just grins, then the door opens up and in walks Steve Weigel with a small cast on his hand and he pulls in a dolly with keg of Becks Dark sitting in a tub of ice and a medium sized cardboard box on top of it. Mack looks over and sees the keg and the name on it and grins. Steve rols on over next to Mack's sofa and grabs the box setting it on the table, opens it and takes a tap out and proceeds to tap the keg for Mack. He then pulls a bag of cups out of the box and opens it taking a cup out. He hands it to Mack and pumps up the keg, then pours Mack a drink in his cup. He looks at Tina and says.
You need one too?
She happily says.
She jumps up and walks over getting a cup, Steve fills it and she goes back to her chair. Steve now looks at Mack and says.
In the box is a pound of the best shit I could get and zig zag ultra lights, a whole box, so enjoy and I'll get back to ya in a while man, sorry about this shit!
He holds up his hand with the cast and Mack just says.
Its cool bro, we'll have some fun when ya get back to active duty. On your way out let someone to come in here and refill this tub with ice, gotta keep it cold for after the show!
Steve nods and grabs the dolly and pulls it out with him, shuts the door and Mack just grins at the keg, drinks down some of the beer he has and says.
Well fuck, we outta try out some of this shit he brought me, get my mental state ready for tonight's match!
Mack grabs the box and pulls a bag up out of the box some, opens it and sniffs, then lifts his head and seems happy saying.
Not bad, yes, Weigel is gonna be a good bitch!
Tina is heard laughing and moves over on the sofa next to Mack and sets the camera down as we hear Mack say.
Ya wanna learn how to roll, maybe we can get rid of this whole bag tonight?! Maybe invite all the roster back after the show for a grand old party!?
Tina just says.
Hell yea!
And then she clicks the camera off and fade to black.

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