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Extreme RP

Started by Midnight, September 27, 2023, 06:53:19 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:7
  • Posts:6
  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/04/2010 9:40 AM
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Date Posted:06/05/2010 9:28 PMCopy HTML

Megan is sitting outside on the hood of her car. The belt sitting beside her. She is texting Nikky as she looks up at the camera.

"You are expecting me to come off and be totally rude. Not tonight. I'm not in the best of moods to be mean. Lacey, good luck tonight. You are a great wrestler and you deserve this shot. I'm not going to come out here and trash talk. Just state the facts. You've worked your ass off since you've gotten here but so have I. I've been here longer and I deserved this belt. I beat Midnight fair and square."

Megan smiles as she receives another text from her man.

"Weither I win or lose tonight, I'm going into that ring knowing that I'm going up against a great opponent. And if I win or lose, I'm going to go home knowing I did my best and that's all that matters."

She slides off the hood of her car, grabbing the belt and heading inside. She blows a kiss to the camera.

"See you in the ring, Lacey. Nikky, I'll see you after extreme tonight"

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