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Before Extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 07:00:43 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:05/05/2010 11:20 PMCopy HTML

Justin2020Katana20Rodgers20Banner.jpg Cena & Eve v picture by kristinbenoit97
Before Extreme
Justin&Dusty Rodgers
Mack&Julie/ most everyone else
Next victim
Hartman & James
Titles held
Read their bios plz
Next match
Hartman vs Rodgers vs James
Got permission from Mack

{Justin is walking backstage loving being in the Skyreach Centre.  He walks past a wall of pictures and smiles.  There is an old pic of his uncle and grandfather with the Oilers back in 1990 when they won the Stanley Cup the last time.   The camera pulls back a bit.  Over Justin's ring gear he's wearing an Oilers jersey and a Oilers cap.  The jersey is a little tight over his muscular chest and he chuckles when we notice that a monitor is set up and a few appreciative female fans cheer him.  However most of his small pop is from male fans who are all in some way or another reppin' the home town team as well.  He starts to motion for a tech to thank the fans when he almost smacks into Corez.  Justin frowns and crosses his arms.  Corez takes a step back so he has room in case Justin attacks him.  X isn't to far away.  Justin shakes his head}

Justin:"After our history, yeah, I would expect you'd think I'd be out to crack your skull, but to be honest with you, if I was looking for some heat with you, I wouldn't have bumped into by accident.  If I wanted problems, then I would have brought trouble with me....as in the God of Pranks, Loki...{justin laughs} "Ok, before you say anything I know that sounds like a flaming fag to me too, but hey, whatever floats Hayden's boat is Lucas' motto.  I was coming to look for you.  With your tag title shots tonight I knew you'd be amped and ready.  {he unfolds his arms and holds his hands up} No problems.....yet....I just gotta know.  I can get you dumping Dusty...hey you got what you wanted and yeah I was seriously pissed about that.....we dealt with that issue three years ago.  My problem is that she was dumb enough to worship the ground you walked on and with the end of the relationship is where I have issues.  It's no secret to anyone who's been around SEF long enough to know that I wanted you two broke up the minute I heard she was involved with you.  My problem is that instead of just dumping her so all I have to do is do the big brother thing, let her cry on my shoulder and make all kinds of empty threats about what I'd do to you....she didn't even come to me for that.  She was to embarrased.  I am just having the hardest time understanding why someone who calls themselves a man would put his hands on a girl who even the fans knew wasn't ready for SEF's level of intergender action?"

{Corez is about to say something when a little girl shoots up the hallway giggling.  She dodges between them and wraps herself around Justin's legs giggling.}

"Jus I hide mommy."

{Justin looks at Corez and then down at the little girl}

Justin:"We don't hide from Mommy. Let's go find her."

{before he can grab the little girl up Dusty comes running around the corner}

Dusty:"Emily! Don't run from Mommy!" {she slips around Corez not even noticing that its him that Justin is talking to.} "This is a big place and some scary men are here.  Jus, thank God!"

{She looks up at her brother's pale face.  She turns and you can see she is completely shaken by who she is standing closet too.  She grabs Emily and pulls her tight against her.  She slips a little behind Justin shielding the girl there.}

This layout is made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. Any attempts to steal it or claim it as your own will result in your fingers chopped off and fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any wrestlers and their respective companies. It is a mere concidence.


Da Gangstas

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Re:Before Extreme
Date Posted:05/05/2010 11:49 PMCopy HTML

Corez just shakes his head and appears to say something, but thinks a second and just looks down sighing heavily. He just holds his hands up and waves them off and starts to turn when Xanthus steps closer and pushes Corez over some and gets in his face saying.

What the fuck, ya goanna just let this punk talk down to you when he don't have a fucking clue? C'mon bro, spill it like it is!

Corez pushes X back some and smirks, then shakes his head now, but Xanthus says.


Dusty now speaks up.

Hey, watch the language ok!

Xanthus turns smirking and says sarcastically.

Yea, how, take my fucking eyeballs out!

Justin speaks up now.

Watch it ok, she has a kid in her arms.

Xanthus gets all crazy eyed and steps into Justin's face now.

Look man, I ain't my bro here, I ain't gonna fucking just walk off and leave you to believe what ya want, so step the fuck back cause you don't want me on your bad side. I may get my ass beat a lot, but you'll never be done with me, so step off son!

Justin backs up some holding his hands up and Corez pulls Xanthus back and says.

Step back bro, I got this. Your right, I need to spill it like it is!

Corez turns to Justin and says.

First of all though, don't ever question what a real man acts like when you know no more than I do and as far as what the fans know of SEF, Justin, this is inter gender from the moment you walk in here until you walk out. Dusty knew it and every woman knew it after women like Whitney and Julie and Cassie made this place inter gender. Don't act like ya speak the truth when ya don't know. As far as why it ended the way it did, fine, I'll tell ya. She left me first, mentally, never talked to me, never did shit with me, no more fun, simply nothing. The only magic we ever had was battling you and your fucking family and then after we "won" there was nothing. I tried to communicate, I asked questions, I fucking worked my ass off in and out of the ring, I carried our team, our relationship and it became too much, so I ended it and I even walked out of SEF. Ya failed to bring that bit up too, how I publicly quit this company that I love because all in all, Dusty...

Corez looks around at her as Justin leans some and Corez says.

I loved you more and while I still do, just stay away from me if its all back to this shit again. I tried, I poured every ounce of passion I had into our relationship an d I got shit on, so how's it feel. As for you Justin, you wanna fight me, again, over Dusty, then all you gotta do is say so, but three years is a big difference, ya better expect a whole new Corez and ya better watch your back for my bro cause I can't always control his ass!

Xanthus steps up now and says.

Like you ever could bitch!

Corez slaps him and says.

Dude, watch the language ok, I admit I got fired up too, but why wouldn't when I'm accused of being the bad guy for no good reason.

Xanthus leans back against a wall now and calms down some as Corez just says.

So ya got anything more ya wanna say or are we done cause the longer I stand here around her the more I can't stand it. I came back for the Tag Titles, if Dusty wants to make amends with me, she can talk to me, otherwise forget it and probably should anyways cause its gonna take a lot to fix my heart. So now, we done or ya wanna go a round now, tomorrow, next week, ya wanna talk down to me without having a clue as to what really happened, then speak or I'm gone!

Xanthus now heads down near a snack machine and gets a bag of chips, then sits on a metal crate nearby and watches on.

Kristin Fox

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Re:Before Extreme
Date Posted:06/05/2010 4:26 PMCopy HTML

BannerForDusty.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

. . T h e   W a r n i n g . .

This roleplay might be a little to risky for those of you who are little virgins, when it comes to sex, rough language, and violence! So if you don't think you can handle the heat the get the hell outta dodge!  I warned you!
. . T h e   R o l e p l a y . .

{Dusty cringes a bit and then hands her daughter to Justin.}

Dusty:"Really?  It wasn't because you got your jollies from fighting with my brother?  I can't say I did not know that
at one time I did love you.  You pretty much told me to suck it up when I'd cry because I thought you hurt Justin.  Then you wonder why I got quiet?  I guess they classic term would be PTSD, but I see it as just simple depression.  It was either you or my family that is as huge and as spread out as the wide open skies of my home in Texas.  I couldn't handle not being with my family.  Now, I'm sorry I realized to late how much you really loved me because, {she holds her left hand up} See I'm married but it was extremely hard for me first to know that my husband was deployed to Iraq and I had to give birth while he was over there fighting in a war and didn't get to see our daughter born.  Thankfully, I had my mother and my mother-in-law, and my grandmothers on both sides to help me with that, but just before my husband was able to come home for good and get some much needed ROR, I find out that the first man I ever loved was killed.  Now you faking your death.....{she stops and then shakes her head} "You know, I know what you are saying.  I know why you think I need to talk about.  This little girl, she's not your's.  She's exceptionally bright but she's not quite three yet.  Had she been your's she would be three already.  I admit, I did think I was pregnant for you and that did add to my silence.  I didn't know how I was going to handle being a young mother without being able to talk to my mother or even talk to my sister-in-law.  It's not like you have any family I could turn too and I'm sorry about that but I..."

"Did you find her?"

{The camera turns to see a guy standing military straight in jeans and a black and green shirt sporting the Eagle, globe, and anchor logo fo the United States Marine Corps.  As he comes into camera view we can see the jean jacket has the same logo on the back and across the shoulders it says Fort Lejeune, North Carolina.  The left side chest pocket says, "O'Bannon"  His head is shaved completely bald.  He walks forward and kisses the little girl on the forehead and then turns and gives a scathing glance down at Corez.  Not as tall or as odd looking as Riot O'Bannon but he makes sure that he is completely in front of Dusty.}

"Normally, Corez I wouldn't have the same qualms that Justin has about not putting his hands on you but I thought in this case words would be the best since MY daughter is here.  You want answers.  Justin wants answers.  I know the story.  The story is I was home on leave.  Dusty, {shakes his head} was drinking.  I've known her, her entire life.  Justin and I at one time were even best friends.  He went pro and I went into the Corps.  I found that a friendship formed in the desert with Lucas was and still is stronger than the one I had with Justin.  I still do not know how Loki got away with appearing here when he was suposed to be an MP, but I guess when your step-mom is a powerful international attorney then you have a few strings to pull.  It doesn't matter.  You don't know the humilation you put Dusty through and this, {he gestured to Justin} you thought you had problems then?  Give me a month and I'll have my DD-214 and then we'll have a go.  Dusty is my woman and Emily Shayne is my kid!  {he rubs his hands together in a meticulous manner} "I have a contract being looked over at Fox Inc, {nods to Justin and Dusty} yeah, their mom.  Yeah, {he smirked} I guess I married into the family and get an agent for free and I haven't wrestled in an indy ring since I was 17.  I got a pretty good trainer since Ash can take my background and mix it with the hand to hand training I recieved in the Corps.  Get ready, Corez.  Where Justin and Lucas have this honor thing about in the ring and possibly angry hits outside of the ring.  You won't need to fear me outside of the ring.  You and I will do this in the ring."
. . T h e   D i s c l a i m e r . .

Envy is ignorance...imitation is suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, so don't so it! If you would like a layout from Self Centered order one at Faceless Designs

Da Gangstas

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Re:Before Extreme
Date Posted:06/05/2010 7:31 PMCopy HTML

Corez just rolls his eyes and yawns, then says.

First of all pal, there is no fear here, so get off the ego trip and stop spewing nonsense and get real. I never wanted answers, just one answer, why not talk to me? All I heard was excuses, lies, bullshit. I never kept Dusty from her family, I never said to make a choice. I worked harder at our relationship than she did and that's the problem, she didn't care. Obviously she has moved on now, so what's the big fucking deal here?

This O'Bannon guy now says.

Watch the language!

Corez rolls his eyes and says.

Watch the lies pal. You don't know what went on between myself and Dusty, nor does this bitch here.

He points to Justin and then he points back at Xanthus saying.

And neither does that bitch. I've told him what happened and Dusty may have told your or others, but ya don't know cause there was just the two of us and then it was just the one of us trying to make something come off our dying relationship. I poured my heart and fucking soul into what I thought we had and couldn't take it anymore. If there is no trust from both sides... 

He looks pushes O'Bannon a side some to look at Dusty and says.

How do ya know ya can trust that person?

O'Bannon and Justin both push Corez a little now and he just shakes his head and laughs, steps back in their faces and says.

It ain't the size of the dog-

Xanthus cuts him off shouting out.

It's the size of the fight in the dog!

He jumps off the table and comes walking down the hall, right hand behind his back and he appears to be grabbing something. Corez glances back and sees, then his eyes go wide and steps back reaching around to keep Xanthus back and his hand out of view. He walks Xanthus back some and says.

No bro, no, remember, this is SEF, no!

Xanthus just looks crazed, he has those eyes where you see nothing except hatred and he says.

Yea boys, you wanna play, you want a fucking war? HUH?!?! Ya want a fucking war with us?!?!

He gets a big Brian Pillman like grin on his face and says.

You in the suit, ya better bring in all your buddies from whatever it is you belong to, fuck, bring in the whole armed forces, gather them all up from around the world cause boys...

He shouts out.


They both looks in awe, but force smirks on their face as Corez restrains Xanthus and says.

Ok, ok man, enough alright, fuck! Just leave it the fuck be and save it for destroying them once they actually have the balls to step to us in the ring. C'mon X, what the fuck is your problem, this time?

Xanthus steps back and leaves whatever was behind his back there and stares at Corez saying.

Nothing bro, fuck, yea, I need to go find Mack bro, ya wanna roll out with me and leave these ho's to blow?

Corez smirks and nods yea, then turns back to Justin, O'Bannon, and Dusty saying.

Don't ever assume shit about me, alright Dusty. You fucked up and ended our relationship before I ever did and you almost ruined my other love, wrestling, by dragging me down from carrying your ass! Accept it or not, but I been over you. By the way, I didn't fake my death. In case ya missed what was said on Extreme last week, let me remind you. Richard E Dangerously fired myself and Xanthus late last year, wrote us off in a story that we died in an accident that never happened. Twenty some of us had this happen to us and were the only two to come back because we never lost those Tag Team title the posers Johnny Crackhead and Nikky VD hold on to. Now Justin and O'Bannon, if you two want us in the ring, name the place, whether its one on one or tag team, we'll be there. Just remember this too, I didn't bump into you, you bumped into me. Proof of who truly was over who! Now I'm outta here, enjoy yourselves and get ready for a hell of a ride cause X may be crazy, but he's right!

Corez turns walking away and nods to Xanthus who backs up some, does a crotch chop to the Rodgers' and O'Bannon's. he grins and turns throwing an arm around Corez's shoulders, then the two head to the Impact X locker room and X grabs the knob, but its locker, so he pounds on the door and we hear Tina ask.

Who is it?

Xanthus yells.


Mack knowing the voice yells.


Xanthus and Corez laugh and the door soon opens and Tina stands holding it open slightly to peek and says to the camera.

You, cut that feed and you two, get the fuck in here already, damn!

Xanthus and Corez grin and the view lowers as we see the door open some and then fade to black.

Kristin Fox

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Re:Before Extreme
Date Posted:06/05/2010 9:44 PMCopy HTML

Knox20OBannon20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97


Before Extreme


Knox&Dusty O'Bannon, Justin


you'll see

Next victim


Titles held


Next match





 The Lethal Weapon

{Justin turns to him}

Justin:"Damn Knox, I just wanted answers and now its going to be World War 3 around here! I thought you were getting out of the Corps because you'd seen enough war and bloodshed to last you a lifetime."

Knox:"I have but,"

{Dusty places her hand on Knox chest}

Dusty:"I got this.  Justin, {she looks up at him} "I'll tell you what you told me.  My marriage. My business."

Knox:"Agreed.  What we do is our business.  Now Corez is my business and I'll explain because of our friendship but not while the baby is here.  {he turns towards Dusty} Take the baby and go."

Dusty:"I thought you agreed with me.  Our marriage, our business."

Knox:"I do agree with you but he at least needs the truth.  I know what you think people would think but talking on im to someone you have known your whole life and cheating are two different things."


{She takes the baby and heads back the way she came.  Knox waits until she's gone to turn back}

Knox:"I take full responsibility for Dusty's depression.  It is my fault.  I hit her up on im and we haven't stopped talking sense.  {they walk away from the camera, Knox knocking the camera guy backwards.} "Get out of the way."

{justin shakes his head}

Justin:"Dude, really!" {He helps the guy up.} "Stay."

{They get in a corner where they can barely be seen}

Knox:"You wanna know what was up with Dusty then?  I didn't know she was in a relationship and I came on really strong.  I know she had a crush on me and I was sick and tired of war.  You know that.  I wanted to settle down and she's one of the few that understand me and she's also one of the few that could handle my mood swings."

{Justin snickers}

Justin:"Marines come back crazy."

Knox:"Kiss my ass, Justin.  I am shooting it straight with you.  I persued her and then she finally opens up to me about her feelings and the fact that she's in a relationship.  She's torn.  Crystal says thats when she started suffering from depression so that's probabaly about the time Corez knew something was up, but for someone who claims to have cared for her so much he couldn't see she needed help.  I don't blame ya'll.  You thought it was because of your family and I get that.  It didn't exactly help matters.  Then he dumps her and she's drinking.  By the time I got to her she was sick from drinking.  I know she was to young to be drinking but when has that stopped a Rodgers before?"

Justin:"You mean when has that stopped and O'Bannon?"

{Knox smirks}

Knox:"Ok, You're right.  Our families have known each other to long to try to bullshit each other.  I persued her.  I caused her depession but I'm also the only one who picked her up when she was down and took care of her.  Everyone else seemed to have someone and were to concerned with their significant others or children to worry about Dusty.  I took care of her when she was sick and then we started building a relationship.  Did I know she could have been knocked up by that bastard?  Hell yes, It made me sick to my stomach.  Luckily, there was enough time between when she got pregnant with Emily and the last time she was with Corez.  So yeah, I have a score to settle with him.  Dusty is the kind of girl one takes care of.  She's not cut out for this level of competition.  You and I both know that.  Most of the girls here would eat her alive.  Has she wrestled since she left here?"

Justin:"You know as well as I do..."

Knox:"Yeah, she's wrestled strictly woman on woman matches.  She did a tour of Queens of Chaos with Hayden and Jade but other than that nothing.  She's great in a straight up woman's division but I have seen her SEF matches.  Whitney and Victoria Kallispell had her and Journey for breakfast.  Maybe Gabby will be different, I don't know.  It could be something with genetics.  Hayden has wrestling on both sides of her family and she craves the challenge of bigger and better opponents."

Justin:"Why do you have to bring that up?  It's not like my mom didn't adopt Dusty and Luke."

Knox:"It still doesn't change science and you know it.  It didn't help that my mom offered to adopt Riot.  He still wanted to stay with Speirr.  He just didn't fit in with my Grandad but hell, my Dad and my grandad still can't share more than one or two civil words with each other unless its about Emily and Grandad's other grandchildren."

Justin:"That's not true."

Knox:"What the hell do you mean its not true.  It's my family."

Justin:"They get along during football season."

Knox:"Okay, they do have the Cowboys and the Spurs to look forward too but baseball season..."

{Justin rubs his jaw}

Justin:"I remember.  Lestat almost broke my jaw because I like Atlanta and not a Texas team."

{Knox smirks}

Knox:"Does your father-in-law know this?"

Justin:"Shawn is easy.  As long as I don't like any teams from New York then we're good."


Justin:"Keep it down, he doesn't care for Hockey so as long as he doesn't find out that I like to watch ESPN classic matches of when Ted Irvine played for the Rangers then I'm good."

Knox:"Anyway, back to the point.  you got heat with Corez."

Justin:"Not anymore."

Knox:"Good because our problems are just starting.  {he started to walk away} Word to the wise, Riot's on this side of the border.  If it comes down to it and you are in anyway..."

Justin:"I have no plans to interfere with the whole Real Deal fued with Jaydan.  Jaydan was Dusty's student."

Knox:"Not anymore. I wouldn't be suprised if Dusty's arrival hasn't piqued her curiousity."


This layout is made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. Any attempts to steal it or claim it as your own will result in your fingers chopped off and fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any wrestlers and their respective companies. It is a mere concidence.


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