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Started by Midnight, September 27, 2023, 08:22:14 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:7
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:25/04/2010 9:40 AM
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Date Posted:13/05/2010 5:27 PMCopy HTML

Megan Sorrow

Megan is sitting in the locker room, getting ready for her match. She seems zoned out before looking at the camera. She shakes her head and stands up. Her body archs as she stretchs before heading out into the hallway. She pulls a note out of her top and tapes it to Nikky's door, kissing it softly. She then turns to look at the camera.

"Tonight I go up against three guys. That is the true challenge for me. Girls are all about pulling hair and scratching. This evening I go up against Justin Rodgers, Riot O'Bannon, and Chris Orton. All good in their own way. All a true challenge for me. I wish them the best of luck. I know they won't do the same for me but that's life. I'm not going to sit here and trash talk. It does no good. I just want to say that I hope I win the match but if not, oh well. I can only go out there and try my hardest. That's all I can do. And I do just that. I give it my all. I don't always win but that's just how things go. You win some and you lose some."

Megan takes a drink of water and looks at the note on Nikky's door.

"I want to say good luck to everyone tonight. All of you are very good at what you do. You bring a great show to the fans. I wish you the most luck though, Nikky. I'll see you after your match"

Megan turns and heads off, smiling and enjoying some relaxation before her match.

ooc: my banner isn't working for some reason

Justin Rodgers, Riot O'Bannon, Chris Orton

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