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Dynasty Divas

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 09:26:27 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:26/05/2010 7:07 PMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings
DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{The Dynasty Divas and Dusty surprise Lacey by coming in early.  Hayden is carrying a box and hands it to Lacey}}

Lacey:"I know that Chris may not be feeling his best but I picked up your favorite 'fun wear' from your place.  I thought you'd wanna help Chris feel better."

{lacey laughs}


{Jade takes off her sunglasses and gestures to Dusty.}

Jade:"You know our sister-in-law.  {Dusty looked a little relieved to be included} She may have to be my secret weapon tommorow night.  I'm surprised that they didn't throw her into a match with you as well.  {Jade rolls her eyes} They can't give you new competition?  If their is no segregation why not let you kick some guys' ass?  I mean that might present a slight challenge rather than a skank and a poor pittiful me loser like Megan Sorrow.  I mean I'm not complaining about my match but it took them long enough!  It's not like I didn't start calling her out the minute I got here."

Dusty:"Even wrestling me in a match would relieve the monotony."

Hayden:"Oh no! {she laughs} Knox and Lucas have put a lot of time in training you.  SEF would just manipulate it around where they'd force you into a first blood match or something that you two couldn't get out of with a simple pinfall or count out.  They are evil like that."

{Dusty thinks.}

Dusty:"I got an idea."  {She digs into her bag.  She comes up with a handicam} "I know this is a little old school.  We haven't done this in a long time."

{Hayden starts laughing}

Hayden:"OMG! That used to be so much fun!  {she turns to a confused Lacey and Jade} "Dusty used to follow Maegan and I with a camera and we'd punk out the undesirables. TNA sort of stole it from us like they steal everything!"

{Dusty hands the camera to Hayden}

Dusty:"I'm the one doing the deed this time."

Hayden:"Ok.  Who else is coming?"

{Hayden follows Dusty with the handicam.  They see Amy Summers heading to her locker room.  Dusty hits her with a spear from behind sending her into the wall.  She then hauls her up for a Heartbreaker onto the concrete floor}

Jade:"Eeew brutal."
{Dusty drags her up by her hair}
Dusty:"Help me take her to the ring."
{Hayden is laughing behind the camera.  Jade and Dusty drag Amy to the ring.  They zip tie her to the ropes and then strip her down to her lingurie.  Jade stands back shaking her head as Dusty takes an eye brow pencil and writes loser on her forehead dark enough for it to pick up perfectly.}
{Dusty looked up at the camera and pointed to herself.}
Dusty:"Let that be a lesson to anyone who thinks we aren't a cohesive unit."
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