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Shooting The Breeze ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 28, 2023, 09:28:07 PM

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Date Posted:26/05/2010 8:21 PMCopy HTML

Sitting back in the locker room, just a small room now that Xanthus and Corez have fulfilled their obligations and left. Jade is off doing whatever and Steve, he's busy preparing to face his old partner Bobby James, the so called International Champion, what a joke he let that title become. Anyways, Mack just chills on a leather sofa in jeans and a new Good To Be Super Shane Mack shirt with his classic, trademark black bandana and the World Title sits in front of him on a small table that also holds his feet. A cooler sits at the end of the table and a bottle of Becks is in Mack's hand. He looks baked as usual, but if he wasn't, he wouldn't be Mack and it wouldn't be good to be him. He just takes a drink of beer and says.
Well then, here we go again and I know, I know, I fucking know, where da fuck has Mack been, why hasn't he been all over like usual and its real fucking simple, I had shit to do that had to force me to lay low for a few days. Fact a the matter is, I could lay low for a month and show up and kick anyone's ass on this roster today because its who I am. The man that can go at the drop of a dime, the man who can dance the best with a fucking mop, the man who can outperform anyone and as done just that with everyone!
He takes a guzzle of beer, then sets it down and leans forward getting serious, still relaxed, but focused and determined like always and he says.
So this week its back to Thursday for Extreme and quite honestly, it'll be the best wrestling on Thursday night. Anyways, the main event is mine as it has to be I guess, since no one wants to try to step to my level, fuck 'em. Got a hardcore free for all, its non title, but fuck me, I'd rather put another notch in and defend it. I mean fuck, none of these guys in the match may deserve a shot, but I don't care, I give until some finally takes and then I take back and we go head to head lighting it up for months, maybe years. So c'mon boys, push or get shoved to the ground and trampled. Lucas Rodgers made an impact last week with that shot to my back, he showed he knows who to target to make a name, but now its time to make your name known, not spew lies out your mouth that no one believes. I mean fuck dude, Riot wannabe, huh?
He looks confused and says.
I know who you were talking about when ya said the name Riot, but seriously dude, who the fuck is Riot? Some no name kid who comes in acting all crazy and thinks he's the only one who can do that? Next thing he'll probably say is that its just the way he is and that too is what they all say, so shut the fuck up and prove who you are, prove you can hang or your gonna get hung up and knocked the fuck out. As far as the singing goes, I'm not sorry that your jealous of me being a good singer, but get over it bitch! What I did with the music was not to show off I could sing a tune, it was sending a message to people, letting them know even more about me, who I am, something none of you have yet to do and that is a fucking shoot! Try to deny it, but you'll just be a liar and get kicked to the mat in the end, so come and try me boys, try to take down the big, bad, mack daddy!
He smirks and takes a drink of his beer finishing it and sets the bottle on the table. He then says.
So lets see, Lucas, Riot, Knox, huh, what gave you done? Besides what get your ass handed to you like Riot did in that Prison Yard last week, now I see a couple of ya brawling like Xanthus and Corez have done for years. Let me guess, you did it first?
He laughs and says.
All anyone has seen here is you copying them, so let it be known who you are by doing your own thing, put your own spin on things. Now as far as Nikky Venom goes, and by the way, this can't be a stable thing, there is no more Impact X. I brought the namesake back in hopes it would keep my boys around, but they still left and so its over, too bad none of you are even close!
He smirks and says.
Anyways, Nikky Venom, I already beat him, owned him is more like it, but he gave up caring and makes no sense anymore, so fuck him. He may not even show for this match and Justin Cage, well I remember him from being here once before and naturally I know of him as I study everyone who enters SEF, just like Riot or Knox or Lucas, who the fuck is Justin Cage?
He scratches his head, then leans over pulling a Becks from the cooler and pops the top with a lighter sending it flying over out of view. Mack takes a drink and leans back now saying.
Lucas, you need to be less worried about what Justin does and worry about what your gonna do. He has no less or no more of an opportunity to make it here than you or anyone else. He can only look as good as he makes himself look and his opponent, so consider yourself given a huge opportunity to be in the ring with a man who can carry all five of your dead weight asses and outperform everyone on the card while doing it! Its what I do, its who I am, and that is a shoot son, so dispute it all ya want, but it ain't gonna change unless you end the lies, the bitching, and simply make something happen. Pick me apart and annihilate me, c'mon Lucas, Riot, Knox, Nikky, and Justin, come and take on the man who can own you all in one fucking match, take on the man who when jokes around about being god is taken seriously because he is that fucking good at what he does! C'mon boys, bring all ya got, triple team me if ya have to, I'm ready to face you and Nikky and Justin if they show, I'm ready to face the whole fucking roster, so lets dance bitches cause I can outdo ya at dancing, singing, and damn sure wrestling and by the way, its Showstoppa's Extreme Federation otherwise known as SEF, the most Extreme Fucking Wrestling you'll find and that is yet another shoot from the man who shoots straighter than all ya all. Learn a little about me before ya judge me boys, because your words earlier are evidence that your talking out of your asses and it only proves that you can't back up shit or maybe ya just are shit, whatever, I got better things to do with my time now, so let's hear what ya got, lets see what ya got, come on bitches, challenge me!
Mack takes a guzzle of beer and smirks now, nods for the camera to scram when we see a couple chicks walk in, both black and wearing short leather miniskirts, one red and one black. Big ass high heeled boots and tops that barely cover, fucking smoking hawt and the cameraman stops in a focus on them to and Mack says.
Hey brother, here, go smoke this and leave me be!
The view turns and Mack tosses a big old blunt to him and says.
Share it with the crew if ya want, bring them by later and I'll share some more with ya. I'm busy now, so get moving!
We see the girl in a red skirt bending over the sofa and getting on her knees, then leaning down to unzip Mack's pants while the girl in the back skirt sits down on his other side and looks at him with a smirk. Mack just smirks back and motions to the cooler and the view soon leaves the room, the door is shut and locked and so now the view drops down and soon fades to black.

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