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Justin's reaction pt 1 (extreme)

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 09:20:54 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:01/06/2010 8:21 PMCopy HTML

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Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
International Title BR
its long but it is for extreme too-just read
Justin Reaction
People Mentioned
Katana/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{We open with news media and all kinds of law enforcement officals at what appears to be the home of Lucas and Hayden Rodgers.  Justin slows his black Dodge hemi quad cab as Matt does the same behind him in his explorer.  They park and wait until they see Texas Ranger Sgt. Eric Anderson.  The guys climb out and head over to him}}
Jagger:"What's going on, Granddad?"

{Justin is furious and pacing back and forth like a caged and rabid animal}

Anderson:"We got a tip that Talon's nephews were hanging out here and they've got warrants that could stretch from here back to New Orleans."

Matt:"I can understand that but Barry's truck is here and so's Uncle Josh's?"
{Justin paused at the sound of his dad's name and realized that his dad's black surburban was also parked with its lights going nuts}

Justin:"Why is Dad here?"

{A lot of the guys grumble realizing that most of them have fathers on site, except for the shortest one about 5'10.  he snickers}
"My Dad isn't here."
{Eric Anderson looks over at him}
Anderson:"Why would border patrol be here for drug and assault warrants?"
Justin:"Ok, Granddad that explains why Dad and Talon are here but Barry?"
Anderson:"Barry isn't here. Crystal is."
{Justin and Jagger exhaled sharply}

Justin:"Johnson and Emily are they okay?"

Anderson:"Grams kept Johnson at school but Crystal came to pick up Emily and take her back to your mother's until we can contact Knox and Dusty."
Jagger:"They aren't here?"
{Matt put his hand on his younger cousin's shoulder}
Matt:"Dusty is training with Hayden and her friends.  At least that's what Sara told me this morning."
{Lestat and an even freakier looking guy with ashen skin and a swastika tattoo on the bridge of his nose were being hauled out by a tall guy with blond hair down to his shoulders and a huge black guy that looked like he should be playing line backer for the cowboys instead of working for Texas' state version of the DEA.  They passed closed to the group and Lestat spit at them with a sneer the other one, gave an evil look to them}
"I would not have hit her Justin but can you be sure I've not done worse things? Like be her baby daddy?"
{the blond guy popped him in the back of the head as Justin's guys and grandfather fought to keep him away}
"Shut up Radu before I decide to look the other way and let you get the ass kicking you deserve."
Radu:"Come on Jax we're family.  Not like you've never been in trouble before."
{Jax accidently on purpose bumped Radu's head on his truck roof}
Jacob "Jax" O'Bannon:"My trouble was shoplifting so we could feed your selfish cock sucking father and whoring Aunt Lyric so they wouldn't starve to death!"
{The next thing we hear is Lucas trying to talk his father out of running him in but before anyone can stop him Justin breaks the line of his friends and his father's friends to rush a handcuff Lucas.  The two go tumbling down the steps of Luke's house.  Justin has done a really good job of fucking him off before someone hauls him off.  He takes a swing at a tall blond guy with spiky hair and lots of tats.  In Justin's fury, the blond guy takes a few steps back.  He goes to beat the fuck out of him until a taller man with black hair to his shoulders and eyes as black as night grabs him in a half nelson and drags him back}


{It takes a second for Justin to stop fighting and recognized the no nonsense don't fuck with me tone of his father.  The blond with the spiky hair and the tats rubs his jaw}
"You're dad's hit me harder when he's drinking.  What the fuck happened to all that training?"
{Justin shoots his godfather a death glare}
Justin:"Fuck off Talon."
{Josh gets popped in the back of the head by his dad and Justin turns to face him}
Josh:"You really want to do this?  {Josh crossed his arms} You wanna take a swing at your old man?"
Justin:"No, I guess not."
Josh:"Look, I know you are pissed at your brother but for now.  I'm going to kick his ass and see what's up."
Lucas:"You can't do that! This is illegal!"
{Justin kicked him and Josh pushed him back}
Josh:"So sue me, if you think that punk kid brother of Lacey's can beat your mom in court.  {Lucas fell silent}  "I didn't think so.  Officially Lucas I'm running you in for aiding and abetting the NOLA O'Bannon boys.  I should run your ass in for all this other shit, you've got going on, but I don't have grounds for any of that and I'm not in SEF to take care of that.  Besides, you've done a good job pissing your brother off and if SEF doesn't book some kind of cage match for the two of you..."
Talon:"Then you old man and I are going to lock you in an Alcatraz match and be inside as special enforcers.  {he snickers} I would sure like to try out the new departmental tazers on your ass Loki."
{Josh waves him off to put Lucas in the car}
Justin:"Seriously dad, why are you here?  You know damn well you'd do the same thing in my place."
Josh:"What? Beat my brother's ass for putting a bounty on my head?  Shit, we used to do that all the time.  In fact, its how we got Speirr arrested for...{he looks up seeing camera crews setting up}  "Look you know why we put the bounty out so we could get our hands on Speirr.  I have no doubt that you'll handle the hit your brother took out on you...."
Justin:"He took a bounty on me?  {Josh looked at him stupid}  "That's not why I'm after him.  He came after Katana and our baby...Tell me if Scott would have went psycho on mom you wouldn't have done the same thing."
{Josh's Commanche heritage darkened his expression.  He whistled sharply}
Josh:"Yo, T, I have a better idea than running Lucas in."
Talon:"Now what the fuck is going on."
Josh:"Remember why we put money out on Speirr?"
Talon:"One of these little bastards did that?  I bet it was fucking Radu.  {he turns and yells at his cousin Jax} Jax, let me have five minutes with that little bastard."
Josh:"No.  {He shakes his head.}  "Let's clear these people out of here.  Apparently The O'Bannon boys are the only ones with a mad ass sadistic streak."
Talon:"What the fuck are you talking about?"
Josh:"Lucas isn't going in our truck and we don't have to flip for paperwork."
Talon:"I am liking this already."

Josh:"See my boys have somethings they are going to work out.  Put him in Justin's truck between Jagger and Colt.  Then we're just going to walk away and go find your boy so he can explain why he left our grand daughter with those psychos."

Talon:"Can't we watch the fight?  I mean damn we could sell..."
Josh:"No, this would make a great ppv main event but this is personal.  I show you on sports center later."

{we fade and come back to Damage Inc's Wrestling School after the gym and school is closed.  Lucas is still handcuffed but is now handcuffed between a pole.  His shirt has been torn off of him and he's had the shit kicked out of him.  The camera zooms back to see Justin's friends including his cousin, half brother, and Ash sitting nearby.  Justin comes back into view and punches Lucas again}

Justin:"You think I would just let you attack Katana and kick your ass once and it would be over?  Oh no, see, finding out she was pregnant.....You know how much I want kids!!!  You fucking knew how Samoa ripped my heart out when I found out her little girl wasn't mine!!!!!  She still calls me Daddy and she still emails me begging to come see her......you knew why I couldn't and have been avoiding their whole family like the plague!!!  She's every bit as vindictive as her fucking mother Posh!  {He executes a perfect jumping tornado kick to Lucas' ribs}  "Now I find out Katana is pregnant and I can't be home celebrating and enjoying knowing for a fact that I'm the only man to ever touch her?  Knowing for a fact that the child is mine?  You couldn't let me have one thing to myself.  One fucking thing that was special and not handed to me on a silver platter because of who my mom is!!  No, you had to come back to SEF to start your shit!!  I am here trying to make a name for myself without all of you and Hayden's drama bullshit!  So fucking what if my mom allowed us the opportunity to train with some of the greatest wrestlers in history.  I grant you that if it wasn't for mom and Aunt Kaitlyn you wouldn't have met Hayden but at least when she was pregnant with Johnson no one every fucking attacked her.  Oh no, because all of this?  All of the boys who've come take a shot at you?  FUCK! Dad raised us better than this!  Uncle Chris raised me better than this!  Do you not even fucking realize that the reason Speirr spent so many years in jail for damn near the same fucking reason with mom?  {Lucas looks up at him through swelled blood shot eyes} "What?  You didn't fucking think this was about the hit you put on me?  I could care fucking less if you offerd every fucking cent my mom bestowed on your sorry ass once she adopted you to each of my competitors in this match to take me out!  Hell it seems like a few of the guys in the match might actually fucking need the money.  You had to find the lowest form of scum to try to take me out because you knew that no matter what kind of problems I have with Knox and Dusty or whatever personal problems that are keeping Megan Sorrow and Weigel away, you knew that their is to much pride in busting your ass for a title to piss it away with money.  Earning a championship is just a step to making a name for yourself.  It's not just about winning it.  It's about how you defend it and pride yourself on being the champion.  That's why Bobby James never deserved the title in the first place.  In fact, there is honor among thieves."

{From the shadows emerges a man with his head down}

Ash:"Jagger dim the lights so the crew doesn't see who is kicking Luke's ass next."

{The guy comes up and Lucas' eyes widen}

Justin:"That's right. You know this person.  You think you control every fucking thing in SEF.  You're wrong.  I plan on walking out of Extreme with the International title.  Then you are I are going to dance.  If SEF doesn't book it, well you heard Dad and Talon.  It'll be in the Danger Zone.  You know how Talon likes things bloody and violent.  Hell, we might have to fly it to Vegas just so its fucking legal.  You think you'll hire that jack off Knight Hawk to take me out?  Good fucking luck in your match with Mack.  If I let you make it to your undeserved opportunity."



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