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Justin Extreme 4

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 09:23:56 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:02/06/2010 12:43 AMCopy HTML

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Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
International Title BR
just read
Justin 4
People Mentioned
Katana/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin is fresh from a shower.  It's damn near midnight and the gym is now empty except for Justin and as the camera is set on a tripod you can tell he's sitting with his cousin Matt.}}

Justin:"Thanks for calling in some people to train with me."

Matt:"I also called and talked to Harry. He's not pissed since you didn't mess with Hayden....but then he understands about Katana."

  {Justin has his arms crossed over his red and white Damage Inc staff shirt}

Justin:"This battle royal is the chance that we've been talking about for three years.  It's not the one on one ppv shot that I've been working on but it is a shot."

Matt:"I've been watching the mark reaction and how the big feds are reacting to your rise here.  You may have a shot at Dad's legacy.  Granted the analysts are saying you have years to go before you can reach even Shane Mack's status but if Shane would train with you a bit....you could possibly make a name for yourself.  In SEF there are only a handful of nonchampions ahead of you so you are doing your thing."

Justin:"Extreme is going to be the biggest challenge.  I don't think much of most of the people in this match but Megan and Weigel are defintely in my way of getting the International title."

Matt:"What about the current champion and the Knight hawk guy?"

Justin:"Well you know why we've been in here training most of the damn night.  Knighthawk is a major unknown except he specializes in pain.  I'm not reaching out to the family for information on him.  That wouldn't be me trying to make a name for myself.  That's asking for help.  There is a certain time when you ask for help and other times when it asking for help makes you look like you are better than anyone.  If I did that my name wouldn't be Justin it would be Bobby James."

{Matt snickers}

Matt:"I thought you were going to say you were the wrong Rodgers."

Justin:"That would work too.  Either way I was brining up Bobby as a point.  As the International Champion he's a huge fucking disgrace.  I'm surprised one of those gay organizations that always fights off the Southern Baptist Alliance or....what was that group that boycotted that one funeral and Knox punched one of the guys in the face and almost started a whole fist fight?"

Matt:"It wasn't at a funeral.  Knox followed one of the guys from a resturant to a hotel.  It was because the group claimed that the soldiers deserved to die because America allows gay people to live or whatever."

Justin:"I don't know.  All I know is its not the soliders fault.  Now Bobby, I didn't realize you were a sick twisted fuck.  When it came to porn, I knew you probably beat off to one of these special things Mack produced but hell dogs gotta learn somewhere right?  I mean at least when Mack makes special productions everyone wants to see the hot women in the videos.  I mean I like occasionally like a little girl on girl action..."


{Justin makes a face}

Justin:"Good Catholic, {points to Matt} goes to confession twice a week, goes to Mass almost every day....."

Matt:"Hey God blessed me with a beautiful wife, what can I say but, {looks up at the ceiling} thank you for sending me a wife who qualified for Miss America."

Justin:"Yeah almost as hot as mine but that's besides the point.  Bobby James you are pathetic.  You have no life except for the fantasy world that you created for yourself and your dog.  I realize that you have this unhealthy obsession for wanting to be Mack but you're just.....not.  No one is but Mack.  You, Bobby, are a bully and a pervert.  You pick on little gay camera guys and then sick your boyfriend Cinder on them.  It's all really sick.  Hell, Bobby, you make a fairly decent salary....why don't you just pay for it like every other punk who can't get a real date?  Dude, if you can't find it in Boston go up to New York, I'm sure that if you hang around the subway you can find something...I mean its so common there that Jay-Z even put it in Empire State of Mind.  Hell, buddy up with my brother since he's throwing money around to get rid of me.  He could pay you and you could get a decent hooker that won't leave you with any lingering diseases.  See, when I get into this battle royal, Bobby its all about your title.  It doesn't matter to me that my brother inked a deal with Knight Hawk to take me out.  It doesn't matter if Knox is in the match.  It's not like he and I haven't had fights in the past.  Battle Royals are about the odds and the odds are not in your favor.  You are one man againist countless others with one goal of taking it off of you.  It might even be by any means neccessary.  I just know that its been my goal since the begining to take it off of you and I plan on doing that."


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