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Extreme RP 3

Started by Bobby James, September 29, 2023, 09:26:13 AM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:02/06/2010 12:55 AMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAG SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARDS!!!
A sign on the outside reads " Overtime Sports Bar & Grill ".  Its a local Rochester bar that serve's traditional bar fare food near Lake Ontario.  A true sports bar and one place Bobby James was not expected to be at a place like that but not wanting to be at the hotel bar after arriving here in Rochester.  The camera crew is entering through the door way as a barrage of sounds can be overheard as one lone camera guy steps over to a lone tab in the corner where Bobby James is seen sipping at a bottle of Miller Lite.  Boston's Best is intently watching a Red Sox pre-game program.  Hardly noticing the camera he starts to speak.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- That's my team right there.  The Bo Sox.  On Sunday they crushed The Royals 8-1.  Now there going up against The Oakland A's who have won there last there series.  Two of them on the road.  There not a team that will go down without a fight but The Red Sox have had ten wins in there last thirteen games.  Its sure to be a great match up between the two teams.  Oakland is in first place even though there record is worse than The Red Sox while my 29-23 Bo Sox sit in fourth place.  I look forward to the outcome.  Both teams are sending out equally matched opponents.  Both pitchers have 5-3 records.  The two pitchers have above average ERA's yet my boy Lackey is 16-4 with only a near 2.75 ERA in his career vs. Oakland.  I think I'm gonna take Boston in this match up and for the series win.  Ha a win.  See that's the way I see it.

Taking a long sip of his beer he sets it back down on the square wooden table as he carries on.

" Bobby James " -- Its not about trying.  Its about winning.  We live in a society that only cares about accomplishments.  And I'm fine with that.  That's the way it always has been and the way I personally believe it always will be.  Look at the vast majority of donors to colleges and universities.  They funnel money into schools with winning teams.  Not a bunch of losers.  The fans cheer for the winners.  They don't give a shit about the people who can't get the job done.  Just take a look at someone like Lebron James.  The guy gives it all for Cleveland but basketball is  team sport and they couldn't get the job done against Boston funny enough.  Now The Celtics are going against The Lakers in The NBA Finals and poor Lebron might be out the door in Cleveland.  Complacency breeds contempt.  We get into this lifestyle even in wrestling where we get used to certain things.  People holding the door for you or giving idle praise.  Maybe that's what I've done lately.  Complacency also breeds familiarity.  Or so that's what other people would like you to believe.  See I didn't enter the wrestling business for the hell of it.  I saw it as a chance to make money but also because it was what I loved.  Now its not so much about the money as it is for the love.  See I've made enough money in my career yet the passion was drained of me a bit ago I guess.  So yeah after beating guys like Chris Orton , Nikky Venom and even Steve Weigel maybe I laid cool for a bit but in no way did Bobby James shit on the little or let it lose its luster.  I putout unanswered challenges and laid in wait for a quality opponent.  Then Justin Rodgers attacked me during a promo of his and took me out of the action.  Now I would've loved to have gotten into the ring with him one on one but on Wednesday night we both will have to settle for the battle royal for he has his shot at greatness just like the other eight people that will be in the ring with us.  Though I highly doubt that even if I manage to hold onto it that me and Justin will be done.  All say this some trying to gain the gold and glory while I try to hold onto it by any means necessary.  The belt I won't say ... I refuse to say that it is my life.  I'm not a man who thinks that it is all that matters.  Pride in my athletic ability .  Getting the victory is.  Holding it is great but not the end all be all.  Being able to defend it day in and day out and proving to myself alone that I have just what it takes is truly what its all about.

As he finishes off his beer he motions the waitress over towards his table.  Making her way through the crowded bar she starts to smile a bit as she giggles some. 

" Waitress " -- Oh wow aren't you Bobby James?

Smirking a bit he nods in agreement.

" Bobby James " -- Yeah that'd be me honey,

She laughs a bit.

" Waitress " -- I just love wrestling and The SEF.  Mack is the man ya know.  He's that guy to beat but I think you gotta good chance.  God I can't believe a wrestler like you his here in this bar.

" Bobby James " -- Well thanks its good to know that talent doesn't always go unnoticed.  But I'm at a loss since you know my name yet we haven't been properly introduced.

Extending her hand for a shake as he returns it.

" Waitress " -- I'm Christina.  Its a pleasure to meet you.

" Bobby James " -- Christina I see.  Its good to meet you I guess.  I'm not the type of guy that fans want to gush over.  And I don't really care about that crap.

" Christina " -- I know but I've always liked the bad guys more like Triple H back in the day and Mr. Perfect.  The type of wrestlers who did what had to be done.

" Bobby James " -- Well yeah that basically defines me to a t.  But right now I need some more beer.  Why don't you drink me a bucket of Miller Lite the game is starting.  Maybe when your shift has ended you can share some with me.

" Christina " -- I think I can get out of work right now since I'm close with the owner.

Sighing a bit he asks

" Bobby James " -- Just how close are ya?

" Christina " -- He's my brother.  Its his place.

" Bobby James " -- Alright go ahead and talk to your bro and tell him whats up.

As she walks off Bobby's attention goes back to the game as it starts off.  By the time she has came back with the bucket of beer the first two innings have been completed.

" Christina " -- How's the game so far?

" Bobby James " -- No score yet.  Tight game as I expected.  Much like it might be with my match.

The game carries on as they share some beer.  By the middle of the 3rd Oakland is up 2-0 thanks to a 2 run homer by Daric Barton.

" Bobby James " -- Down by two they need to pick it up.

" Christina " -- Its not looking good for your team Bobby.

" Bobby James " -- Yeah well just like me The Bo Sox don't hold back.  They always have a never say die attitude.  Check the Celtics going against the Lakers where they have a 9-2 record in The NBA Finals against them.  Boston as of late has risen back to the top just like The Celtics.  Just like I did and will continue to.

The game carries on as they carry on a light conversation into the top of the fifth where Jack Cust hits a hard line drive scoring Ryan Sweeney.  Slamming his bottle down he yells out.

" Bobby James " -- Damn it.  Get your head in the game boys!!

Soon enough a wild pitch is thrown moving Cust to third.

" Bobby James " -- Jesus Christ!

Mark Ellis lobs a soft dropper double out to JD Drew bring Cust in making it 4-0 in favor of Oakland.

" Bobby James " -- Damn them they need to dig down deep.  Get the heart back.  I don't sit on my ass at my job do I Christina?

" Christina " -- Not that I've noticed.

" Bobby James " -- Your damn right I don't.  No matter if Shattered Reality stands in my way.  I will prevail.  Former friends and allies like Steve Weigel or his brother Joe " Daddy " Weigel.  It doesn't matter.  These guys need to go on the attack.

Watching the game some more as Bobby's eyes light up instantly while the Red Sox are batting when in the bottom of the 5th as Adrian Beltre drives in a three run homer nearly tying the game.

" Bobby James " -- That's right.  Rising back from the depth's are The Red Sox!  Like The Phoenix rising from the ashes.

In the 6th Boston would add two more taking the lead 5-4 and holding it 9-4 giving the win to John Lackey.  As an ecstatic Bobby James chugs his beer as the Bo Sox win.

" Bobby James " -- Your damn right!!  Victor Martinez coming up big with four big doubles and a three run homer from Beltre.  Come Wednesday night that will be me too.  Coming up big in the clutch.

Taking the last drink of his final beer he places it upside down in the bucket.

" Bobby James " -- Boys and girls alike that get in my way shall see what I am truly the one to beat.  Justin Rodgers you saw that in me.  You tried and failed to keep me down.  Now I'm back and stronger than when I left.  Guys that may not know me gangsta bitch boy Justin Cage take it to the streets or whatever the hell it is you want to do.  Knight Crow bring you toothbrush and your bloody Aquafresh.  Lace your boots up and get ready to step into the ring.  Talk your shit that you say I do.  But prepare for so much more.  Bring it all at me all of you I plead this.  Bring everyday ounce of blood sweat and tears that you can muster and pray like you never have before that it might be enough because if its not well plain and simple ... Your Done.  Period.

Looking over at Christina smirking a bit.

" Bobby James " -- Why don't we make this night a bit longer and take this show on the road.

" Christina " -- I like the sound of that Bobby.

Both of them are rising up as the camera fades out to a commercial break.
This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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