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Words Are Very Unnecessary - Extreme rp2

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 29, 2023, 09:27:29 AM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:02/06/2010 5:34 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Words are very UnnecessaryTriple Threat vs Amy Summers & Jayden HartleyChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Smith/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Championkeeping the ball rollin'


The scene opens up with Lacey pounding the crap out of a punch bag. Greg Boone approaches her and taps her on the shoulder. She turns and swings and he steps back quickly to avoid getting clocked. He holds his hands up in mock surrender.

GB: Woah there Lacey ... there's no need for that!

Lacey pauses and gives Greg a half smile as she shakes her head.

LD: You should know better than that Greg ... never sneak up on me!

Lacey turns back to the punch bag and starting hitting again as Greg stands next to her but not too close.

GB: Working hard I see ... getting some training in for your big title defence this week on Extreme?

Without pausing she turns her head to answer him.

LD: No Greg I'm getting a damn manicure!

She stops and turns and holds out her hands to him.

LD: Here make yourself useful and untie me.

Gred undoes the knots around her well-worn gloves as she slides her hands out and nods her thanks. She grabs her towel and water bottle from the floor and walks over to the bench press machine, wiping at her forehead and takes small sips from the bottle. She checks the weights set and then settles herself on the bench handing her stuff to Greg to hold.

LD: So what do you want to know Greg .. I think I pretty much covered it all in my earlier promo

GB: Yeah you sure tore those skanks a new one Lacey ... looks like they've got no comeback

Lacey smiles at Greg's obvious flattery. She sits up and turns to face him.

LD: See Greg there is one main difference between me and those whores and that is this ... they are here for who knows what reason ... sex, fame, glory, whatever ... me I'm here for one reason and one reason only ... to become the most feared, dominant and successful woman in professional wrestling today and so far I think I'm doing pretty damn well, don't you?

Greg nods his head.

LD: See I love this business ... I have given my all to this business ... I have sacrificed and I have suffered ... I have given my blood, sweat and tears to wrestling and I'll be damned if some two-cent whores are going to cheat me out of what's mine! They call both talk a good game but when it comes time to put their money where their mouths are they are sadly lacking. What exactly are they doing to train and prepare for this match huh Greg?

Greg looks thoughtful and shrugs his shoulders.

LD: Sweet fuck all is what Greg! That's what they're doing ... Amy has disappeared from view, probably hiding in the dark somewhere, rocking back and forth cutting her arms waiting for her anti-pyschotic meds to kick in whilst she crys over Stevie Weigel ... whilst Jayden Hartley practices her breaking and entering skills ... oh yeah and fucks herself silly ... no change there then.

Greg nods his head.

LD: Whereas me ... me I'm here sweating my ass off to make sure I am in tip-top condition, I am at my peak to defend my beautiful belt. I may not be a popular champion but I am a champion you can be proud of Greg. There is a time for chilling out and having fun and there is a time to get serious and put in the hard work and they just don't get that. People don't just become champions by accident, you have to work your bollocks off for it and it doesn't stop when you get to the top of the mountain ... then you have to work twice as hard to stay there. I know deep down that these two sluts have no chance to beat me ... they're not of my calibre and it's almost an insult to have to wrestle them but right now they're what I've got to work with ... so I make the effort and I do what has to be done to stay where I belong ... as SEF's resident Queen and TV Champion.

GB: You don't think they're any competition?

Lacey gestures at herself, holding her hands at head level and brings it all the way down her body.

LD: Look at me Greg ... do you think they're competition?

Greg smirks and shakes his head.

GB: Nope! .. So where do you go from here?

LD: First I concentrate on tonight and once I demonstrate once again my superior wrestling skills and demolish those two skanks .. and as everyone already knows I always deliver on my promises .. well then I guess it's time for me to maybe look at the other champions here in SEF.

GB: You would challenge another champion?

Lacey smirks.

LD: Sure why not ... you don't get anywhere in this business by standing still and both my Dynasty Divas are involved with intergender title matches on Extreme ... maybe it's time I threw myself into the mix. And let me tell you there are quite a few guys around here who could do with a good hard slap in the mouth ... KnightHawk you want to spout shit about my Dynasty Divas .. come say it to my face Brit boy and I'll smack the snide grin right off your ugly mug!

Greg raises his eyebrows.

GB: Ugly mug?

Lacey laughs.

LD: A British phrase ... mug meaning face .. cos let's face it he definitely ain't no oil painting, although it also describes what he is when he talks about me and yet actually knows fuck all. But still that would be just for kicks .. he doesn't hold gold so he doesn't really count for shit yet and that's what I'm interested in .. I could see myself as a double champion, couldn't you Greg?

Greg nods enthusiastically.

GB: Yeah I could definitely see that

Lacey leans back and reaches up for the bar hanging over head and pulls down and holds it.

LD: Mmmm ... so could I!

 She raises the bar for a beat of three and then pulls it back down.

Lacey: Spot me Greg

Greg smiles as he watches Lacey work out.

Scene fades to black

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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