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Justin shows up for Extreme (rp 6)

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 09:33:43 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:02/06/2010 10:53 PMCopy HTML

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Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
International Title BR
just read
Justin 6
People Mentioned
Katana/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin enters the arena barely making it for the arrival deadline.  He's dressed in a black long sleeve t-shirt, jeans, and a black leather jacket.  He's dragging a suitcase behind him.  He's on the phone talking to Katana}}

Justin:"Everything's going to be fine.  Just stay at your parents house.  No one is stupid enough to take them on.  I'll call you back." {Justin stops as he sees his brother standing apparently waiting for him.}  "What in the hell you want?"

Lucas:"Ash and Jagger will be here in a few minutes.  I had no idea when I offered the bounty who I was offering it too."

Justin:"What the fuck are you talking about?  I think I made it pretty damn obvious that I didn't want to see you again unless you were across the ring from me.  As far as my baby brother and my best friend showing up...{Justin's cell hits with Let's GO by Trick Daddy} "Yeah.....wait you really talked to him?  So Mike called you....No he hasn't told me yet...."

Lucas:"You need the help. It's not my ass he's after.  Only the Fox heirs.  Since neither Dusty or I are blood related to your mom then we're safe.  In fact while he's hanging you up and trying to disect you like he did Kristin I'll be pinning Mack for a title shot."

{Justin flips Lucas off as he tries to understand what his little brother is telling him}

Justin:"NO Jager tell him to take a left.....I'll call you whatever I want.  You drink enough Jagerbombs that I'll call you Jager if I damn well please.  Why in the hell are you guys in New York."  {Justin starts pulling his bag again as he passes a monitor.} "No fucking way!  No, turn around go back to the fucking airport.  I could care fucking less if I'm up here on my own.  You two go home and take care of Mom, Katana, and the kids!!  I got this bastard.  I knew he was a little to interested in all of us for just title match."

{Justin hung up his phone and hurried to put his gear up and went looking for KnightHawk.  Security had to be waiting for him.  He got one solid shot to Knight Hawk's jaw before security seperated them.}

Justin:"You are going down like your sick fucking family!  Ozzy should have fucking died just like Alex did.  What was Alex your fucking dad?  I wish I could have seen him explode when he got hit by that double decker bus!  {they finally had them in two seperate areas of the building.  Justin turns to a camera} "Knight Hawk, I should have known.  I should have know that the Blackwood family was nothing but a bunch a fucking cockroaches that you can never truly get rid of.  You lie in the nasty dank darkness and crawl out when people are not expecting it.  I'm going to win the International title tonight and then I'm going to beat you to death with it."


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