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Justin's Extreme 174 Promo 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 10:08:10 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:06/06/2010 8:15 PMCopy HTML
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Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
Justin vs Bobby James
All read-Knight Hawk and Bobby especially
Justin Extreme 174 Promo 1 
People Mentioned
/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin is sitting in a huge kitchen.  The table is polished to a high sheen and has a long bench on each side and a chair at each end of the table.  Justin is sitting in one chair while a woman about 6'2 of Mexican decent is wrapping his ribs up.  Katana is pacing back and forth}
Katana:"You can't just fight both of them by yourself."
Justin:"I can't pull anyone of my friends because some of them are friends with Riot or with Lucas.  I am not going to run the risk of getting attacked from behind while I meet my real problems head on."
{Katana turns away from him}
Katana:"Daddy, can't you or Josh talk any sense in him?"
{We see a huge guy about 6'7, extremely muscular but not roided out with a full beard, white button down covered with a shoulder holster and 9mm, and jeans with a gold shield attached to then jeans. He's leaning on the counter arms crossed thinking.  This is Katana's father, Shawn "The Beast" Matthews.}
Shawn:"Sounds like he's speaking perfect sense to me.  Jen's taping his ribs up pretty good so even if James does what I expect which is to target his ribs that Knight Hawk focused on in the battle royal then he won't take as much damage as normal."
Justin:"There's no discussion, Katana.  I only have a few people that I can trust and so far a good number of them are in this kitchen."
Katana:"So ask Daddy to take some time off to run up there with you."
Shawn:"I can't take time off!  I am in the middle of an investigation."
{Katana turns to her step-mother Jen}
Jen:"I am head of Orthopedics, you know I can't go!"  {Jen thinks}  "You know your cousins more than have you back in this."
Justin:"Maegan just had a baby and Matt can't leave the company.  It's not like he can just pick up and leave anytime he wants too.  He only flew back because of picking Emma up."
"So you only have Matt and Maegan to count on in this family?"

{They all turn to see Drew, Taryn, Ash, and Jagger.}

Justin:"This is not a few scale riot.  Besides you think Dad can protect Mom and the girls all the time by himself?"
Drew:{slight scottish/brit accent}"You think I'm going to bloody well leave my sister unprotected?  In case you've forgotten, Josh is more than capable of protecting Kristin.  As for the children, well granted they'd be safer if school was in session. Nothing short of an act of God would cause Mary to let her grandchildren out of her sight.  Even so, Josh agreed to let Gabby go with Emma to Japan.  Matt plays things a little different.  They live in a building that has armed guards and an electronic surveilance system.  You have to have security clearance to get in there and thanks to Crystal, the guards are all former British SIS.  Of course Dad, is more paranoid.  I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't some how find a way to tag my nieces the same way he did my sisters."
Taryn{same accent}"He'd best not have tagged me like an animal."
Justin:"Look, I appreciate the concern but first Taryn, you are in no way able to help.  I'd have to keep an eye on you."
Taryn:"A liability? Not bloody likely!  I've trained with Jennifer."
Justin:"You think that means jack to Lucas?"
Taryn:"I'm not talking about Loki."
Drew:"It's time to shut down and destroy the whole Blackwood blood line."
{Justin reached up and rubbed his temples as if he was getting a headache.  Jen finished and Katana came over to massage Justin's shoulders}
Justin:"I appreciate it, but you two don't know what you're getting into.  You guys were in boarding school when Mom was
Drew:"You think just because we were away at school that we don't bloody care what happened to our sister?  In case you're forgotten if it hadn't been for our father, your grandfather's severe case of paranoia that she'd been raped and murdered?  For all we know Kaitlyn experienced the same horrors that would have been Kristin's fate if Josh and his extraction team weren't able to save her?"
{Justin stands up}
Justin:"No, I didn't say that!  {he groans}  "If I took anyone I'd take Matt and have you guys run the company.  It's what you and Taryn went to school for.  You didn't train to wrestle and you sure as hell do not have much physical training."
Drew:"If you think Krav Maga is not physical training then you have another bloody thing coming."
Ash:"Thanks for the vote of confidence."
{Jagger just shook his head and walked away}
Justin:"Jager,  {he ignores him} Jagger!  {Justin walks in the direction he went.  Drew and Ash following}  I know you've bulked up and trained harder than you've ever had in the last three years.  You really want to leave Journey alone?  You agreed that the two of you would keep an eye on Peyton!"
Jagger:"I know I did but that ws before I found out Matt's your preferred back up."
Justin:"Matt's been training with me since the first time I ever stepped into a wrestling ring or even put on a martial arts gi.  It's not just blood.  It's the time and effort we've put into having each other's backs.  We went to war and still never betrayed the code of family like Lucas has."
Jagger:"So what?  You want me to go make a play for Katana and you kick my ass and then you see that I've got your back just as much as Matt does?"
Justin:"NO!  I need some time to focus and try to formulate a plan.  I have to make sure Dad has enough back up.  I need to prepare for my match with Bobby James.  I need to make sure that all of my bases are covered in the event that Knox doesn't take out Vlad in his match next week.  I know that just because Knight Hawk and I are not in a match this week, it doesn't mean that either of us are going to forget what happened in the battle royal.  Payback needs to be dealt out and I need to come out with a contigency plan in the event he decides to interfere with the match.  I have more than enough on my plate without you thinking that I don't have faith in you.  I do but when it comes to this kind of fight I have to make sure that
the back up I bring in can counter Vlad's weird and Knight Hawks attention to pain and torture.  Besides I didn't even get to finish what I was saying.  If it came down to choosing someone with the last name of Fox it would be Matt.  Who else in this family have I fought until we were both bloody and destroyed, only to come back repeatedly to keep beating on each other until we were pulled apart."
Jagger:{grinning}"The person who can counter any submission Knight Hawk could throw at him."
{Ash crosses his arms across his black t-shirt that says 'Jesus didn't tap out' over a cross.}
Ash:"Hell, if Bobby Lashley can pull the damn double duty to try to be a two sport superstar I guess I can too.  {He then shoots Justin a smirk} "As far as Josh having back up, well you didn't see the two guys Michael hired.  I mean those guys almost dwarf Shawn.  There a couple of Brits so who knows what background they have.  Maegan and our boy will stay with
Katana ..."
Jagger:"Who's staying with Journey and me."
Justin:"Journey and I."
{Ash smirks as Jagger flips him off}
Ash:"Jus, you have to calm down.  Your dad's ex-Marine Recon.  His entire team is here and Brandon's down on the border working border patrol.  He's only about an hour away if they need him up here for back up.  It's not like there is a full scale invasion and even if there was, {he snickers}  they'd go to Talon's. I'd be surprised if he didn't have a bomb shelter.
He is a survivalist after all.  {he laughs} From what I'm sure T's got in his basement they'd have saved the Alamo.  Hell they could hold off the terminator."
{justin finally gives a relieved laugh}
Justin:"You're right  I'm overthinking this."
Ash:"You wouldn't be the Prodigy otherwise."
Justin:"You're right.  {he paces thinking}  "Okay, keep Knighthawk off of me this week on Extreme.  I need to cement the fact that I am the best man to be the International champion.  I can make a a major dent in proving that by beating Bobby James clean in the middle of the ring on Extreme.  Then I will go on to the ppv next month and destroy Knighthawk and bring the International title home where it belongs on a truly International wrestler."
Drew:"What about us? You expect us to sit back like a bloody glakit?"
Justin:"No.  You stay here and continue your training with Poppy and everyone else.  If we need you then you and Jager are back up."
Taryn:"What about me?"
Justin:"We may need you."

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