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Shattered Reality rp 2

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 10:20:51 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:08/06/2010 3:34 PMCopy HTML

LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97L

{{Lucas and Riot are standing outside of the gym waiting for the crew.  Riot's sitting on the concrete fence and Lucas is leaning back againist the wall, arms folded, with raybans on.}}

 Lucas:"It's about time!  You know I noticed that its Tuesday and neither Mack or his bone head freak have said a word.  I wonder if they smoked so much weed that they sank into a coma.  Did you think that we wouldn't be prepared, Mack?  We've had two previous consecutive meetings.  Things didn't go as planned for either of us.  {smirks}  I always knew that Whitney was pulling the strings for you, man!  Everyone knows you think more with the Southern Head than the Northern head."

{Riot snickers}

Riot:"That's a good one.  Considering Whit calls herself the Bluegrass Bombshell!"

Lucas:"I know we've had interactions before.  Whitney has handed Hayden and Dusty their asses in the past....maybe even Maegan I can't remember.  The point is that Mack knows that I have his number.  Otherwise he wouldn't have brought this freak in to watch his back.  {he steps out of his relaxed position} "Call him your monster, your tag team partner..."

Riot:"Your gay lover and man slave..."

{Lucas looks at him}

Lucas:"Of all the things I think about Mack that is pathetically unbeliveable even from you, Riot.  Mack is know for three things especially, his performance in the ring and his love for weed and pussy.  If Whitney's back he's probably either high or getting a little somethin', somethin, or like I said he's smoked himself into a stoner's coma.  What are you doing to prepare, Mack?  Are you preparing or are you planning on grabbing a sit next to your has been asshole father-in-law, smoke a joint, and expect your boy to wipe up the mat with Riot and myself?  Oh the fans would love that but I am so far beyond what the fans think.  See I went back into the archives and realized that even when I was trying to please them, generally just honoring them with my presence with the best tag team that SEF has ever seen, The Rodgers Brothers but Justin would fail to get the job done and I would fail to achieve the SEF tag titles.  Then THC comes in and retires the tag titles because they knew that I was back.  Riot's extreme and will do anything to win, just like I will.  Even if it means taking the pin for himself.  I should be in the match at the ppv for the Heavyweight title.  How in the hell does Bobby James get a shot when Jade takes him out of the Battle Royal?"

Riot:"That's right.  My girl takes out the former International Champion and Shattered Reality doesn't get any respect?"

Lucas:"You know that SEF isn't going to give any respect to anyone who opposes Mack.  They suck up to him as if they were freaking leeches!  You've got these so called faces like my brother Justin who degrade themselves, and kiss ass.  Still he's..."

Riot:"Ripping off my soon to be father-in-law is what he's doing.  You know Hayden should sue him for gimmick infringement.  See if he likes that."

Lucas:"Even so, our problem is Mack and Axel."

Riot:"They are in hiding doing whatever they are doing.  They'll figure out some way to screw us over on Extreme.  We just have to figure out how to counter whatever plan they have.  Sooner our later people are going to have to start respecting us.  {he pauses and glances at Lucas} "I know what it is.  Mack doesn't see us as a real threat.  Axel is here because he thinks that he'll scare us.  I've been raised with people who invite the weird in on a daily basis.  My uncle thinks he is an uncle.  My aunt thinks she's a slayer who was turned by my uncle.  Radu has a few girls who let him....well that's really gross and my other cousins?  Lestat, Armond, and Synn?  Vampire wannabe, wolfman wannabe, and well Synn could give Jayden Hartley a run for the biggest whore in wrestling."

Lucas:"She thinks she's a succubus."

Riot:"Yeah, whatever.  She's a whore with fang implants."

Lucas:"That's not the only implants she had."

{Riot gives him a disgusted look}

Riot:"I grew up in New Orleans, the home of voodo in the United States.  It's also considered the most haunted city in America.  Hell Anne Rice lived a block over from where I grew up.  Speirr and Isabel by hook or by crook got the infamous LaLaurie mansion on Royale.  Some of the most gruesome experiements that would sicken everyone but Knighthawk.  In fact, the sick fuck probably spends his time beating off to pictures of the guy who was brought out of the house with his skull split open and the maggots eating his brain or the woman who had her intestines spilling out and wrapped around her so she'd choke her ownself to death."

Lucas:"That's fucking disgusting."

Riot:"Imagine having these tales told to you as a child at bedtime.  People wonder why I'm so fucking warped.  It was how I was raised.  Halloween was 24/7 3 fucking 65 days a year when I grew up.  I somewhat despise the holiday now.  It's a candy company conspiracy for most everyone.  Me?  I get guys like this Axel nut coming over at all overs of the night.  Disfigured?  What the fuck ever, Mack!  It's normal people that freak me out.  Why do you think I despise Justin and his 'favorite cousin' Matt?  I have the hardest time being aligned with Orton.  If he didn't share the need to dominate opponents and be dating my girl's best friend then we'd have nothing in common.  I'd beat his ass and move on.  You Mack, you are truly an engima.  You are neither weird or extremely abnormal.  You're only slightly unconvential.  You and RVD are probably big buddies getting wrestling into High Times.  Hey maybe next time you'll be a guest in a Harry Pothead cartoon!"

Lucas:"You know, Mack.  I await your 'straight shootin' promo on Extreme.  It'll be amusing how you try to refute things we've said.  How can you refute where Riot lived or the history of the town he grew up in.  The only thing that you can really refute is where your holed up at.  It's no secret you like women and weed or the fact that you carried SEF on your back.  The time has come, Mack.  I'm here to take your spot and I'll do whatever I have to just so I can take it from you."
((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison


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