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Reality Check - Extreme rp2

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 29, 2023, 10:27:21 AM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:09/06/2010 5:58 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Reality Checkvs Steve WeigelChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Smith/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Championlovin' the rp's Stevie lol


The scene opens with Lacey driving her rental to the gym to hook up with the other Dynasty Divas for a pre-match workout. She looks at the handi-cam attached to the dash and starts to speak.

LD: Stevie honeypie ... you do make me laugh. You talk about how, after years of pretendng to be something you're not, you're now trying to keep it real but yet you're still deluding yourself by even imagining that you could beat me for my beautiful title. You're still living in a fantasy world if you think I will fail in my mission to turn back your challenge. Hell will freeze over before I walk away from the Nassau Colliseum as an ex-champion. The cold hard reality is that I will do whatever it takes, and I truly mean, whatever it takes to keep my precious baby around my waist. You need to wake up and smell the coffee Weigel, your life is a mess ... you have a psychotic ex-fiancee who wants you back, a new girlfriend who's a total whore and will drop you as soon as Mack crooks his finger at her and the girl of your dreams who's going to kick your ass from pillar to post on Extreme! That's the truth of the situation ... hell if I was you I'd want to live in a make-believe world too!
Lacey looks in her mirror as she signals and manueovers into the next lane. She glances back at the camera.

LD: Let me break it down for you Stevie. You can deny the truth all you want, but everyone knows that you still want me. You know deep down that Jayden doesn't really give two shits about you ... all she wants is cock. Your's, Mack's, Corez whoever ... if Jayden really cared about you as a person she would have hardly started your relationship by breaking into your house to fuck you would she? Surely she would have wanted to have a conversation with you at some point first? I guess that's just for "prudes" like me who actually like to get to know someone before they get naked with them.

Lacedy shrugs her shoulders.

LD: You say you envy ordinary people because they're happy with their lives, well I can see why you'd be miserable with the one you've got. Trapped in a loveless relationship, stalked by a mental case, rejected by the one woman who could show you how to be a real man, owned as a bitch by Mack and defeated by everyone who's ever gotten in the ring with you. Yeah ... honestly must suck to be you Weigel! Oh and as for your little smartass comment about my man, you didn't put him on the shelve sweetie ... he hurt himself in a fluke, freak accident ... and don't be too sure he's still out of action either.

Lacey smirks as she tucks her hair behind her ear and lets that last comment about Chris Orton sink in.  

LD: I guess I should be grateful that you're with Jayden ... creating all that drama with the Summers slut and fucking yourself into oblivion .. makes my job all that easier on Extreme. You'll be so physically exhausted I'll be surprised if you manage to walk down the aisle! ... Ah hell you'll be there if for no other reason that to put your hands on me ... oh no wait, that's not what you're there for at all is it ...

Lacey winks.

LD: Oh no ... you're there to kick start your career back up right? .. You hate the thought of putting your hands on me, of actually having to hit a woman. Oh please ... you love the thought of abusing a woman ... hell you can't wait to get Jayden home so she can squeal like a pig when you ass-fuck her! ... Sorry cherrycake but I don't squeal ... in fact by the time I'm done with you ... you're the one who's going to be squealing in pain! I'm looking forward to beating the crap out of you and showing you how a real wrestler gets business done. I know you look at me and see a stunning woman who can "wrestle a bit" ... do you have any idea how fucking patronising you sound when you say "oh I know she's give me a challenge?" ... It makes my blood boil. I'm looking forward to teaching you exactly what all these years of blood, sweat and tears have gotten me. Why I have made all these sacrifices ... to show "men" like you that women can compete at the same level and should never be looked down upon. You say I under-estimate you? .. ha! ... you're the one doing the under-estimating .. big mistake cupcake .. huge mistake! You can't let me win this match? .. Huh like you "let me" win that last one? ... I don't think so. You know what ...

Lacey is interupted by a loud honking of the horn as she turns her head towards her window and looks at the car next to her. She rolls down her window as you can hear men hollering at her.

Lacey ... we love you ... baby suck my dick ... you're so hot ...

She frowns in disgust and rolls her window back up and pushes her foot down on the gas and accelerates past them and then without any indication, swings out in front of them to pull off the highway. The horn blares at her as she raises her hand and flips them the finger in her rear-view mirror and laughs out loud.

LD: And that is how you deal with men who only think with their other head! Losers!! .. and that's what you'll be Stevie after Extreme ... never mind I guess you're used to it by now and hey, you've got a new fuck-toy to take your mind off it. I will be leaving New York as SEF TV champ because I will be also be keeping it real ... and showing the world one more time why I am the most dominating woman in SEF today and making an example of you! ... This beautiful piece of gold right here is not mine by right ... it's mine because I worked my ass off for it and you may not rate it highly but it is my crowning glory ... at least until I change direction and aim for another title. I am a true fighting champion and I will give my all against anyone who dares to step up to me ... you think you can take this strap from me ... then hell baby I guess you are living in a dream world becuause that just ain't gonna happen ...

Lacey checks her mirror again as she slows down at a junction before her eyes flick back to the mini-cam.

LD: And that's not a threat ...

Lacey nods her head and pouts her lips.

LD: ... ah hell you know the rest!

She reaches out and turns off the feed.

End of rp2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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