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Piss off

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 05:54:50 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:05-06-2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:06-30-2010 9:09 PMCopy HTML

LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97L

{{Lucas is seen getting staples in his head.  He bullied the doctor into turning SEF's 24/7 channel that was pretty much dedicated to the Hardcore title for the time being and curses as he sees a replay of not just what happened to him, who took the pin, and his team mates comments.}

Lucas"I'm not done.  {He winces and closes his eyes at all the hell that is going to be caught by everyone once Jayden claims she was talking to him on the phone and the subsequent attack, and finally the brawl}  "Shit!  {he groans when the doctor stops} "I wasn't talking to you, moron!  I was talking about my wife getting jumped first by that whore Jayden and then by that bastard Sterling.  He got a little of what was coming for him when my boy Knox came after his ass!  {he broods a few minutes and then sees the camera crew filming his reactions}  "I'm a fucking star and it takes several hours to get me into the ER, even though my brother put my head through a wall, I got Doogie Howser here thinking this is art class, and you come sneaking in here to see if I'm pissing all over myself because my wife was involved in a hardcore match.  Newsflash bone head!  This isn't Hayden's first rodeo!  She can handle herself againist most people and that includes men!  She's trained with the best by the best!  You assholes can debate her's and Jade's heritage all you want, but the fact of the matter is those girls get in the ring and can get the job done.  As for me, {he huffs} I couldn't have planned this more perfectly myself.  Knox was right.  I can't focus my anger.  I just act out blindly.  An international title battle royal?  It seems like my brother wants me in this match as much as I want to take the things the most from him away.  I'm going to make sure that Justin leaves the ppv with the International title even if I have to put my two cents in and get a piece of Knighthawk myself.  No, I can see the question burning in your beady little eyes.  It's not about family loyalty.  It's not even about his mother.  It's because when I win the battle royal for a shot at the International title, then it'll be two weeks that I can taunt and toy with Justin's every emotion.  I can play with him until I got him to the point of sheer madness and then right when he thinks he knows where I'm coming from, {he snaps his fingers} I'm going to hit him with the Loki Cutter and take his precious little International Title away.  Now, it's not my ultimate goal as pathetic as Justin's little quest is to restore some of the luster that his mother's side of the family has lost over the years.  It's stupid to come into this business and set your eyes on second best.  You come into this business with one thing in mind and that's to be the best, to be number one!  To do that you have to knock off the king of the mountain, pardon the pun.  See Shane Mack has been comfortable as SEF's champion for many years and yes I admit the past has seen me losing several times.  Maybe Knox is right, I'm coming about this entirely the wrong way.  I even underestimated one of my wife's closest friends, got locked into what some would call a version of the Haas of Pain, a double submission.  When I face Mack again for the world title, I want to be prepared.  No distractions, get out of Dallas, maybe go down to Mexico, in the desert and train like we used to when we were Marines.  Mack is prepared for what any wrestler can throw at him.  Now if Knox wins the heavyweight title, that's a whole new ball game entirely.  That would actually be fun, bloody, but fun.  I wish him luck....in fact, I'll go one better.  I'm going to make sure Knox gets his five minutes of fame at the ppv."
((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's


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