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Unscripted As Always

Started by NBD, September 29, 2023, 05:59:28 PM

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Date Posted:07-02-2010 12:18 AMCopy HTML

We find Mack and Shady in their room kicked back on a sofa drinking some Sapporo and laughing at Johnny using some unknown midget to pose as Shady Smack, then laugh even harder seeing the real Shady Smack own Johnny physically and verbally. Shady is all stoned and laughing is ass off while Mack is stoned too and settles back some drinking up. He wears the usual, so fuck you, his title lays on the arm of the sofa by him and Shady falls to the floor laughing so hard when the door opens up and in walks Greg Boone. Shady runs over and kicks him in the leg, then bites his leg and Greg screams in pain and shouts.
Mack just laughs and says.
Just kick him man, he's a tough little bastard!
Greg kicks his leg, but Shady keeps biting, so he kicks harder and smack him, then kicks real hard sending Shady flying a few feet on his ass. He jumps up and runs at Greg head butting him in the nuts and down he goes to his knees. Shady smacks him across the face and does a few crotch chops before running over to the sofa and grabbing his beer drinking up. Greg pulls himself and gets on a steel chair still in pain and watching Shady with cautious eyes. Mack just hands him a beer and says.
Here man, cool your boys with this and then have a few more to kill the pain!
Greg takes it and says.
Thanks, but I'll be ok, damn midget!
Shady growls at him and Greg keeps his guard up, then says.
So Mack, what ya think about this Hardcore Title brawl, got Knox O'Bannon hanging on to it now and saying his unique style is gonna be a change for ya, something you have no idea about.
Mack just looks blank for a second, then laughs and says.
Right, when did he change?
Greg looks confused and says.
Mack just says.
Since Knox came here he has shown nothing any different than anyone else. He wants a unique style, he needs to pay better attention to me in the ring. He and whoever else thinks they know a deathmatch, they know dick about them obviously. That Taryn Fox wants to explain a deathmatch to Jayden, no need. Just go watch Wrestle X from earlier this year and you'll see how a real deathmatch works and that's a fucking shoot, so shove your lies up your ass Taryn! You too Andrew and Justin and all of ya all. Ya wanna try and spew facts, then tell it all ya cocksuckers, the deathmatch is special to me and I will not have you acting as if you got the rundown on it, got the inside info like some piece of shit smark, so fuck you all, fuck you too Knox, your ass is gonna tap out, but luckily a submission loss will not go on your record Sunday as after you tap out, I';m gonna knock you out, then scale that ladder and take my World Title...
He taps a hand to the title laying next to him, then says.
I'm gonna unify that Hardcore Title with it and that's about it, although, it may not be you I get to face Knox, so hold on tight to that title and hope and pray your luck stay going until midnight cause unlike myself, you need luck!
He takes a swig of beer and Greg feeling better now cracks his and takes a drink, then says.
So on another note, about last week on Extreme, how come you and Lacey double teamed Lucas?
Mack laughs and says.
You mean what Lucas said right?! The only moment you could claim that happened was when Lacey applied a submission AFTER I had Lucas locked in the Show Strangla. It was no other move except for what it was either, my hold and hers, nothing else. She obviously knew that Lucas was in trouble anyways and considering what Lucas had to say about her leading into the match, well perhaps she wanted to make sure he did tap. Who knows, but if Lucas has issues with some so called double team, he needs to take it up with Lacey. And Lucas, I hadn't been challenged in months until Lacey showed some fire and pushed me a little bit last Sunday. Knox is nothing new and I am prepared for him as much as I have been for you and Lacey and everyone because you and he both forget that I study and to you Knox, I don't need to put down a damn thing!
He takes a swig of beer, then grins and says.
I hit the gym everyday and I am in the ring everyday, well, only six days for SEF, but that's all anyone can do here. I don't need to show off what I do in the gym, how I train cause son, real niggas don't flex nuts!
Greg finishes his beer and Mack glances at the monitor and says.
Well fuck, guess Knox ain't got the shot at me, least not at the moment, back to this Ash Silva dude, same old story as Knox though. Thinks he's a badass, hasn't proved shit, though Ash is newer.
He takes a drink of beer finishing it and grabs a new one, then mutters fuck it and pulls a blunt out. Greg says.
Fuck man, I'm outta here, gonna go see if Sly or Frankie will let me have another crack at that title!
Greg hops up and leaves the room now as Shady tosses his empty can at him. It bounce soff the closed door and Mack lights the blunting, takes a drag and hands it over. He blows the smoke and says.
Oh, Jayden, ya should know better than to think a guy like me would get hurt from you fucking up the match, but it just goes to show some people don't learn well for if you did you would know that Mack can make any match great. As many have said about me, I could wrestle a mop this Sunday and still steal the fucking show and that's a shoot, so to all of ya all, we got two words for ya!
Shady hands him the blunt and jumps up doing crotch chops a she blows smoke and Mack yells.
He does a half a crotch chop, then hit's the blunt as the camera is put down and the view fades to black.

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