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Covered in Glory and Gold - PPV rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 29, 2023, 06:01:10 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:03-02-2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:07-02-2010 6:49 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Covering Glory and Gold!vs StrifeChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/StrifeTV Championkicking things off


 The scene opens with Greg Boone leaning against his car smoking a cigarette and grouching to his cameraman. He is watching the gym opposite and as the door opens he pushes away from the vehicle and gestures for the cameraman to follow him. He tosses his cigarette on the floor as he dashes across the road to catch Lacey Daniels before she leaves. She is standing in the doorway talking to someone inside as he arrives and he waits tolerantly for her to finish, knowing better than to interrupt her and risk pissing her off. She turns and sees him waiting and gives him a smile as a reward for his patience. She knows he's been waiting a long time as her and the other Dynasty Divas have been chuckling about it since they spotted him outside an hour ago. She pulls her gym bag up onto her shoulder, checking her TV title is still wrapped around the handles as she walks up to him.
LD: Greg ... fancy seeing you here
GB: Lacey ... you're a hard lady to track down sometimes ... it's good to see you. I hope I'm not interrupting anything?
LD: Nope you're all good Greg I'm pretty much done here. Why don't you walk with me down the street and you can buy me an iced tea.
Greg nods his head as Lacey turns and starts walking without waiting for his answer. He follows her closely, gesturing at the cameraman to do the same.
GB: So you got a house show match tonight ... been a while since we seen you at one of those ...
Lacey looks sideways at Greg.
LD: What are you trying to insinuate Greg? That I don't pull my weight here at SEF?
Greg shakes his head quickly.
GB: No, not at all. Just stating a fact is all. So why the enthusiasm for house shows all of a sudden?
LD: No real reason just getting myself even more ready for my SEF PPV debut is all. I'm not leaving anything to chance, I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that I leave Glory and Gold victorious after showing the whole world exactly what a real fighting champion looks like!
She stops as they reach a little coffee shop with some tables and chairs outside and she takes a seat and gestures for Greg to sit down which he does quickly.
GB: Well you were involved at Wrestle X ...
LD: Yeah but I wasn't on the card Greg ... a mistake I am happy to see rectified at this PPV. I guess management finally realised that a PPV without me is a PPV not worth having! I am one half of the only champions in SEF and it's good to be recognised as an important part of the company.
A waiter arrives at their table and they quickly place their drinks orders.
GB: Speaking of champs ... how are you feeling after last weeks 3 way dance with Shane Mack and Lucas Rodgers ... a lot of people are surprised that you turned on Lucas
Lacey laughs as she tosses her hair over her shoulder.
LD: I didn't turn on Lucas .. I simply did exactly what I said I was going to do and that is .. whatever it takes to get the win. Anyone who knows me knows that when it comes down to it I will go all out to be successful and Lucas put himself in a precarious position and it was fortuitous for me to help Mack eliminate the competition so to speak. It's just too bad that I couldn't capitalise completely on the situation or I would be sitting here with 2 pretty belts, not just my beautiful TV title.
GB: So what happened?
LD: Did you even see the match Greg? ... Jeez, Mack put me out simple as that. I'm not afraid to admit that I passed out from the hold, it's what it's designed to do after all. I fought it for as long as I could and eventually I succumbed. Maybe next time I won't submit so quickly ...
GB: So you want another shot at Mack's title?
The waiter comes back out with their drinks and places them on the table as Lacey is laughing. He tries to give Lacey the eye but she blatantly ignores him until Greg waves him away.
LD: Of course I want another shot at the title ... who wouldn't want to be World Champ? .. And if you don't then what the fuck are you even doing in the business?
Lacey picks up her iced tea and sips it and sighs with satisfaction as Greg adds sweetener to his coffee.
GB: Some people are saying that you're not ready for the world title yet ... and some are even suggesting that you're running scared as the TV champion ...
Lacey gets an evil look on her face as she reaches out and grabs Greg by the collar.
LD: Who exactly is saying this?
Greg swallows loudly.
GB: Um well Jayden Hartley for one ...
Lacey quickly releases Greg's shirt and sits back in her chair laughing quietly.
LD: That whore? .. .jeez as if anyone gives a crap what she thinks. She's a nothing, a nobody ... always has been, always will be. She gets ideas above her station and tries to shoot for the stars but she never quite gets there. She's no threat to me and I'm more than happy to prove it in the ring whenever she wants.
GB: So why the hit and run attack on Extreme last week?
Lacey smiles nastily.
LD: What that little love tap I gave her? That was just to remind her of her place in SEF. See some people need things spelling out to them in big bold letters because they just don't catch on as quick as others. Jayden is one of those people. She just doesn't get it so I thought I'd make it clear to her ... she's not fit to wipe the dirt from my boots. I know she's saying that I'm not a dominant diva and that I'm not Whitney Marret ... duh, hello when did I ever say I was Whitney? The woman's a total legend around here and I'm not even on the same page as her and probably won't be until I've been here for a decade or so and really proved my worth. Legendary status is not something you achieve overnight, I know that better than anyone because I trained with a legend, so I would never compare myself to Whitney. What I did say was that right now in SEF, compared to all the other women actively competing in the ring, I am the most dominant. Simple really, if dumbass people actually stopped and listened to what I said it would be bloody obvious, don't you think?
Greg nods his head.
Lacey takes another sip of her drink.
LD: I mean even Mack said I was some competition.
Lacey smiles remembering the rare compliment.
LD: You know I'm glad Jayden has stepped up her game really ...
GB: You are?
LD: Yeah cos Jade and Hayden always enjoy kicking her ass! .. Plus Dusty needs someone to practise on. They're all in the over the top rope battle royal at Glory and Gold and I've got a sneaking suspicion that Jayden is going to find out the Dynasty Divas are not going to take her lame ass comments lightly. I know they're all hard training right now to make sure that her night is one she won't forget in a hurry ... I mean the bruising alone will probably last a couple of weeks!
Lacey laughs.
LD: But enough about her, I've got much more important things to focus on. Like my own match at Gold and Glory against that Johnny-come-lately Stripe ...
GB: Strife ...
Lacey glares at Greg and rolls her eyes.
LD: Yeah whatever ... so I guess he's been getting some cheap shots in whilst I've been training ... so rock my world, what's the "greatest wrestler ever" been saying now
GB: Actually he hasn't said a word ...
Lacey looks all shocked and raises a hand to her mouth.
LD: Nooooo! Really?
The sarcasm shows through as Lacey giggles slightly.
LD: Actually that's amazing for someone who had verbal diarrhoea when he arrived at SEF, he's now as quiet as the proverbial church mouse. Maybe he's actually learning to put his money where his mouth is and let his actions speak for him? ... If that is the case, then it's the smartest thing he's done since he got here! What's his game I wonder? .. Well if he thinks it's going to affect how I approach this match he can think again.  I am training my ass off even harder than usual because I was to use this PPV to push myself up to the next level ... if I get the victory over Stripe then I get a shot at the International belt ... another step on the ladder to that World title and that's definitely where I'm headed. I don't believe in taking a step back  .. only giant strides forward. I am going to be in the shape of my life to compete in this match ... if last week taught me anything it's to be sure that everything is in place when I get in the ring against the men. My wrestling ability and stamina are top notch but my pure physical strength will always be a limitation, so I've been working on making sure I am prepared. Hence the house show match tonight ...
Greg smiles.
GB: Against Lace Dart ...
LD: Exactly. I know it's not really a comparison but the more men I face in the ring, the more I learn about using my other skills to get the advantage. This is a just a warm-up and a way to send a message to Stripe ... be warned this dance with me at Glory and Gold is no walk in the park, under-estimate me at your peril! Lace Dart may think he's in for an easy night but actually the only thing he's in for is a serious ass-kicking ...
Lacey leans in across the table towards Greg and smirks.
LD: ... and Greg, that's not a threat ....
Greg smiles back and leans in towards Lacey.
GB: That's a promise!
Lacey lifts her glass and chinks it against Greg's coffee cup.
LD: Exactly!
Lacey drinks some more of her iced tea and then lowers the glass to the table before leaning down and grabbing her gym bag and standing up. She gestures towards the table.
LD: You got this right?
Greg nods his head.
GB: Uh sure .. yep no problem
Lacey smiles.
LD: Good ... see ya!
She swings her gym bag onto her shoulder and walks away.

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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