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Here and Now...PPV rp)

Started by Strife, September 29, 2023, 06:04:49 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:11
  • Posts:9
  • From:USA 
  • Register:06-10-2010 12:20 PM
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Date Posted:07-02-2010 12:07 PMCopy HTML




"She called you Stripe"


"Wow....are you going to call her a poopy face in return or just say she is a dumby head?"

Strife and a friend both laugh off the last joke.  The two men sit on a bench at a local gym.  The man next to him is of Japanese ethnicity, blonde hair, about the same height as Strife, much bigger weight wise,  but older.  Strife is taking a drink of a bottle of water with a towel over his neck.  It's obvious whatever workout Strife came here for has long passed.  He and his comrade continue to chuckle over their comments. 

"Ya know...why havn't you gotten back into the game?  You and I had some great times in Tokyo...and now here you are...running a gym out in the middle of Kentucky! Haha.  You still got some matches left in you dont you?"

Strife said as he looked over to his friend.  Strife took a swig of water. 

"I do, but I'm done with that world.  I don't need to worry about the politics, the whiners, the constant pain.  I am fine without it.  Besides...This part of America..it's quiet.  Tokyo was too loud!  Too hustle and bustle.  Besides, I'm a bit of an old man now.  I should leave this business to the guys like you...younger and still prepared to set the world on fire."

Strife nods in agreement. 

"Shinjiro your just sayig that cause if we got into a ring right now I would kick your ass!"

Shinjiro let out a loud, from the belly laugh. 

"Ohhhhh...Come to taunt the old bear have we!?  Don't forget I taught you most of your Strong Style side of your wrestling."

Strife points at his mentor sarcastically. 

"Yea yea....but you didn't teach me the Lucha or all the stuff I learned in America."

Shinjiro smiled.   He let out a sigh.

"No.  No I didn't.  You did what I always wanted you to do.  You never stayed put, you did as much as you could to absorb everything and anything you could.  You are one of my favorite students."

Strife stops as he was about to take another drink.

"Pfff...Please.  I'm your only favorite student!"

Shinjiro chuckles and puts his arm around Strife, shaking him vigorously.  The two stand up and walk around the gym.  It's decorated in various Japanese peices of art, statues and other designs.  Two men in th background spar in the ring thats set up, as many others use the gym equipment or spar on the ground.  Shinjiro puts his hands behind his back and looks over to his former student as they walk around the gym.  Strife looks at his shirt, whch is covered in sweat. 

"Before I ask anymore questions, why don't you change you look like a drowned rat......and you smell like one.."

Strife scoffs.

"Yea well I could make a comment that it smells like metamucil and moth balls, but I have too much respect for you"

They both laugh.  Shinjiro put his hand on Strife's shoulder.

"So...Tell me a little about this Pay Per View match you have...Aside from her apparent inability to call you any funny or interesting names."

Strife takes another drink of water.

"Well...If you are implying what names I should be tossing back at her, I'm not gonna waste my time.  Aside from her childish attempt to.....Ya know I don't even know what her goal was with that name.  Anyway...Aside from all that, I don't much about her.  She's got some fire under that ass now though.  Pays off to be an asshole for a few weeks even if its all a facade."

Shinjiro raises an eyebrow

"You? An Asshole!?...You do go on..."

Strife shoots his mentor a look.

"Ya know just cause I can have a bit of an attitude doesn't mean I'm an asshole.  Think I enjoyed run ins and name calling?!  It's boring, everyone does that.  But it did exactly what I intended it to.  I took that step forward, and I sent a message.  Even if it was misconstrued."

Shinjiro sighs

"And that message was.."

Strife looks confused.

".........That I'm here, Im ready to fight and I'm not afraid of anyone.  Look, Your like a million years older than me, I'm a bit more modern."

Shinjiro stops his walk and gives Strife a serious look

"Time or place has no bearings on what I taught you.  I taught you Bushido...The Way of the Warrior.  I will not say what you are doing is wrong.  But you walk the line with your latest actions.  I don't want you falling over and away from the virtues you learned....Especially the 3 of the 7 you should always remember...Jin, Rei, Meiyo."

Strife stops his walk as well.

"Benevolence, Respect and Honor.....I know.  Trust me...I'm not straying away from the code.  I just took a step away from it for a little while.  It was a smoke screen.  You have my word, that in the future...My focus will be to follow that code.  Just...don't expect me to commit a ritual suicide if I fuck up...Can we agree that part is a little out dated?"

Shinjiro laughs and paoints to his office across the way.

"I could always mail you one of my many Katanas?"

"Your a sick old man...I think I'm gonna head back to my hotel room after that comment."

The old man laughs.

"Well...I will let you leave.  But please, If you ever pass through this part of the country again...feel free to visit.  And don't forget everything you learned.."

Strife nods, and then bows.  Shinjiro bows as well, and then smacks Strife in the back of the head.

"That's for all the old man jokes...I'm only 60"

Strife grabs his head.

"Yea but that's old for us fast food eating, lazy, fat americans....Haha...I'll see you later!"

The two seperate, and Strife makes his way out the door, picking a bag on his way out.  Shinjiro looks on as his student leaves, and gives a look of reassurance.  He knew his student would be ok.  At least he hoped.

Fast forward a few hours. 

The familiar flicker of a web cam coming to life takes over the screen.  It rocks around a bit again, but finally finds a resting place where Strife wants it.  Again Strife pulls up a chair and sits down.  He cracks his neck and looks into the camera. 

"Gold and Glory....I'm excited.  I hope everyone else is too.  But I'm excited for different reasons.  I'm excited because this is my return to Pay Per View.  Last week was part one of the comeback.  But this is different this isn't a standard TV match.  This isn't an exhibition with a guy named Riot O Bannon....No.  This a match on a bigger stage...with a different kind of opponent.  I have a match with a champion.  And it's been a while since I have faced a champion on Pay Per View.  Hell the last title gold I held, was in Mexico, and I relinquished that a long time ago to get ready to come back to the US.  But one thing is for sure...I have held SEF gold.  I have held 2 belts that aren't even active anymore, and I have held the biggest one of them all...The SEF World Title...."

Strife looks down and away from the web cam, sighs and then looks back up.

"But that was a long time ago.  I was a relative rookie. I couldn't hold the titles after I won them...I couldn't defend them.  But...that was then...and this is now.  See Lacey...I kinda wished I had your undivided attention, but I don't think I do.  You seem way too distracted by several other things.  You talk a whole hell of a lot of shit about Mack on a constant basis, and these other woman you seem to want to pick cat fights with.  Your mind os clouded and I need you to do me a favor...I need you to clear your god damn head out.  I don't want to kick the ass of someone who is too focused on the present, the here and now.  The here and now is ME...STRIFE!  Focus on me...your opponent.  Mack isn't who you will be stepping across the ring from on Sunday...It's me.  It won't be Jade or Hayden..It's me.  And the more your head is turning away from that fact and looking every where else, it's gonna make it alot esier for me to run over and clothesline it off your pretty little shoulders...And quite frankly..."

Strife looks agitated, and leans forward.

"....I don't want that Lacey.  Lacey I am no fool.  I can see talent when its in front of me.  You have been the TV champ since May..Your doin something right.  But don't make that stupid mistake don't turn your attention away from the problem.  I am your problem.  Face me..Physically, and Mentally.  When I look across the ring at you, I want to see you looking back I dont want to see your eyes darting all over your brain.  I want you...to bring not only your best...But your best ever.  I want your A+ game, I want your 100 percent, NO I want your 1000 percent.  Anything less would not only insult me, it would make you look pathetic and it would insult the people who pay hard earned money to come watch us.  And now fans may not be your top priorty, hell you don't even like me, so why bother listening at all..."

Strife again starts to lean forward towards the camera, and folds his hands.

"But if I say anything that gets throuh to you among all this..Let it be this.  Show me you deserve to wear that belt.  And if you really have the stones...Try to prove me wrong.  But let me remind you of something...where as I am in your way on the way to the top....You are also in mine.  And I have already shown what I will do to roadblocks, I plow through them.  Lacey...On Sunday, If I beat you....and as far as I am concerned...WHEN..I beat you...I get a shot at your coveted TV title the following Sunday.  You have any idea what that means.  That means Not only am I gonna be fighting you tooth and nail, I'm gonna be fighting you til my spirit itself breaks.  And That.....Never....Happens.  I don't die Lacey...I don't quit....I don't break.  Lacey Daniels...If you aren't ready Sunday...then you never will be.  But do me the Honor, and give me the respect, That I am showing you by throwing my best at you, by doing the same for me.  Because I am no test, I am no warm up...I am no easy pass on your way up.  I am a battering ram knocking down walls on my way to success.  So if I were you...I would get ready for a title match...But not with Mack...with Me.  Be ready...Because The Warrior is!"

Strife leans forward one last time and grabs the camera.  The view moves around a bit..before cutting to black.   


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