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The O'Bannon Clan

Started by Kristin Fox, September 30, 2023, 10:20:57 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:15/07/2010 9:15 PMCopy HTML

Knox20OBannon20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
The O'Bannon Clanread it2x former SEF Hardcore champ/Staff Sgt Marine ReconBlank 

"The Lethal Weapon"
{Knox and Riot hear Lucas making threats about injuring both Justin and Camaro.  Knox shakes his head, knowing full well that he must be tormenting Scott Anderson rather than getting into Justin's face.  He shook his head.  Lucas was losing his mind.  It was why Riot called in their cousins from New Orleans.  Lucas would be the figure head of their new organization, although Lucas was reluctant to be apart of the changing of the guard.  He can handle his psychotic cousins but they would sacrifice the Dynasty Divas at the drop of the hat if they felt they weren't cutting it.  He knew his wife would be the sacrificial lamb because while she was trying hard she wasn't as bloodthirsty as his Synn and Plasma nor was she as ruthlessly resourceful as Jade and Hayden.  He knew he had to make a choice.  Being apart of a team had been the majority of his adult life.  He'd been a member of a unit had been a way of life for him.}}

Riot:"Earth to Knox."

{Knox glanced over at his brother, not knowing how long his older brother had been talking to him.  Riot points to Boone}

Knox:"You ever notice that we keep being thrown into matches with The Legacy and nothing ever gets settled?  It's an unending civil war between families that have known each other for decades.  Now we have the extention.  We have a real member and one matrimonial member."

Riot:"Andrew, {shakes his head} Ash....we have had a few battles over the years.  You think that all of this training you guys are doing is going to help you?  We have upped the ante of our war.  Andrew, you have merely an inkling of what has been unleashed on SEF.  You only think you know what we have planned around here.  It couldn't have come at a better time since Mack is on vacation.  With Knox to train the cousins in guerrilla warfare we are posed to make the SEF our own."

{Knox sits down and starts working his triceps on a machine.  The camera comes around to him}

Knox:"What I know is what I know.  What I know is that taking care of Justin's lackies?  You think Drew and Ash are his lackies?  True Justin maybe the one with the gold, but in case you weren't paying attention he's not the one who is pulling the strings.  It's not even Drew and its defintely not Ash.  The Fox Twins are running the show.  They always are the ones who do the planning.  Is Matt going to come back?  He's the brains of the whole Fox Family.  Justin is the muscle.  Now with Maegan hinting that she's coming back?  Does that mean that Matt may reshuffle the legacy's roster now that our cousins are here?  It seems like it.  Of course he'll have Justin stay here.  He's just as much the face for the whole team as he is the muscle.  Understanding that is the way to defeat Drew & Ash.  Ash is cocky because of all his training but Sterling has proved that he has the answer to that.  Maybe I should bring a pair myself.  I know Drew has some.  You know Ash, you know I've heard what you tell the twins and the other kids that you train.  Keep your hands up, protecting your head.  {he snickers} You need to take your own advice or Sterling wouldn't have taken you out so easily.  You know, my dad says you should never stop learning because there is always some bastard out there who is going to try something that you may have over looked.  {smirked} That's actually where I come into play. I'm not traditional.  I'd rather hurt than win.  It's what seperates me from most people, except you Drew.  You understand me.  I love to fight too.  So Sunday will be fun."

Riot:"Now you're starting to sound like an O'Bannon instead of a military drone."

{Knox shoots him a dirty look.  Ignoring whatever Lucas may feel on the subject}

Knox:"At least I did something with my life without depending on family.  I'm going to show something different than what you are thinking of.  You want brutality.  Get Jade to pull Carly's strings to get a falls count anywhere match.  Throw Ash in the back of the rental car and pin him on the banks of the Mississippi river if we have too."
The Lethal Weapon

chrisdaniels.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Lethal Weapon" Knox O'Bannon
Weight 240
Height 6'2
Finishing Move OBannon Lockdown
Trademark O'Bannon Buster
Managing/Dating  Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon

Disclaimer : This is a layout made by Luke You may use it because it is a free layout created by him. However, if you want to use his layout you have to promote his work and keep the disclaimer on so he can make more and better layouts than this. Thank you for using a layout created by Luke



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