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The Bitch is Back - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 30, 2023, 10:24:12 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:16/07/2010 8:47 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
The Bitch is Back!vs StrifeChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/StrifeTV Championstarting things off with a bang!


 The scene opens with Greg Boone standing backstage at the entrance to the Oman Arena when a black SUV screeches in. It brakes sharply and the drivers door swings open and out steps a highly pissed Lacey Daniels. She's dressed in the new SEF "Dynasty Divas" t-shirt, Levi's, black boots and a soft black leather biker jacket. The expression on her face gives truth to the saying "if looks could kill" and everyone within a 20 foot radius takes an unconscious step backwards. She wrenches open the back door and reaches in to pull out her case which she drops to the floor as she reaches in again and takes out 2 title belts which she throws over her shoulder. She slams the door closed and heads towards the backstage crew, pulling her case along behind her. She holds out one hand and dangles her car keys from one finger.

LD: Anyone here who's capable of parking my car?

She stands still with one hip thrust out as she taps her foot impatiently. One of the men come over and carefully takes the keys from her finger as she scowls at him.

LD: Be careful with that boy, you here me?

He nods his head as he scurries away towards the SUV as Lacey turns around to find another man at her elbow reaching out to take her case.

LD: What the hell are you doing fucktard?

The man shrinks back from her screeching.

"Just wondering if you needed a hand with your case Lacey"

LD: It's Miss Daniels to you!! And when I want something I'll ask!! Now get the fuck away from me!

The man practically runs off as she turns to face the rest of the crew who are standing gawping at her.

LD: And what the hell are you all staring at?!

The crew stare at her in open mouthed silence as she rages.

LD: I know you rednecks don't get the chance to see hot women often and have to settle for fucking your pig-ugly cousins or your farm animals but really you should learn some goddamn manners and not stare with your mouths open when a stunningly beautiful woman like myself is nearby ... cos in case you've forgotten I have a very short temper ...

As she ranting she's walking over to them but they're like rabbits caught in the headlights and don't move as she gets to them. She reaches out her hand, swings back and punches the guy nearest to her and knocks him back into the wall. He bounces off and slides to the floor.

LD: ...let that be a lesson to you all!! Now wipe the drool off your chins and get on with your fucking jobs and quit ogling me!!

Lacey glares at them all and smirks nastily as she turns on her heel and walks away. Greg Boone steps out from the shadows and follows discreetly. Lacey arrives at the "Dynasty Divas" locker room and looks down at the box in front of the door. She bends to pull out a bottle of "Haterade" and holds it up to read it with a frown on her face. She hears someone approaching her and spins around holding the bottle above her head as though to throw it at the person when she recognises Greg who holds his hands up in defence.

GB: Hey Lacey .. only me .. no need to throw that right?

Lacey shrugs slightly and lowers her hand.

LD:What's this all about?

GB: A little gift from Ashlee Madden I think

Lacey looks slightly puzzled.

LD: Sorry who? ... Ashlee ...

Greg slides a little closer.

GB: Ashlee Madden? ... Mr Sterling's girlfriend? ... won her debut match last week?

Lacey sighs as she nods her head slightly.

LD: Oh her! Yeah ... that triple threat match thing with Jade and Whoreden ... yeah got the short and ugly on that. Thinks she's something special ... well we'll soon see about that ...

Lacey gets an evil grin on her face as she nods to herself.

LD: Yet another bitch who's getting too big for her boots. Jeez I turn my back for 2 minutes and they're everywhere .... Whoreden Hartley and now this Ashlee girl ... what the hell?

GB: Yeah and whore .. sorry Jayden has a tag title match against the Dynasty Divas this week with Shady Smack as her partner ...

Lacey laughs hard.

LD: Oh my god yeah Jade told me but I thought it was a joke? ... A slut and a midget what is SEF coming to .. I mean I know with the main event a bust last week that they would struggle but really ... is this how low they've sunk? .. In just a week? ....

Lacey continues to laugh.

LD: Tragic ... just tragic. Just as well I showed up for this week's Extreme then or there might not be an SEF worth coming back to. 

GB: Well Jayden seems pretty convinced that her and Shady can beat any combination of Dusty, Jade or Hayden ...

Lacey smirks and raises an eyebrow.

LD: Isn't she forgetting someone?

GB: Well she says she knows for a fact you're not going to be in the match ...

Lacey scowls.

LD: And why the hell not? .. What only Shane Mack's allowed to do more than one match?

Greg shakes his head as Lacey rests her case and pulls open her jacket.

LD: What does this say Greg?

GB: um .. Dynasty Divas

Lacey nods her head and pulls one of the gold belts from her shoulder and holds it up to him.

LD: And what does this say?

Greg looks at the strap.

GB: Uh .. tag team champion ...

Lacey swings the belt back on her shoulder.

LD: So you tell me one good reason why I couldn't be in the tag match tonight .. hmmmm ...

Greg swallows hard.

GB: Well there are some ... and I'm not saying I'm one of them ... but there are some who say you're going to have your hands more than full with Strife in the main event tonight ...

Lacey's eyes narrow as she gets a look of hatred in her eyes.

LD: Strife ... you mean the man who flattered and cajoled his way into my good books and then fluked a win over me and now seems to think that MY beautiful TV title is his to claim? ... You mean that Strife?

Greg takes a step back as he can see the fire rising in Lacey.

GB: Uh huh .. yeah that's what .. um ... some people are saying ...

Lacey reaches out and grasps the back of Greg's neck and pulls him in close as her voice lowers.

LD: There are a lot of people around here who talk a ton of shit and claim it to be the truth but they are not always right. There are a lot of doubters out there right now ... who fail to see the passion I carry, the desire that fuels me and the soul-burning need to destroy all who stand in my path ... tonight all those questions will be answered and I will prove them all wrong! Tonight I take Strife a whole new level and introduce him to the real meaning of pain and suffering ... tonight I take another step along my path of destiny towards a higher gold ... tonight I pay back to all those who ever questioned my commitment or my will to succeed ....

Greg is nodding his head in total agreement hoping that Lacey will let him go as her voice is almost so low now as to be a whisper, she is scary in her intensity.

LD: Tonight I prove beyond a shadow of doubt that I will become the most dominant diva SEF has ever experienced. I am ready and set on this path and nothing and no-one will be allowed to stand in my way ... and Greg that's not a threat ...

Lacey lets go of Greg as he pulls back and she raises her eyebrows.

GB: That's a promise!

Lacey smirks as she nods her head and then turns and opens the locker room door to be met with happy greetings. As the door closes Greg takes a big sigh of relief. 

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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