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That Belt WILL Be Mine [Mr. Sterling Extreme 177]

Started by Mr. Sterling, September 30, 2023, 11:21:31 PM

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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:18/07/2010 7:32 PMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
I shake my head at the newer promos that have been playing recently during my offset training. Why have I been training so hard if I plan on taking any easy outs that appear? Simple. There sometimes aren't any. And despite the childish displays that I tend to put on for the benefit of pulling the rug out from under my opponents?
The reality doesn't escape me. Every match has the ability to put your career right where you want it, and heading in the direction that you want it to....or...to take you totally off track and turn you on a dime. The match...no...the entire business...is about posturing. Be in the right place and on track at the right time and BAM...you put yourself on the fast track. All you've gotta do is be there. But it never is as simple as you might take it from there. Because every single other person...both personally known to you, and other competitors or anyone else that you have absolutely no contact with whatsoever...are pings to that track. The pings are everywhere. Ripples and shockwaves create the motions of conversion for every move you make. The ins and outs of a business where positioning is everywhere. Everyone has some angle or another that is putting them either on track or off track. And the thing that makes the difference? Focus.
Focus sets the tone for everything. Distractions abound in this business. Everyone that you meet will attempt to distract you in some way or another. You can be focused on what you're doing, and BAM...get sidetracked. If you don't believe....just look at Tarnished Legacy and Shattered Reality and all of the other members of the roster. Everyone is distracted by someone at some point. But for this match, I've spent most of the time off the cameras. Why? Because training is what it takes to be the best. And that shiny belt of gold that Justin Rodgers holds is a good step for me towards the right direction. That's where my focus lies. Where it has laid ever since I won that Battle Royal to become the contender for it. To get my shot.
A raised eyebrow and a serious face as the camera comes in to show me sitting on the couch. My hands behind my head and my legs crossed at the ankles in my ring gear and Mr. Sterling t-shirt. I stare into the camera with complete focus as I let my focus be known: "Justin Rodgers The International Champion. You are my focus. Ash, Ashlee, Geek Boy, Drew...Anyone and everything else is to the side. These things are not the matter of focus at the moment. All the fun, and all the games....are to the side. No flashy, fun-filled amazing promotions from here out. It's just me, you, and that title. You may have noticed that I've been keeping away for the most part of everything that can distract me, of late. All the training and all of the claims will be proven right, or wrong tonight at Extreme. Tonight, I will prove exactly what the S.E.F. has wondered and feared is true of me, Mr. Rodgers."
A slight smirk: "Tonight is where I prove my real worth to the words that get tossed around here as if they were being spouted by a bunch of school children at recess. Myself included in that. When I said that I'd do whatever it takes? I wasn't just talking about taking some shot with a foreign object. I wasn't just talking about taking every opportunity given and making it pay off. I meant what I said....Whatever it takes."
I smile full on as I tilt my head to the side: "All of your hard work has paid off for you thus far, Justin. You hold something that is...yearned for. Something that screams a state of status that not everyone will hold in their careers. Oh, I make fun of how you choose to roll. You can make fun of how I roll or criticize my every action, but the truth is that....none of that matters. It's true that I'm 'The Greatness'....and it's not because I look this good. It's not because of who my parents were. And it has nothing to do with how much fun I have at everyone else's expense. No...'The Greatness' comes from years and years of training in combat situations. One on one. It comes from studying and working hard to know your opponent from their movements to their feelings to their actions. It comes from striving for perfection in all that I do. From the most mundane task to the greatest task. But 'Greatness' isn't to be wasted with trivialities. My ego is huge...I won't deny it. And on most days, I act like I'm above every single thing that anyone else does. And I honestly feel that way at most times, but it's like being a huge shark in a small pond anywhere you go. I know that I train three to four times a day to keep looking this good. To keep being this good at what I do. And as much as you want to harp on maybes and ifs about me? I keep you off-balance with what I am. You seem to be a voice of reason within your family. But even you can't nail me down."
I shake my head with a smirk: "Because I never let you get in here. [I point to my head] I don't, because I know that if I do....you'll have what you need of an edge against me. One that I don't allow anyone to get over me. I'm too 'Great' for that. You can't rattle my resolve, my passion, my desires. The reason that I point out how your family gets by on what those before them did? Because it's a weakness to rely on yourself based on someone else. I'm urging you all to cut the ties that bind you from being yourselves. I want to see what you have in you that makes you different from them. Yeah, all your sitting around in attempting to position on words is amusing to me. Making connections to your family members and talking about how great they all are...focus on yourself for a while. It's one reason that all of the people around here are so pinged out of place by Ashlee and I."
Complete focus comes through on my face now: "Because all of the positioning around here has been knowing your opponents through connections that have worked thus far. And Ashlee and I upset the balance between all of you by not fitting into your family setting here. All of you coming from wrestling families and all of you coming from military or other backgrounds....striving to position with all of the rest of you. Well, it happens that we come in and don't all come from generations of wrestling families. I don't come in talking about who I've trained under...so you doubt my training. I don't come in talking about anyone other than myself. The only person that I truly rely on to get things done in my world is me. Totally self-reliant. I stand on my own. You can argue that Ashlee and Geeks got involved in my last match, and it's true...they did. I have no reason to lie about anything. Because regardless of what else goes down between the bells...I still pick up the win. It's the single focus. Win. At all costs, at any time that I step into that ring. That's the difference between us. I'm 'The Greatness' because I have one single focus....to be 'The Greatness'. So when we step into that ring in just a few short hours now....You will truly have your work cut out for you, Mr. Rodgers. And make no mistakes about it. I will capture that title. Whether it's tonight, or I have to go back to the drawing board and come at you again, and again...as long as it takes, as many times as it takes. That belt WILL be mine."
And with that the camera feed ends.

Music__ Ladies And Gentlemen by Saliva
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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