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Mr. Sterling

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Date Posted:25/07/2010 1:49 AMCopy HTML

MSTop.png MSTop picture by bloodstainedhimp
Where've I been?
Everyone is probably wondering just where the hell that I've been. Well, that's a good question and the answer is simple. Other than when I'm honing the skills of 'The Greatness', I've simply been going out of my mind. No, it has absolutely nothing to do with teaming with the O'Bannons. They contacted my lawyer, and he represented me like I've always told him to. I am more than willing to team with them at Extreme with the goal being the elimination of those two Tarnished Legacy stains. No...it's not because I'm facing off against Ash Silva for the whatever time since being a part of the SEF. It has nothing to do with facing Justin 'Time' Rodgers.
None of that has kept me out of the public eye that I'm normally so comfortable in. Neither is it because of what happened at last Extreme. Well...not the parts between Justin and I, anyways. In part, there's one kid that I rely on to get things done MY way. And that's always the RIGHT way to do things. But even after asking them both to stay out of it, last week? Geeks got me DQ'd before the match? After all of this time and his own ass getting kicked by Silva? He gets involved. I mean...I trust...or did trust the kid. I rely on him for a great many things since I pay him so much money just to basically do what he loves. Not to interfere in my matches in any way. He misses the shots for me to study when he does that. His job is simply to tape me in action. That's it, that's all. And now, he had somewhat betrayed me in a way. And it wasn't on purpose. That right there has driven me a little angry. I feel for the kid, or I wouldn't have hired his pimpled up, glasses wearing face the first time we met. I wouldn't have made Sky owe me for bailing her out of jail, just to get the kid made over without my own personal influence swaying him to liking one thing over the other. In short...I wouldn't have been nice to the kid.
And then...there's Ashlee not being around. Ever since she left with Sky...things have been getting to me. And without that outlet to let go of it? I have only one place to put it. In the face of Strife, Silva, and Rodgers. Not old school like Hogan and Flair. Not even Michaels and Helmsley. Nope. In MY way. I'm gonna take their two most hated foes. The two guys that have a history of facing them...and teach them how to spot their weaknesses. I'm gonna sit down with them and show them exactly what makes me so good at beating 'Tarnished Legacy'. Some may say that I don't have what it takes to finish a match on my own. And I say...I've had every match in the bag since I arrived in this place. This place has been graced with 'The Greatness' that is Jonathon James Sterling. Mr. Sterling to all of the Hater Nation.
I haven't asked Ashlee to worry about my match to the point where she comes down and gets on the apron. I definitely haven't planned on having Geeks get involved in my last two matches. Because I can handle everything that that entire stable can throw my way. If things had gone the way they were supposed to last week and Geeks had stayed in the back? I'd be wearing that International Title right this very minute. And that beating that I laid into Justin? That was directed at my frustrations with the kid. These two guys have been sitting around calling me anything they want to, but tonight? I'm gonna be their worst nightmare.
I've sent Geek Boy all the way back to Miami for tonight's Extreme to keep him from interfering tonight. Ashlee is still off with Sky. No interference to get in between me and those two clowns tonight. As for my own partners? I've been watching what's happened the entire show when I'm not involved. I know that they have two important things going for them.
One is the drive to win in Knox. He has to win to prove to himself and the rest of the whole dual stable that he's the right man to be in control. After their leader quit last week, he needs the win to solidify his rule. Riot? Well...we'll see what he brings to the table in a few hours. But Knox and I have an understanding.
The word escapes from my brain with force as I arrive to training with Riot and Knox to solidify our teaming up tonight. We need to know what makes each other tick and how to put it into action and cover each other's weaknesses. So, we've decided through several phone calls to meet up and train for a while. There isn't much conversation between the three of us, just an exchanged nod before we go behind closed doors to take care of that very business...
Arriving at the SEF Arena.
The squealing tires can be heard echoing as I arrive with a smile on my face for the first time since before the match up last week. Other than the ones directed at Ashlee on the day she left. All of the kinks are worked out between us, and I think that the O'Bannon crew and I? We're gonna put down Tarnished Legacy and that 'other' guy...with ease. Please? You thought I was gonna show respect to a man that no showed a Main Event Match? Hell no. An opportunity like that isn't to be wasted on half-assers. It's usually given to men of 'Greatness'...though instead, we've had to sit through a half ass Hulk Hogan think that he is needed by the masses so he goes out and runs his own little talk show with some chick that isn't even an SEF superstar. Then, the roster gets expanded for whatever reason to include two very different rosters. It's sad. You know how you know that a company's going under?
I've seen it already three or four times in my short career. When a company starts to flail it's arms like this one has? It's seen it's better days, and probably the best that came through here rose up, saw a similar drop coming and jumped ship to a company that could afford to keep up our rather...'nice' salaries. Because if you look around SEF right now, what do you see?
You see a wealthy family of Rodgers crew all combining their talents. You see the O'Bannons who are well enough off. You see Ashlee Madden and I...and then, there's Camaro and Mack. That's pretty much the extent of people who are willing to compete here. And of course, the O'Bannons have their TV Champ, Lacey Daniels...who quite honestly? I couldn't tell you half of the relationship statuses of the main two crews in SEF. All I can tell you is that I'm tired of hearing about your my this or that, but this or that. I was trained by him or her....it's all you really ever hear. This guy says he was trained by this guy.....Everyone getting by on someone else's hard work. Did they ever really put in a single bit of hard work other than a little training now and then? Or....do they simply think that the brains aren't needed in professions like this one, because they are always gonna be facing simpletons like themselves?
Of course, as soon as I'm parked and getting out of my car, there's SEF cameras pointed in my face. Like I didn't see that one coming. I'm 'The Greatness'. I live on a beach in Miami. I run The Sterling Group. And like it or not? I'm the best thing that SEF has seen pass through it's doors in as long as most of these haters in the crowds can remember. And now that they've had to see me from afar? Now that they've had a chance to see what I can do....after tonight?
The next time they see me is gonna blow their minds. They are gonna be more jealous of me than they ever have. So, yeah...camera in my face per usual. I roll my eyes. And why not? These people just can't get enough of 'The Greatness'.
I smirk: "Alright. Wait. Lemme guess. Like always...The SEF wants to know. What are your thoughts about Tarnished Legacy? Well...I thought I've gone over it a million times by now. I haven't been pinned or made to submit since I started here. They are both losers. The only difference between Justin and Ash? Well, that's obviously the fact that Geek Boy's timing was horrible. That's it. Tonight...it's me, Knox, and Riot. Three of them. And yeah...I heard them say that I'd probably say that I could take out their entire team by myself. And well...let's leave it at this. [I glare into the camera looking in my mind's eye directly to Ash Silva and Justin Rodger] I could take all three of you out all by myself. But that's not what's happening tonight. No...tonight? It's me, Knox, and Riot taking all three of you out. And if we decide to do a little...extra beating after the match is over? Well... [I smile]"
And I walk off as the camera follows behind me for a second, until they run into a problem. The door closing on their pathetic little camera.

ooc__...In part setting up for the time away that I talked to Mack about. Hopefully be back in a few weeks to throw down some more.
Music__ F**K THE WORLD by ICP
MSBottom.png MSBottom picture by bloodstainedhimp


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