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Preparation - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 01, 2023, 07:16:06 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:28/07/2010 6:57 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Preparation!Tag Match
Battle Royal
World Match
Chris Orton/Dynasty Divas/EveryoneTV ChampionI kinda rambled sorry lol!


The scene opens with Lacey Daniels arriving standing in the entrance area of a Golds Gym whilst a receptionist argues with her. Never a good idea with Lacey!
Receptionist: Sorry but unless you can show me your Platinum membership card I can't let you in to the VIP members area
Lacey gestures towards her face and then down her body. She's wearing her SEF black vest top so it should be obvious to anyone with half a brain she's someone famous.
LD: Look at me! This is my membership card you stupid bitch ... I shouldn't need anything more and even if I did, I lost the damn card somewhere in Tennessee ... Jesus H Christ don't you know who I am? ... Where's your manager?
Receptionist: He's on his way down right now ...
Lacey stands tapping her foot impatiently as some muscle heads walk in behind her. One of them steps back and very deliberately checks her out from behind and another gives a long low whistle. Lacey spins around with a look that could kill and the two guys take a reactive step backwards. Then one of them smiles broadly.
Guy 1: Holy shit .. you're Lacey Daniels!!
Lacey's scowl changes immediately to a smile.
LD: Why yes I am.
Guy 2: Shit .. I mean, wow! I'm a huge fan of yours .. I watch Extreme every week
Guy 1: I love SEF!
They crowd up closer to her as she starts to flirts with them.
LD: Really? .. Well glad you enjoy it. But looking at you maybe you should think about trying out for it ...
She strokes one of them on the chest.
LD: You definitely got the build ...
Guy 2: Well ..
Lacey smiles and changes the subject and you can see exactly why she's being so friendly.
LD: So you going in for your work-out?
They both nod and grin at her.
Guy 2: You?
Lacey puts a small frown on her face and pouts slightly.
LD: Well I was until she ...
Lacey gestures with her thumb to the dumbstruck receptionist
LD: ... said I couldn't without my membership card and I don't have it with me right now ... so I guess I'll have to leave
Lacey gets a big puppy dog look on her face, pretending to be all sad.
Guy 1: Well hell why don't you come in on ours ... we can invite guests into the VIP members area no problem with our cards
Lacey smiles broadly as she cosies up to him and flutters her eyelashes for good measure.  It's total overkill but the guys ain't complaining.
LD: You'd do that for me?
Guy 2: Hell yeah we would. Here ...
He slaps his card down onto the counter and the receptionist checks it.
Receptionist: Um sir ... you'd need to pay a fee to invite a guest ...
He barely looks at her, not wanting to take his eyes of Lacey who's smiling and twirling her finger in her hair.
Guy 2: Charge it to my account, hell anything Lacey wants put on my bill ...
Lacey moves away from the first guy who didn't offer to pay and towards the second guy who's just paid way over the odds for his encounter with the SEF diva. She bends over in front of him to pick up her gym bag giving him a prime close up view of her ass before straightening back up and turning to face him.
LD: Oh thank you so much ...
Lacey moves in real close and gives him a peck on the cheek before stepping back.
LD: You're a doll!
She saunters off towards the change room swinging her hips knowing full well the guys are ogling her and smiling to herself.
As she gets to the locker room and is stripping off to change her cell phone rings. She picks it up and checks the callers ID and smiles.
LD: Dusty honey ... how's tricks? ... Uh huh .. yeah Gold's but don't bother they've got some snotty receptionist who's checking the cards like some mini Hitler. She won't let you in without one ... total pain in the ass
Lacey laughs.
LD: Ah well you know me ... I sweet talked some fans into letting me in on their card but I gotta say it's probably more trouble than it's worth. I guess I'll just have to get a new one issued and sent to Bret and he can Fedex it to me.
Lacey pulls her hair back as she pulls a snap from her wrist and ties it up.
LD: .. Naw, we'll catch up soon enough. Yeah I know ... last week was a trying time for all of us and now with Jade and Riot on honey-bonk-fest we've really got to step up our game. At least this week we get those Fox bitches in the ring .. I am sick and tired of them already and they've only been here 5 seconds. Always going on about their stupid-ass family, as if I give a shit! .. It's time they realised that the Dynasty Divas are not to be fucked with ... me and you are going to take those hoes to school and teach them how  real wrestlers get the job done. It's all well and good for them to talk about how great they are, and how marvellous their family is in this industry but until they actually put their money where their mouth is and show me something special I am going to treat them like the wannabe's they are!
Lacey laughs again at something Dusty says in response.
LD: You know it girl ... I've never been one to sit back and take credit for something I haven't done, or ride on anyone's coattails. Everyone knows my background, I don't need to shove it down everyones throats every 2 minutes. I let my own achievements speak for themselves. Maegan and Taryn might think that they're something special but I'm gonna prove to them tonight they ain't nothing compared to us!
Lacey nods her head.
LD: Yep and then onto the battle royal ... yeah it's gonna be tight but we'll have to see what happens when the chips are down ... it's definitely going to be interesting cos I'm not taking a step back for anyone and I can't imagine Knox will ... or you for that matter, so yeah definitely interesting. But I'm not looking past the tag match yet ... by the time we're finished with them they won't even been in any fit state to take part in the battle royal. They won't be so much the Fighting Foxes as the Fighting for Breath Foxes.
Lacey laughs again.
LD: Yeah I saw that ... thanks for coming down last week by the way but I got him in hand so to speak ...
Lacey laughs dirtily.
LD: ... oh don't worry ... I'm not going to let that stand in the way of giving him an ass-kicking he won't forget for a long time .. Hot or not .. nobody jumps me from behind and gets away with it ... nope I'm not breaking up with Chris but it's not like he's jumping through hoops to keep me happy or rushing to get back in the ring now is it? ... Maybe I should consider changing things up ...
Lacey snorts and shakes her head.
LD: Naw ... I don't rush into anything without getting all my ducks in a row, don't worry. Okay sweetie ... well I gotta get going ... I gotta get my workout in or I'm gonna get even more cranky than usual ... okay hun I will ... speak to you soon and take it easy  
Lacey ends the call and tosses her cell phone into her bag as she lifts her tank top over her head, continuing to get undressed as the scene fades to black
 End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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