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Fighting Foxes tag promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 07:42:09 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:28/07/2010 5:12 PMCopy HTML

Sent: 2/3/2007 4:01 PM
For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
07.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97hm232.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
|| The Fighting Foxes|| {{Gracie, Taryn, & Maegan}} || The Fighting Foxes||
{We see Maegan & Taryn sitting in chairs getting pedicures.  They smile and check their manicures pretending to be nonchalant until the crew is in place}

Maegan:"We are taking a page out of the Dynasty Divas playbook.  {Taryn snickers} "Although, we did get up at 5 am to run five miles before going to the gym to work out for several hours.  Unlike our counterparts we do the fun stuff after the hardwork.  You know what they say girls, all work and no play means you're just as fake as those tag titles that you like to carry."

Taryn:"I was actually quite interested to find out that Lacey actually paid attention to exactly who she is facing on the card.  Yes, Lacey, you finally are getting in the ring with me.  Although, I enjoy the pain you had last week in losing a diva because both Hayden and Jade tapped out, {she does a fake wah wah cry baby face} unfortunately only the submission on Hayden was legal.  Now you are two girls down in this battle.  Even if I can not take credit for Hayden's being fired from SEF due to being the loser of the match, it was however a great victory for our team."

Maegan:"I do love how you are all gung ho, thinking that you are going to win three matches in one night.  So are you thinking that you are superhuman now, Lacey?  I also adore your trainer but I have seen Wrestlemania....was it ten?  He lost to Owen and then defeated Yokozuna for the heavyweight title.  Oh, the best laid plans of mice and men.  You thought you could pull double duty last week.  You didn't get it and then you screwed up and completely ignored Grace.  She is the kryptonite to your loyal puppy dog follower, Dusty in her quest to prove that she's at the very least as good as you are.  As Gracie said in her promo earlier, she'll never settle for being second best.  Even if she doesn't outright challenge you for your spot as the leader she'll want to challenge you in the ring that she's not a real subordinate to you.  I can actually admire the proving yourself to your team mates.  It's to keep the team sharp if you can wrestle each other and still come out intact then the stronger your team can be.  Gracie and I have wrestled each other.  My sister-in-law/best friend have wrestled each other many, many times over the years.  I've even wrestled my aunt a few times.  It's true that we are family and you'd think that would help but as Dusty and Hayden are both perfect examples that family ties do not mean what they should, especially in wrestling."

Taryn:"I may not have the history that you have, Maegan.  I don't have the experience that our opponents have, but I enjoy the stereotype that I will probably be getting in this match.  I'm sure that they consider me the weak link, but unfortunately for you girls, I still have the ties that bind to train with.  I have done what Dusty hasn't.  I have stepped outside of my family comfort zone by coming to SEF earlier in my career.  Unlike you Dusty, I haven't started whining and ducking matches when adversity has shown that I am still green and have lost some matches.  I rallied back, I worked harder, and I came back to win a match againist a decent competitor in Katherine Wylde.  Now, she and her girlfriend are the third tag team in this match.  After watching your promo, Lacey, I have seen that you are by far so concerned with the fact that Maegan and I are your nemesis that you have overlooked a team that could be your undoing.  Kat & Jemma are fairly unknown and you treat them as if they do not exist.  You are so blinded by rage because Hayden is no longer here.  Suck it up, it could have been Jade, it could have been you, hell if not for a stroke of luck it could and would have been Dusty if Gracie would have got a hold of her."

{Taryn pauses as the tiny Asian woman begins to massage her feet.  She says something to Taryn who looks confused and frowns}

Maegan:"She asked what color you would like."

Taryn:"OH!  Uh....tell her red.  {Maegan quirks an eyebrow} A dark red, not a harlot red."

Maegan:"More like a merlot?  {Taryn nods and Maegan then translates that to the woman} "You know Lacey, getting in the ring with you is going to be amazing.  I know that we barely knew each other in school.  I wasn't there long, but it will be interesting to actually get to wrestle you.  You have always been competive, as have I.  We both like to be the best.  I know that you were fake to my face and treated me as the goody two shoes tom boy even though I'm pretty sure that you lusted after my twin, {Maegan makes a gagging face} "brother, Matthew.  Unlike your previous victim, Lacey, I didn't whore around.  I waited for the best and ignored the rest.  My husband is hot! {she smirks} Yeah, I dated before him but I didn't screw around.  I waited for perfection and then I married him.  {she smiles}  I would love a couples match when your old man comes back.  It would be a way for us to really see how far we have come since we were teenagers.  Now this Sunday, {she pauses to tell her nail attendant that she'd like a more taupe color to her pedicure} "you get to face Taryn and I.  Granted, Gracie wanted to be in a tag match againist you and Dusty, but once again God has smiled on her.  She has avoided a match with Grace once again.  She can continue praying, chanting chakras, whatever it is she does know.  The time will come when the two of you have to face Grace and I.  I would hope that SEF would create a real tag team division but for now, you can parade around with your little title belts that are worth no more than trying to shop Rodeo Drive with Monoply money.  Mostly Lacey, I can say I admire your determination and if not for your friendship with the others than I doubt you'd be so stupid as to carry around fake title belts because it undermines how hard that you have worked.  It takes away from how hard you worked to get the television title and the depths of reserve and the lengths that you have gone to retain it.  This maybe our first official match but when it comes to team supremacy, we still have to consider that its not just going to be The Fighting Foxes vs The Dynasty Divas.  We also have to wrestle Kat & Jemma.  Yet, {she smiles} you are by far so cocky that you are going to ignore what could be a great tag team and it could very well be the downfall.  See, I'm not so concerned, any longer about the battle royal to determine a contender for the heavyweight title.  I believe the odds are in my family's favor since Justin, Gracie, and my man are also going to be in it.  Of course, I'm not the coward that Dusty proved to be in the contendership for the International title.  I am not going to jump out of the ring the minute the bell rings.  I'm going to go in there and let things fall as they may.  If I win, then it'll be amazing.  If not, then I just wasn't ready to for the heavyweight title but I am ready for you Lacey."

{Taryn giggles}

Taryn:"Two matches where we can beat on Lacey & Dusty, the most wonderful gift of all is that in the battle royal we have the three on two advantage.  We will have Grace.  Justin and Ash are gentlemen, they will not put their hands on you unless it comes down to, well, if Lacey is one of the last people in there with them or unless either of you are crazy enough or got the guts to go toe to toe with them.  {Taryn shrugs} "I don't see either of you really getting that chance.  With Knox and Sterling both being in the battle royal then Justin and Ash will have their hands full with their own rivals.  A shot at the heavyweight title is a dream but I'm not so sure if I am really interested in it.  I would rather test what I've got againist you Lacey, since you seem to be obsessed with me and I don't know why.  Do you have some sort of girl crush on me?  {she frowns} Isn't that what Aria said about Megan Fox?"

{Maegan looks away with her hand to her mouth and then turns back, giggling, and they say at the same time}

"No relation."

Maegan:"Yeah, that's what the kids are saying.  She has a girl crush on her because they share the black hair and blue eyes thing."

Taryn:"I always thought Megan looked like a younger version of Crys...weird....{Taryn shrugs} "Is that what it is Lacey?  Do you have a girl crush on me or is it simply you think that one day I may get in the ring with you and show you that I'm not the weak link of a team much superior to your own?"

{Maegan's Iphone 4 rings.  She reaches for her bag and pulls out the phone.  She turns it so the phone shows Gracie drying her hair}

Gracie:"You're cutting a promo and want to show me with wet hair and no make up?"

Maegan:"You think you have to be perfect everytime you are on camera.  I think you get that from Kayla.  {Gracie can be shown smirking} Are you ready?"

Gracie:"As soon as I dry my hair.  Then I'll meet you at the studio.  I called Justin Stone.  He's brother-in-law Crazy Joe has a gym and a wrestling school a few miles away.  It's called Hard Time Express. I already punched into my GPS so I'll pick you up in about ten-fifteen minutes."

Maegan:"We'll be ready."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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