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Extreme 179 is going to be Wylde

Started by Katherine Wylde, October 01, 2023, 08:12:34 PM

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Katherine Wylde

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Date Posted:29/07/2010 5:45 AMCopy HTML

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Phone Calls.
Her first match was a flop. She failed to show up before it and was so rushed to get ready for it, that Katherine had gone out into the ring and blown all of her training in one blow from Taryn Fox. Her utter and complete failure on that first night in SEF had led to a lot more phone calls than she'd wanted to receive. Mostly it was her friends talking. Trying to cheer her up. Then she had talked to Jennah. Who had gotten so worried about her loss and her own feelings of failure that she had decided to come to SEF to be with her.
But the phone call that causes her phone to ring now from her locker room is what really gets her nervous.
Sitting in her ring gear with a bowl of Wheaties in her hands, Katherine has her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She sits facing the monitors of SEF.
Katherine has found out that there is much more history here than one would expect. Including having to sit through a lot of promos through the weeks that lead into shows which are sometimes hard to keep up with. Mostly because the people that appear to be here are here with respect. They usually sit around in groups. Most of the people that are in SEF seem to school together like fish. At least three in a bunch. Her phone starts to go off to the side and looking over slightly her grip on her bowl of cereal fades. This ends up placing a bit of milk all over her couch and causes her to sigh harder.
The name of the person on her caller ID is her trainer. She takes a deep breath before finally pressing the green button on her phone as she makes her way over to the sink.
She rinses her bowl out and places it next to the couch on a small lamp table that sits next to the couch. Her face waiting for her trainer to bawl her out about losing to Taryn Fox last week. Then, she pulls a towel over and starts to wipe up the milk quickly. But her trainer doesn't bawl her out. In fact, he seems to be more worried about her mental state than anything else.
"How you doing with what happened last week?"
She sighs with a deep breath. She lets a tear fall, but tries to keep her composure for him. He can hear the differences in her breathing as she tries to keep herself together. It's hard to know that her first match ever resulted in a loss. Even if it was to someone from a wrestling family. There would be a million and one fighting families that she'd come across in the future.
"Listen. Losing isn't always a bad thing, Katherine. But it is always important. Because it helps you to improve your weaknesses. Remember that back in the beginning of my own career I lost every match for the first few weeks. But the fans remembered my name because I kept coming back for more. You've just gotta strengthen your resolve. But that's not why I called."
Katherine listens now more intently. Her ears perked and her breathing under control. She feels like the world might not end after all now.
A chuckle comes from the other end of the phone. Katherine wipes her face with a new towel after tossing the old one into a hamper in the cramped space here.
"I got an interesting phone call from an old acquaintance. He wants me to bring some of the guys and come to SEF. I don't know, I guess he's having problems with someone there. I didn't really get a lot of the details. I'd even say that he didn't seem like himself. Anyways, I told him that I'd think it over. So, he asked me if I knew anyone in SEF. Listed off a bunch of names from people that I'd never even heard of. I told him that I knew the new girl. That she'd improve over time. So, I figured that I'd let you know that he took your number. Don't know for sure that he'll call you or that he won't. So, yeah. Don't be surprised if so. Well, I've gotta go. Thunder just walked back in from his match. It's my turn next. Talk to you after this Extreme, again. By then, I should've talked to the guys and figured out if we're coming. I'll let you know, then. Bye."
This being probably the strangest phone call that she'd ever had, Katherine was kind of skeptical. She goes to the door and shoves it shut and as she turns around as the phone rings again. When she looks at it, it's unknown and she gets the impression of a set up.
Battle Royal
Katherine gears up for what is to be an amazing Extreme this week. After having had a little bit of a consoling talk from someone that she barely knows, her trainer, and her girlfriend among others. She's feeling the best is yet to come. This Extreme is a chance to put on an amazing show, place her name among the SEF elite, and a chance to rise her own star in both singles action and tag action. The camera crew arrives and Katherine greets them with a smile as she stands back and allows them to get set up.
Her outfit shown here...

She sits back on the couch and props her feet up on the coffee table as she twirls her finger around in her necklace.
Sitting back and thinking over each opponent, Katherine begins to speak.
"First of all. I guess I need to address what happened last week. It was simple. I went in unprepared and Taryn, you did what you had to do. This week, though. I'm a lot more focused. To Taryn, I hold no grudges towards what you did. Though I do plan on facing you this week twice to attempt to overturn the idea that you are simply better than me. I've got respect for you, but I have to win this week to set myself back on track. To prove to myself and everyone else what I already know is true. That I can do this."
She nods her assurances to her self. She knows that the first match up that she'll be in on the card will be very hard for her, but it's a perfect chance to get over on as many people in the SEF as she can. As well, if she were to win the match it would mean that she'd be facing a World Champion that has apparently been carrying SEF on his shoulders for a while now. A much harder fight that would be. Especially after the exhaustion of having been in two matches before that one. But who would be able to say that they had done so much more so early on in their careers?
"Not even my trainer and his friends who are well known throughout other parts of this business can say that they've done what is on my plate to do here in SEF. And all I have to do is reach out and grab the brass ring. Now, looking over the competition. It's gonna be a tough battle. Even tougher that I have to face my own girlfriend in the ring. I won't hesitate to attempt to put any one of you over the top ropes to get into that Main Event, though."
Katherine reaches to the coffee table and picks up a bottle of water and takes a sip before looking straight back into the camera.
"First off, Taryn. Last week you took me and broke me into the business. You broke me down in our match and I tapped out. This week. I'll be looking to eliminate you from the battle royal, but it's just business. I've got to prove that I can take you down this week. And doing it twice is the best way to do that. I know that it might be something that seems laughable to you and others on the roster. Especially after what they saw last week. But this week is a different girl in that ring. I know better than to hesitate any longer. I'm gonna step up and do something that I should've done last week. Win."
Katherine looks through her head for the names of the rest of her opponents. With everyone on the roster being in the match, she was sure that she had more to say.
"I can't help but notice that the biggest threat in everyone's mind seemingly is a guy, who..if I'm not mistaken was taken out after leaving last week's Extreme? So, I must be something special to you people then. If a crippled up guy makes you all so scared. Because sure, I lost my match last week...but so what? I've seen what I'm gonna have to do to compete here. And I'm going to pull out the win in the battle royal or come damn close to it."
Gaining some confidence in herself and reassuring herself now, her tone changes a little bit.
"I guess I should start at the top. Ashlee Madden. A pop princess of a professional wrestler, using the term loosely. Everything that I've seen of you screams high school dropout. All about your man, money, and always looking for an easy way out. Well, I'll be more than ready to help you find your way right out of this battle royal at Extreme. Only it won't be in the easy way."
"Next we've got Ash Silva. Someone who according to his own admission is more of a martial artist than a wrestler. Do you know how many martial artists have been truly associated with the business? A lot. Most of them fail in very short order. Looking back over your past, I'd say that you're nothing special. You might be a solid competitor, but who goes asking for something that they are given the chance to earn? Seriously?! Why don't you just earn it in the battle royal? That is if you think that you can, but I think that the shots to the head that I looked back and saw you take, maybe knocked some of the confidence out of you? That's just a guess. Rule Number One in this business according to my trainer is to believe in yourself. And if you have that taken from you, you'd better grab it back and not let go if you want to win anymore matches in SEF."
"Cody Jericho. I can't say that I've seen you compete. All I really know is that you want us to believe that your last name is Jericho and that Y2J is your brother. But that just can't be true. I don't see how it could. Why would anyone allow their family to compete in a place separate from them and not put their name in there with them? It doesn't make sense to me. And that'd pretty much make you Cody Nameless. I guess I'll just have to expect whatever from you. That goes double for your brother. He seems like he might actually have something to prove to himself. But the two of you will have a hard time taking me down in this battle royal just like the rest of the roster. Because I'm gonna fight like a hellcat to obtain that chance."
"Wow. There's so many people to toss out. Dusty O'Bannon of the Dynasty Divas? From what dynasty are you? Searching over, all I saw that looked somewhat fitting in that category was the last name of two of your members. And that's IF like the Nameless brothers, anyone can believe that they are from the Actual Hart Family. But seriously it doesn't matter that you're in this thing with your husband. I have the only backup that I need. My left and right hands and left and right legs. And yeah, my sexy Jennah will be in this thing. However, I'd never put her beautiful body in front of some moron just to keep from getting hit. I'm here for a reason. I have a dream of my own to see through to the end. I'll address your 'pieces of shit' comment in a second. Because not you, or your husband or anyone else will stop it from coming true. You can train all you want to for this night at Extreme. However? We are already all trained athletes. So, it makes no difference how much more or harder, because if it isn't done already? Then, just a few days won't make a difference at all. As far as you referring to me as a piece of shit, sweetheart? You'll regret letting those words fall from that ass that sits on your neck."
"Grace Payne. Any relation to Ryan, I wonder? Anyways, you came here to train, be boring, and swim? Cause I heard you say be here with family, and it seems that the entire roster other than a few have some sort of strange family connection that resembles the Dudleys from ECW way back when. With some obscure supposedly legendary daddy that from all accounts didn't exist. But you know what happened with them? They dwindled down. Slowly and over time. That is what I think your family needs. Whether you've got to spread out to other companies preferrably the ones that your parents were supposably great in or somewhere else, anywhere else. Don't get me wrong. Some of you will still be hanging around with the best that SEF has to offer which is a lot. But you're all competing for the same piece of the pie here. And eventually you'll all be spread out one way or another. But as for all of the people on this roster? Look, if you aren't training at all then leave. If you are then why are you talking about it? It's probably the most boring thing that anyone has ever heard. I train this way, yeah well I train that way. Who cares? Does it matter? No. You're still gonna be whoever you are no matter how hard you train. I guess with that I'm wasting my breath on all of you and the training talk. God, it's so boring. I'd fall asleep everytime that I hear you people talk if it weren't for the fact that some of you throw out an interesting line just as I go to doze."
"And that brings me to the sexiest person in the battle royal that isn't me. Jennah. I won't hold back once everyone else is eliminated even though we have that tag match after the battle royal. It matters to me that I win this match enough that I will even give you everything that I have. After that I know that we will B.O.M.B. those other chicks, but for the first match of the evening any bruises that you take from me, I'll kiss away after our night is over."
She stops to smile and lead her tongue along her lips. She even almost smirks as her mind begins to wander before she stops herself and takes another sip of water.
"Unfortunately back to the rest of you. Picking back up with Johnny Camaro. You blew it. Your chance at Mack was blown. You tried and tried hard, but you still failed. Now most competitors would dust themselves off and go right back to business. Not try to twist some sort of win out of a loss. It just seems to me that you try too hard to convince yourself that you're as good as you want people to think you are. But that just takes away from how good you could be. And as long as that's how you roll? You'll never be anything other than just some pretty boy. I'll be looking to take you out of this battle royal myself if I can get my hands on you first. It would be one more way to show myself and the world that I'm ready for anything. If I can eliminate the last guy that faced off against the World Champion, it would raise my star in this company."
"Justin Rodgers. The International Champ so you must have some talent. Maybe you're the standout competitor from that huge family of yours. Your problem is that you think that you've got a reason to swagger on up to gain something above you. I mean let's face facts. Hearing you list off your wife's accomplishments would make me want to give her a go, if it weren't for having the ever sexy Jennah on my mind, but that's not gonna save you from any beatings. The thing that I have going for me is that every single one of you saw last week. You all think that I'm just a dumb chick that got her ass kicked by your family members. You claimed that your family is your biggest challenge? But I beg to differ. Your biggest challenge is looking straight into the camera right now. I don't have anything personally against any of you. I'm sure that could change in time. But until then, I'm gonna show each of you the respect that you show me. That doesn't mean that I'm gonna lay down and let you all run rampant over me. No. Far from it. I'm gonna give each of you a challenge that none of you up until right now thought that I could. And if you all or any of you still think that I'm not serious, I'll prove it at Extreme."
Katherine has to take another sip of water to wet her mouth and her drying out throat. She relaxes back a little bit again.
"Dusty's husband Knox O'Bannon. A former marine turned wrestler. An idiot if he truly discounts everyone on the roster other than the four that he mentioned. Because everyone seems to be looking around and assessing the entire roster's threat level. And since I didn't bring down the house in my last match and failed to put on a good showing before and during my match last week, I'm discounted as a threat. But I got news for you. You've got another thing coming with me. None of you seeing what I believe I'm able to do is working in my favor. All of you can continue to overlook me, but in the end all it does is spur on my chances of winning and strengthens my resolve of that very thing. To win. Sounds simple. I mean it, but I'm also realistic. I know that I'm gonna have a hard time with some of you. But I find it hilarious that you consider yourself in the final four then bringing it down to you and Lacey Daniels. Because then you call the World Champion a cocky bastard. You talk about retiring the World Champ? I think you've got your head so full of crap that your eyes are brown."
"And that brings me to another person. Not just any person, but Lacey Daniels. The TV Champ. I get to face off against you twice in the same night. And yet nothing to say about Jennah and I in the tag match? A pity. Noone sees a true threat of a bomb until it goes off in their face. Well we'll take care of that after the battle royal. You'll get your first taste of me in that. Then, we'll see what you have to say about the B.O.M.B. Cause once I get done proving a place in SEF in that battle royal, I'll be heading on to face off against a World Champion that has been waiting for a true challenge. Sad thing is? I think that he'll be the only one that stands against me. And that's after having fought in two matches. I might sound a bit arrogant and unrealistic to you. Especially with how hard you've been clinging to that T.V. Championship, but then how hard have you really been pushed to keep it? I've got to guess that it hasn't been too hard for you. You've been facing a lot of guys. How hard are they to manipulate for you? Shine some cleavage or a little hip. They just crumble for people like you. I could be like that, but I've got more belief in myself than to ever use my looks to get out of a situation. It leads to a street that you definitely don't want to be on. No wonder your challenger took to comparing you to a whore. You act like one, you get referred to as one."
With that said, Katherine wipes her face a little bit. Getting flushed from all of this talking made her want to already prove herself and not have to wait for Extreme. She knows that this week will be a lot better than last week.
"Maegan Fox, married to Ash Silva if I follow all that dribbling nonsense of flowing family ties that seems to roll out from all of you. You seem to be one of the few that don't try to overlook myself and JENNAH. Not an 'm'. Very smart to realize that you could have your hands full on one front with us during that tag match. Because we very well could be the biggest challenge that any of you face. It's actually kind of refreshing that one of you could see the threat that we will be at Extreme. Though, really I have a hard time seeing how the two teams of Taryn and Maegan and Lacey and Dusty will have an easy time focusing on anything other than each other. Since both teams have some sort of lust for destruction of the other. Well, I'll just have to capitalize on that with my babygirl. We're gonna have to tear it up in the battle royal for the SEF fans and show ourselves to management that we're here to be taken 'Extreme'ly seriously. And we'll have that chance on Sunday night. It'll be our best chance to shine at least twice, if not three times for myself."
"I'm not overlooking any of you, though. I'm squarely focused to prove myself against each of you at Extreme. That includes you Shane Nameless. You and your brother I covered a little bit earlier, but I'm telling you now that both of you should be wary in that battle royal. I won't hesitate anymore. I'm done with allowing anyone to get the upperhand over me for long. I'm gonna capitalize on everything that one of you does."
"That brings me to Strife. A warrior from what I've heard, but not a consistent one from what I've seen. Well, Strife you have every bit as much respect as you're gonna get from me in that. But I'm gonna tell you just like everyone else. I'm coming to Extreme to work. Thing is that my work is gonna be eliminating everyone from a battle royal first, and then taking on two established stables in SEF. If everything goes right in the battle royal then I will move on to face Mack for the World Championship in a match. That is a drive that pushes even the simplest of minds to want to rise up from the rubble and squash someone to raise their name up to a standing with the crowds."
"Finally it comes all the way back to you Taryn. Funny how things move in circles. And after listening to you, I'm glad that you realize that I'm a decent competitor after that match last week. And it's true that the two of us being taken lightly is a mistake by those so-called Dynasty Divas. But even not taken lightly, we could be the undoing in a triple threat tag team match. As far as the battle royal goes, I don't have any agenda that is separated from win. If I have the chance to eliminate someone who's not looking, then consider them gone. If I have to stand toe to toe and fight every inch of my standing here, I'm not above a fight. You got only a glimpse of a challenge from me last week. But rectifying that this week could very well cause every competitor in SEF to fall."
Katherine stops there and takes her water to finish it off. She then stands up as she starts to walk toward the door. As she gets there she smile rather large.
"Mack. The SEF World Champion. If I have my way about Extreme, we'll be meeting for the first time in that World Title match. And although, I understand you're somewhat nursing a hurting leg, that won't be anything like the pain that I will have gone through to earn my way to facing you. Not only that, but I'm going to be relying on a lot of fortitude just to make it past Extreme. Let alone give you as much of a challenge as I can with all the adrenaline and spirit push that I can muster. I'm gonna give everything that is at my disposal to give you the fight of your life. Everyone has now been put on notice for the first time. This Kat is going Wylde at Extreme."
And with that she smiles and holds the door open for the camera crew to make their way out of the locker room. She goes back over after shutting the door to call Jennah. It's time to find out when she'll be arriving.

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