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Started by Kristin Fox, October 01, 2023, 08:29:58 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:31/07/2010 3:59 PMCopy HTML
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Knox20OBannon20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Knox taking control 2 extreme 178read itFormer SEF Hardcore champ/Staff Sgt Marine ReconBlank 

"The Lethal Weapon"
{Knox is stopped once again as he is about to enter the gym.  He looks annoyed as hell by being stopped}

Knox::"I do not give a damn what these other assholes say about what they think will happy when the battle royal happens.  That people are going to jump out of the ring because of group loyalty.  What kind of stupid green dick bullshit is that?  I had to talk my wife out of the International battle royal, only because she wasn't ready and because that sick bastard Knight Hawk and his equally psychotic brother Vlad was in the match.  Now, there are three members of our team going into this match.  I am by far more confident by the smallness of our group that the loyalty and the talent will factor greatly in our victory on Sunday night.  We no longer have to worry about ego or chauvenism.  I know how great the people that I am aligned with are.  I'm not even worried about that stupid bitch who can't keep Ash and I seperate.  Technically we aren't even related if because my wife has disowned her family for the inadequate treatment and training that she had with them.  They chose to groom Maegan, Grace, and Justin for greatness in this business.  They shoved her to the side and now her talent is going to bite them on the ass when she and Lacey take Taryn out of this battle for supremacy.  Now, as I understand it from talking to our attorney that this isn't a liscensed stipulation that SEF has put a lot of backing into.  It is an agreement between competitors.  As for Hayden losing last week?  {he rolls his eyes} She didn't want or deserve to be here anyway.  Lucas quit so she gave a half ass performance.  Her only real passion that she put into the match was making sure that Jade wasn't sacrificed for the fact that she teamed with her." {He stops a girl} "Can you get me a water? Thanks."


{Knox waits until she brings it back, opens it, and takes a sip}

Knox:"Now, Camaro thinks he is God's Gift to women?  Well, I covered that before so I'm not going to even comment on that.  He comes out and since he likes Shakespeare, let me quote some myself.  You know the speech from Macbeth that people have to memorize in high school?  You remind me of that, "he is a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard no more.  It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifing nothing.' So you were blinded by Mack as if you were a little girl at a Jonas Brothers concert?  {smirks} Is that your excuse?  You went all fan girl about Mack?  {he chuckles} I knew you were a fag.  I just thought you had your eyes set on Justin.  Poor Taryn and Grace, yea I saw Justin beg you to stop being so overt about your homosexuality. You're real problem is that your a man whore who can't cut it in the ring.  You get a little bit of forward momentum going until you have to face a girl and then you are all 'eeww i have to grapple a girl? gross!"  You know most men would chop off their left nut sack just to get Lacey to look at them for longer than a quick disgusted glance.  You cave because she doesn't have the right equipment for you between her leg.  Jesus! This place is starting to look like a gay bar!  {shakes his head and takes a drink} Listen you little namby pamby little bastard, this is SEF.  We don't care which way you swing as long as you don't play grab ass in the ring when we are here to bleed and sweat for a shot like the battle royal for the heavyweight title.  You've already proven that when it comes to a title shot you cave.  You are not even going to be a decent enough warm up for the battle royal.  Now when the battle royal is down to the final four, whether it be by hook or by crook, and by crook I mean Sterling, that cocky bastard wants the title just as bad as anyone.  {He chuckles}  He'll dump Ashlee out of the ring just as soon as he sees the brass ring looks to be within his grasp.  See it is that greed that Lacey, Dusty, and I plan to capitalize on when it comes to the battle royal.  We are going at this the smart way.  There is a lot of bullshit and petty jealousy that is going to get in the way of a lot of people.  Justin, for instance, Lacey brought up the fact that he's been brought up as a gentlemen.  If it comes down to Justin really having to knuckle up on a woman in this match, he'll really cave and hope that Maegan or Grace will have his back or he'll hope to dump them over the top rope gently so they don't break something.  This will be his undoing as Lacey and I will chose this time to call Dusty over and the three of us will send his ass crashing to the floor.  Camaro will be so busy checking to make sure his hair doesn't get messed up because he'll be thinking Mack will want him to look good.  Boy, you are going to get the shit kicked out of you that you'll dream of Mack again.  {Snickers} Yeah, I do my homework.  I know that you cut a promo about how you dream about Mack.  Hell, its in the archives.  I'm surprised he didn't knock your teeth down your throat for even dreaming that he swung that way when he gets all the ass he needs from the young and stupid rookie divas who come around, much less what he gets from his own wife.  Lacey and I are going to bring the house down on Extreme.  Then one of us will be setting the bar higher for everyone else around here as one of us we'll be winning not just one but two matches and headlining the show with Shane Mack.  Just for the fact this place is about breaking barriers, I would almost like to say that I would like to see Lacey win three matches in one night.  Is that stupid of me? Is that cutting my own throat?  Hell no, because I know that when it comes to title shots Lacey would much rather look within her own stable to hand out shots because she knows as well as I do the two of us will not stab the other in the back in a straight one on one match up.  If by accident or by the fact we are superior to everyone else in the battle royal, we will go to it.  Just to prove everyone wrong.  We can face each other with these kinds of epic stipulations on the line and still be a team on Monday.  When the smoke clears, Monday, our day off expect a huge party because Mack will be out of here.  Shattered Reality will be hosting the party of the century because one of us will be the new SEF heavyweight champion."
The Lethal Weapon

chrisdaniels.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Name  "The Lethal Weapon" Knox O'Bannon
Weight 240
Height 6'2
Finishing Move OBannon Lockdown
Trademark O'Bannon Buster
Managing/Dating  Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon


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