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Observing The Rookies

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 01, 2023, 09:22:00 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:06/08/2010 2:26 PMCopy HTML

So here we are at the house of Rick Reynolds and the view is fixed out front showing a looped driveway that is double wide near the front doors and coming up the drive now is Rick in track pants, sneakers, and a white sleeveless shirt. His long blonde hair tied back and sweat pours off his head as he comes to a walk upon getting closer and walks right on by us with a smirk. The view spins around seeing Rick walk to the door and reach to the side ringing the doorbell. He turns and says.
You want anything to drink, water, juice, I got beer too?!
The door opens and the cameraman says.
Juice is cool, orange if ya got it.
Rick turns and some older man, distinguished looking and in a suit is seen opening the door, a servant perhaps and he just looks at Rick surprised and asks.
Oh, didn't realize it was you, why'd you ring the doorbell sir?
Rick just says.
I need a water and get this clown out here an orange juice, I got a few things to say to all my viewers who can't seem to get enough of me!
The servant shuts the door and Rick turns with a grin on his face and sits down one the white marble steps leading to his door, about fifteen or twenty steps is all. He just looks into the camera still grinning and says.
So it seems all of you pukestains of SEF, all you rookies that make up most of SEF, hell, aside from Mack and Whitney, compared to me, your all rookies, but hey, rookies ya gotta watch out for because sooner or later they come a knocking looking to establish themselves as a true professional!
He motions to himself arrogantly now, then cups his hands together resting his arms on his legs and says.
I mean really, who do we have in line to try and earn a shot at me? Justin Rodgers? Knox O'Bannon? Johnny Camaro? That last name has wasted more opportunity than some people in other companies would kill to have. He shows promise and then fails to deliver, every time, and why is this time any different? Knox, wow, what exactly is it you did last week besides win a battle royal full of nobodies to earn a shot at me who just twenty four hours ago had to face Shane Mack and beat him. I should not have been forced to wrestle that match the next night yet I did and still I owned you in more ways than Mack ever could because lets face it, I did after all beat Mack and became the only real champion this company has to offer right here and now!
He door opens behind Rick and he pauses as the servant walks out handing him a bottle of water, then steps forward handing a bottle of juice past the camera. He turns looking at Rick who finishes gulping down some water and asks.
Anything else sir?
Rick just nods no and says.
Nah man, thanks for the drink.
The servant walks back in closing the door and Rick now looks up saying.
Alright, back to what I was saying, the only real champion cause let's face it, who the hell did Lacey beat to win her title? Megan Sorrow? And Justin Rodgers, who did he beat for his title? Knighthawk? What, was the kid even in SEF for more than a couple weeks and what exactly is it he ever accomplished, did he even win a match? Megan Sorrow I admit at least tried despite not exactly being up to par for SEF, she tried and stayed for quite a few months, but both of those so called wrestlers pale in comparison to the champion I dethroned, not to mention the title I won happens to be the title of all titles in this company and outside of it in more than one place! I took down the man that made SEF what it is, I took down my teacher, I ended the reign of Shane Mack and proved why I am The REAL Franchise of this business and damn sure the best World Heavyweight Champion of all time!
He just smirks arrogantly, so full of himself you want to slap him upside the head, but just how much of what he says is really being stretched too far from the truth? Rick just says.
Now Justin, the self proclaimed this and that because lets face it, if it's a moniker you have, its one bestowed upon you by birthright, something that has little effect on you being a star in this industry. Sure, it helps for getting into it, but it fails to get you anywhere. All of your family, your father, they are nothing in SEF, they cannot help you one bit, none of them can pull swerves for you, get contracts for anyone, not a single one of them have any power what so ever. You're a nobody hanging on to a legacy that was started by someone else somewhere else and makes absolutely no sense here in the real world. Hell Justin, look at you, supposed to be some glorified International Champion yet Lacey Daniels proves herself to be a better champion than you and that's not saying much cause she isn't exactly a champion of my caliber. Then as I said, when compared to me your all exposed for the rookies you truly are and it doesn't matter who it is stepping in that ring with me inside the DOGG Fight at DOGG DAZE, the end will be the same regardless and that is me as World Heavyweight Champion. I shouldn't have to defend this title every thirty days because lets face it, like Mack, I have no competition and unlike Mack, I don't feel I should have to defend the title of all titles against non deserving pukes like we got in SEF now. He always wanted to give shots to anyone, everyone who challenged him, well fuck that! I want the true best to step up and challenge me and that's why this title should only be defended every sixty days unless our bigger events are going to be held more often. I don't need to reduce myself to the level of competing on Extreme or Sacrifice anymore. A star of my magnitude should not be forced to mix with the pitiful peasant like wretched scum beneath me on this current roster. I'm too good for that and as a result of this need to make me, to force me to defend this title every thirty days will only result in a reduction of the roster for I will destroy these undeserving minions.
He sneers in disgust now and stands up holding his water saying.
Six days ago I did what even I had some doubt I could do and then the next night I made a statement, both verbally and physically and put you all on notice that things have changed, that a new era had begun and one that will not end for a long time given the lack of talent I have to work with. But luckily I have the talent to make up for all you rookies and at DOGG DAZE its simply going to be a lesson from that your all in way over your head. If any of you even think you have a hope of making it to face me and then go as far as to think you can beat me your going to be disappointed for none of you have what it takes to beat me. I've proven myself a number of times in SEF, I have proven I can carry this show, something very few have done in SEF history and no one active on today's roster can lay claim to that. Mack is history and I am the man making SEF my own, this is my show now and your all lucky I allow you the privilege of even being in the same building as me, well, at least when I have to show up and give all you people an even bigger privilege of watching me out wrestle anyone who dares to step in the ring against me.
Rick takes a drink of water nearly emptying the bottle, then lowers twisting the cap and says.
Alright, that's all, now get lost, its Friday and I'm the Franchise!
He smirks slick like and turns heading up the steps opening his door and walks in shutting it behind him. The view backs up some and turns going to the ground and fade to black.

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