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Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:14:38 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:08/08/2010 9:26 PMCopy HTML

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official Justin Rodgers roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to readt- on remember you have been warned...

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Lots of ppl
Justin vs Knox vs Camaro
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Tarnished Legacy/Shattered Reality
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You'd have to read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{Justin is walking down the hallway when his phone sounds again. He chuckles as he taps the screen to see its an email from his friend Norm.}}

"Hey Asshole, you screwed up again.  It's the Triad trying to take over.  Reynolds and two other guys."

{Justin chuckles}

Justin:"Trust Norm to call me on the carpet for getting my facts wrong.  {he stops and looks up seeing Samantha looking at him as if he's lost his mind.  He motions to the phone} "My buddy, Norm.  He's in Detroit Rock City telling me that my head is full of rocks cuz I fucked up.  See it's a group Reynolds has, the Triad that is making the rest of the Sacrifice crew look bad.  Apparently its this jacked up bastard named Thor and Rob Rocco.  I think even Camaro mentioned the crew.  I've apparently been looking at it the wrong way.  Three guys did start an invasion in one company so maybe being a kid during the heyday of the nWo has stuck in my mind like so many things do even if its useless worthless information.  Now Rick Reynolds is the SEF heavweight champion and by his own admission he is a two time loser of the title.  I don't normally pay much attention to the Sacrifice card and that's my fault.  So I'm going to have to go and check out the match with Mack before I ever face Rick Reynolds in the squared circle.  It makes me wonder if Reynolds sold his soul just to get the win over Mack.  I don't know.  I just don't see a guy like that giving Mack the kind of match he deserves.  Reynolds ran his mouth and to be quite honest with you, he talks a lot of shit.  He really has a hard on for trying to discredit the kind of talent and potential that Camaro has.  He's not the same guy he was a few months ago.  We've had our battle and now when it comes to a Triad hit squad, with Mack gone that leaves the SEF needing a leader.  I have friends.  I have family.  We all know that we hate the Triad.  So I want to be that leader.  I know that Ash and Camaro have my back.  In fact its no secret that Camaro and I can keep egos in check and work well together as a team.  You have some serious competition if the Triad wants to really try to take over.  Personally, if you get the urge to knock Knox around, I'm not complaining but marking him as a symbol of the SEF simply because he won the battle royal for the number one contendership to the title last week?  I don't think so.  Look right here guys, I am the SEF International Champion.  I earned my spot and my title.  Until Mack comes back boys, look no further.  The Triad wants to step to SEF then step to me.  Step to Silva and Camaro.  We aren't going to back down.  The more you push us, the more we are going to band together until we break the ties that band your crew."   



Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:08/08/2010 9:59 PMCopy HTML

Johnny over hears the conversation and walks up to Justin, snatching his cell away fro him.

"Ya! I've got his back, and Reynolds and his bitches better step off. We are better than them on so many levels. We will steal this show and we will steal the fans hearts. This alliance between Justin and I, it's elevated. We've got more recruits, so spread the word. The SEF is coming after MCW, whoever wants to join to help our cause can. This is Johnny Camaro and I am out!"

He tosses the cell back to Justin who looks puzzled. Some backstage guy goes to him as Johnny starts to jog and asks...

"What was that about?"

The camera is infront of Camaro and moving back quickly to keep up with him.

"Let me tell you. MCW, or many Rick Reynolds, wants to come here and attack the new generation of SEF, well we are ready to fight back. I am encouraging everyone to help us take SEF back! Help us take the title off of Reynolds! What I did there was try to hype Justin and the dude on the phone. So spread the word, SEF is taking our show back! Right now it's 3 on 3, but we could use your support! Join us, fight with us! Put your hate aside and fight as a team for SEF!  I'm proposing an elimination tag match for the SEF title. If SEF wins than whoever is the #1 contender gets the title. The other gets a shot at the Underground title! So come on, hype yourselves up. This is Johnny Camaro and I'm out!"

The camera fades away from him.
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.

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