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A New Title Means More Beer

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 12:17:34 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:10/08/2010 6:21 PMCopy HTML

We find Ares leaning against a large rock which offers shade, plus the many trees in around it offers plentiful shade. Ares has a white cooler sitting next to him with his TV Title laying on top and parked a few feet away is a black pickup with dried mud near the wheels and the whole thing covered in dust. Ares just sports jean shorts, sneakers, and no shirt. He drinks down some Natural Light and tosses the can down, then reaches into the cooler grabbing a new one. He pulls the TV Title into his lap and cracks his beer, then looks up seeing the camera on and smirks. Ares takes a drink of beer, then looks down at the title and lays it back on the cooler. He looks up and says.

Well hell Lacey, it seems as if I did it, I stripped you bare of your gold and now I am the Television Champion. Fuck yea, I'll definitely drink to that!

Ares tosses back the can swallowing down all the beer and tosses the empty away. He reaches back into the cooler getting a new beer and cracks it, then says.

I told you that I had my bases covered, remember, I told you that anyone you might have help you I will take care of and I did just that because well I may not like too many people or let alone trust anyone, I do have people I can count on to have my back, plus I told both Haz and Joe they could have a title shot anytime and anywhere as long as they kept Lacey's goons from costing me the title. Now there is the rematch she is, so use it whenever you like it Lacey or maybe your too concerned with the International Title now, who the fuck knows. I saw your little stunt at the end of Extreme, so just to let ya know, I'm ready for a rematch, but its your call. I'm ready to defend this fucking title against anyone who wants a shot because I'm always ready to whip a little ass and a drink a little beer, well, more like a whole lotta both!

He slams down the beer he has opened and tosses the can away, then grabs yet another, keeps his title on the cooler and cracks it open saying.

Next Sunday I gotta face three chumps in a fatal four way match. A couple chicks and some loser who thinks he's the brother of Y2J, oh fuck!

Ares sneers and slams down his beer, chugs it and tosses the can away, then says.

Shane Jericho huh, well son, your about to be introduced to plain old Ares and your gonna feel my fucking Atom Bomb, so fuck you! As far you two cunts, Jennah Hembrook, your worthless. I saw you in action so far and you can't wrestle for shit, so go back to pulling tricks on the street corner, you like this Shane Jericho fail at wrestling!

Ares pulls a new beer out and says.

Now Maegan Fox, you may actually pose a decent challenge to me, but don't get cocky and think I'm giving your too many props. I mean really, who the hell have you faced let alone beaten here besides some goofy broads over some political family issues that have shit to do with SEF?

He cracks his beer and takes a drink, then sneers and says.

Well you may be the best wrestler I have to face this Sunday, you're a long ways off from being very good, so ya best step up your game if ya expect to get into running for this TV Title. Your not facing some weak piece of shit from some lame duck group like the Dynasty Divas or the now dead Shattered Reality or that name says it all, Tarnished Legacy. Your facing the newest TV Champion and someone who doesn't give a flying fuck who you are in the first place. I'll beat your ass into the ground as much as I would fuck you sweetheart, just ask Lacey Daniels my feelings on women!

He smirks now and guzzles down some beer, then says.

Bring your best, walk the walk and I'll stomp ya into the fucking mat, then wipe it clean with Jennah and Shane and that's I gotta say about that, now get the fuck outta here!

Ares slams down his beer and tosses away the empty, the camera backing up some and he grabs a new beer. He then grabs something behind the cooler and pulls it up showing us a 357 magnum and cocks back the hammer. The camera backs up a lot now and he rises the pistol up and pulls the trigger letting of a loud BOOM and now the view turns and is quite shaky before fading to black.

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