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Predicting the Future - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 12:37:36 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:11/08/2010 7:24 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Predicting the Futurevs Justin RodgersChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/AresTV Champion x1yay ... let's kick it up K! :)


The scene opens up with Lacey Daniels sitting in a chair. Her Dynasty Divas tag title is draped over one arm which she subconsciously strokes every now and again.  She looks thoughtful.


LD: So Ares there you are sitting pretty with my TV title ... I guess I can't complain I had a pretty good run with it, 3 months in fact. And you know, it was a good thing that you won it from me because otherwise I probably would never have challenged for the International title. It was time for me to move onwards and upwards and I just couldn't see it ... so thanks for the nudge in the right direction. Although a little word of warning ... enjoy your moment in the sun and try not to spill too much beer on that pretty little strap because at some point I will be demanding my rematch and this time I'll make sure no-one interferes!
Lacey smiles as she sighs and seems to move on from the whole Ares mess.
LD: So ... Justin ... here we are again ... getting all up close and personal. Yeah I know I didn't go about things the right way but then I never was one to follow the rules was I? ... I actually took a leaf out of that hick Ares book and just went out and did what was necessary. Yeah I jumped you from behind, yeah it wasn't my finest moment but you know, it got me what I wanted and that's a shot at your beautiful ...
Lacey pauses as she reaches out and takes a sip of a drink on the table next to her. She takes her time leaving the comment hanging and then smiles ..
LD: ... International title.
Lacey giggles a little.
LD: What? ... What on earth else could I be talking about? ... This is a strictly professional thing ... Justin you have something I want and I'm prepared to do whatever ... and I do mean whatever! ... it takes to get it from you.  And you know me, I can be very persuasive when I want to be ... does this feel weird to you too? ... When two people know each other as well as we do or used to at least ... what can you say? ... I can't threaten you like I did Ares, I can't intimidate you like I did Steve Weiner, I'm not going to insult you like I did Johnny Camaro and so where does that leave me?
Lacey smiles, genuinely and her eyes sparkle.
LD: It leaves me with the truth ... and the truth is Justin ... when you and me get in that ring on Sunday night I will be the one walking out as the new International Champion and you will be the one left lying flat on your back wondering what the hell hit you. You know I'm capable of beating you, you know the depth of my commitment to this business, how relentless I can be, how driven and how determined I am and what I have sacrificed to get to where I am now. You also know the lengths I am prepared to go to, the depths I will plumb to achieve my goals, to fulfil my mission and slake my unquenchable desire for success.
Lacey smiles and nods her head.
LD: Yeah Justin honey ... you of all people know ... or at least you knew and back then I was a child just learning at her masters knee ... you have missed out on so much and yet here we are ... the same place, the same time. You can now see what I have become and what I will develop into ... you can see the changes but you can also see the similarities and you know what they say ... a leopard never changes his spots. Well I haven't changed mine and from what I've seen lately neither have you and that is why when all is said and done ... after Extreme SEF will have a new International champ and that's all there is to it. My advice to you ... keep your fingers crossed that after me and Knox dispense with Ash Silva in our match up later on, that Knox somehow defeats me so you don't have to go against me again next week and lose your shot at the World title too! ... And you know what I always say ... that's not a threat, it's a promise ...
Lacey nods her head as she gets up from her seat and goes to walk away before she turns her head back to the camera.
LD: ..  and you know me babes, I always keep my promises!
Lacey struts away as the camera fades to black

End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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