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Justin at the beach

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:45:19 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:12/08/2010 12:24 PMCopy HTML

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official Justin Rodgers roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to readt- on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
Justin vs Lacey
All read
Justin at the beach
People Mentioned
Tarnished Legacy/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have to read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{{{The camera opens on Justin going about his daily business.  He's packing his gear bag, making a messy king size bed, and then sitting down for coffee and reading the paper. He is talking on the phone with someone.  He is barefooted and bare chested walking around in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs}
Justin:"This morning?  I did some laundry, packed my gear bag, and made some coffee.  {He chuckles} Yea, I can function without the little woman around.  You know how Uncle Chris was, he didn't want anyone to rest on what they have.  If you have money and you do nothing to protect your investment then all you're doing is pouring money down the drain.  Despite some people I could mention who seem to think so, money doesn't grow on trees.  Uncle Chris wanted us all to be able to be able to function with or without money.  Why pay someone to do what you can do for yourself?  It increases independence and I mean really, on the road, you have to deal with crazies who'll steal all kinds of stuff.  The one time I had stuff sent out in Canada because I was booked solid for a week, I lost a considerable amount of clothes...no, if it was just boxers I'd be like okay, freaks.  No, it was socks.  Foot fetish people?  Really?  In what alcohol soaked haze must I been in not to realize that I had taken my clothes to people who wanted to oogle my feet?  Most girls I find like the normal stuff....yea, abs and ass...in wrestling you have people who see guys just as muuch as tits and ass as they do the girls.  {He sits down and takes a sip of coffee and when he turns to the sports section to check out the prospect for his alma mater, Duke's, prospect for the upcoming NCAA season, he groans.}  "The cat is out of the bag.  Don't you love media coverage?  {He laughs as a woman's laughter can be heard.  He heads back up stairs and pulls on a pair of Duke blue devils basketball shorts} "Yeah, no attention is bad attention.  It is when it comes to sports reporters claim that my wife is nothing more than a sad attempt to replace Lacey Daniels.  {he gets up and punches a hole into the kitchen wall.  he turns ready to fight when he hears a man chuckle behind him.}  "Look, somewhere is here.  No, its one of Shawn's former students.  {he hangs up the phone before anything can be said, winces as he takes the guy in fully.} "I told you that I'd introduce to you Sly and Vic but do you really have to wear that shirt?  Dude, come on, that's my little sister!  Are you trying to scare me for life with that naughty angel shoot Gracie did?"

09.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10

{The guy moves in range of a mirror.  He has a news style camera and with the angle you really can't tell what he looks like.  He is muscular and is wearing a white shirt with Gracie on the front dressed in a white teddy and wearing white angel wings.}

Unknown Guy:"To obvious?"

Justin:"No, {he points to the muted tv and the camera swings} if you showed up at her door dressed like {its a Trojan commercial where a dude is dressed up like a spartan during a commercial break of the morning Walker marathon on Spike.} "The Trojan man, but then, it would be a race to see which Payne male or psycho Nikki showed up to kill you.  See, I'm the nice one.  All I'd do is break your neck.  {Justin grins}  "Dude, she's made a play for my boy, Camaro.  He's playing it cool because he'd have to be blind to not think she's pretty, but he can't afford to take that at face value {smirk} when it comes to the fact that they have to wrestle a tag match on this week's extreme."
Unknown Guy:"You sure that you are not taking things at face value?"
{Justin folds his arms across his chest}
Justin:"Jayson, I've known you for years and that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say!  I'm not taking Lacey lightly.  We've trained together in the past.  I know how tough she is.  I, {he pauses as the red light is staring him in the face.}  We were in training at the same time....{he smirks} to some extent.  She's wrestled Maegan in the past....little exhibitions in Bret's backyard....playing around on the banks of Bow Lake.  {he pauses, eyebrow raised possibly remembering young Lacey in a bikini} "Anyway," {he walks over and picks up a pair of navy blue and silver Nike Shox R4.  He pulls out the athletic socks he'd stuck in there earlier and sits down to put his shoes and socks on.} "It's been awhile since I've been on Myrtle Beach.  {He pulls on a muscle shirt that also has Duke on it and looks back at Jason} "I do love all of the hell I cause walking into a gym full of die hard South Carolina Game Cocks fans and rocking the blue and white in their faces.  {his phone buzzes.  He holds it up} Maegan.  {he taps the screen twice} Hey Maegs, you're on speaker and via Jayson Rage's video fetish, camera.  {Justin holds the phone up to show that he's upgraded to the iphone 4.  Maegan is smirking and has her hair bulled back with a Blue Devils scrunchie in her hair and a little blue devil sticker on her cheek.} See, loyalty.  Family, Alma Mater,"
Maegan:"Speaking of which, did you ask your girlfriend permission to visit your wife?  Oh wait, which old girlfriend are you planning to visit today?  You going to sneak off and tumble with Lacey or are you going to dissapear to Plantation Drive, I hear Ashley Flair is home from college and partying with Somoa."
{Justin growled}
Justin:"Kiss my ass, Maegan!  In case you forgot, YOU were the one who set Lacey and I up in the first place.  You wanted to play Lil Miss Matchmaker and it took you and Nattie both to talk Bruce into doing some kind of wrestling camp mixer in the first place!  As for Somoa, you know damn well she is DEAD to me!!  If I see Ashley?  It'll be because she'll be pissed that I put one of her brothers in the hospital.  You know that little snot nosed punk got his daddy to sign him to a TNA contract when Dave has been busting his ass for years on the circuit.  I wonder how long the punk will last with TNA before someone smartens up and sends him packing to the circuit."
Jayson:"Sounds kinda militant, you going to cut a promo on the Nature Boy next?"
{Justin flips him off}
Justin:"Yeah, if I hadn't been taught at an early age not to disrespect legends.  {Maegan snickers} Shut up, Maegs, you know damn well how Uncle Chris and my mom feels about that."
Maegan:"Yeah, squats till you puke is not fun.  Still, we were paying respect to Bret when we disrespected a legend in the first place....but still we can always cause a riot wearing our blue devil gear in the SC."
Justin:"It would be fun and I have done it for years but the question is how much hell will follow us back to the arena?"
Maegan:"You're right, youve got enough problems."
Justin:"Don't remind me."
{he glances up and the camera follows to show that the clock also features a blue devil.  The camera follows Justin as he goes to pick up his keys, this key chain is a big Duke D is for the beach house on Hilton Head Island.  The house is on the northern most tip, closet to NC.  On the wall there is large framed autographed pictures of former star Blue Devils' stars Christian Latner, Brian Davis, Cherokee Parks, etc.  In one picture, a couple of young blond kids, (Justin and Gracie) are surrounded by the 1992 Dream Team: Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, David Robinson, Patrick Ewing, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Laettner, etc.  Legends in the NBA, with the exception of Laettner.  Gracie is on the shoulder of center David Robinson, and Justin is in a play headlock put on him by Charles Barkley, who is also holding up a symbol for the Four Horsemen, whom he was a fan of.  Also in the picture is a man dressed in a Stars and Stripe windsuit with long blond hair and sunglasses.  The t-shirt says 'Bringing the Payne,' and is obviously Gracie's dad.  He and Malone are in a faux aggressive fist to fist pose but they both have smirks on their faces.  A hand reaches out for the picture. Justin turns and smacks the hand}
Jayson:"Dude, what the fuck?"
Justin:"Having a crush on my sister now is hard for me to accept, trying to molest a picture of her when she's almost three years old is kinda creepy."
Maegan:"Rage, you perv."
{Justin opens the door and you can hear seagulls.  The front porch opens onto a private beach}
Justin:"Maegs, move your ass.  I'm taking the ninja and I'll be on the ferry is five.  {he turns to face the camera} Rage, if your coming, then get your ass in gear and turn that damn camera off.....{he walks around the side and goes down some steps to a small crushed gravel driveway.  a black kawasaki ninja is parked next to shiny black jeep cherokee.} "Oh and Gracie won't be there. She's pestering JC to train with her so they can make a formidable tag team againist Dusty and Rocco."
Jayson:"You guys suck."


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