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Grace on the beach

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 12:48:11 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:13/08/2010 8:47 PMCopy HTML

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For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
Gracie20Fox20Payne2020Banner.jpg Gracie Payne banner picture by kristinbenoit97
|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda "Fox"Payne}} || The Divine Diva||
{{Grace leaves the gym and heads back to the beach.  She's a little annoyed.  Camaro will work out with her to increase their odds of winning but as far as talking about anything other than the match he's mute.  Grace sighs, pulls the scrunchie from her hair, and shakes her golden hair loose.  After several minutes of riding the ferry to Justin's vacation home on Hilton Head, she is antsy to get out of the car.  She's extremely hard on herself, puts a lot of pressure on herself to be as good in the ring as her dad and uncles, as smart as her aunts, and as hot as her step-mom.  She pinches the bridge of her nose in an attempt to negate one of the things he inherited from her mother: stress headaches.  Once she parks in the little gravel parking lot behind Justin's jeep, she gets out and pretty much strips....except she's wearing a biknini under the Duke cami/capri workout gear that she is wearing.  She opens the door to drop her keys and stuff on the counter.  The rest of her stuff she tosses onto the padded bench on the veranda waving 'whatever' at them.  She yelps as a man dressed in a towel comes out behind her}}

Jayson Rage:"Water?"

Grace:"You scared the hell out of me, Rage!"

{She looks out over the water, digging her toes in the sand, and takes a long drink of water.  Oblivious that she's being checked out.}
laura_vandervoort_bikini_reef_2_big.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
Jayson Rage:"Sorry.  Beach or hot tub?"

{She turns with a raised eyebrow at him.  gestures}

Gracie:"We are on the beach."

Jayson:"Oh, right."

mark-salling.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
{he looks down with a kind of goofy smile on his face.}

Gracie:"You shaved your head."

{He runs a hand over his head}

Rage:"Yeah. Yeah I did.  Anyway, {He looks nonchalant and drops down in the sand} "Feel up to company?"

Gracie:"Yeah, I guess.  My brother has relationship drama, my favorite cousin is cuddling somewhere with her husband, and my tag team partner barely wants to train with me much less pay any attention, personal or professional.  {she signs}  I wish Mistie or Mia or even Cady & Cheyenne were here.  No one is here that I can spend time with."

Rage:"What am I; a piece of shit?"

{Gracie turned to him, rolls her eyes, before putting her sunglasses on}

Gracie:"YOU just showed up and probably have four or five girls in town already.  Word to the wise, you'd better keep the brunettes away from here.  Justin's got enough trouble keeping people from talking shit."

Rage:"Five girls? Try no girls.  Well, there is one I came up here to see, but I realized that she's out of my league.  Anyway, {he pulls out his phone and turns the vid camera on} Why don't you put all of this pent up agression into how bad you are going to humilate your ugly step-sister?"

{Gracie laughs}

Gracie:"The ugly step-sister? I like that, but I'm far from Cinderella.  When it came to Princesses I never associated with her.  I kinda felt overprotected and trapped like Jasmine and Rapunzel.  A huge overprotected father, an uncle, godfather, big brother, and a psycho 'quazi' aunt that would kill anyone who got anywhere near me.  Now I'm an adult and I tend to like the guys that my brother is friends with.  He doesn't keep company with jerks.  {She gets comfortable in the sand, relaxing on her elbows, basking in the sun} "At least I didn't settle for the first guy who wanted to alternately sex me and protect me like Dusty.  Now she's such a brazen slut that she has dissapeared behind closed doors with Rob Rocco and possibly the Triad.  Who knows if she's training or getting gang banged.  Sure, I made a play for Camaro, who is obviously not interested, and that could be two reasons.  He either has a girl or is not interested because I'm Justin's baby sister.  One overt play to the sexual and then I just got the guts to go train with him.  The one thing that I can be sure of about my tag team partner is that he doesn't trust our opponents any farther than I could throw Rocco's big butt.  {Rage laughs} "It would be interesting if the reason that Lacey is the only one putting any training time is because there could be one big orgy going on with the Triad.  This could be how sick people bond.  Knox could be the quiet sociopath that one doesn't expect to be crazy.  He just goes about living a normal life except he has these stressers.  He already has a hero complex.  Dusty's a slut so she probably likes to have all these guys pawing at her, then Knox swoopes in, fights them all, and then takes her right there in front of everyone, and possibly trading her back and forth."

Rage:"OR maybe its been so long that you've been without that the inner Fox Freak is giving you all kinds of odd fantasies."  {Grace gave him a look and mumbles something} "Well, if that was an offer it would be interesting.  {His eyebrows shoot up} Really?  That's certainly not what you want everyone to know about.  SO forget that Sycho Slut is banging Triad and trying to play grab ass with the Underground roster.  You need to have day off from training.  You don't want to wear yourself out on this lazy ass bitch that you going to be completely owned by you and Camaro."

{Gracie flashes a brillian smile at him, dimples flashing}

Gracie:"You're right.  Rocco is going to be so burdened by carrying Dusty's fat ass that I need a few hours soaking some rays.  Camaro and I are so much better than they are.  Maybe I am just taking it for granted that she shares the same father that Justin does.  Josh is a tough son of a bitch, my dad always bitched about how he could never grind him down to tap.  He had to wear his ass down and make him tired.  The more tired he became, {she snickers} like I'm going to put the secrets to wearing down the Warrior.  Why wisen people to the fact that I know the key factor in destroying Dusty is so methodical and its not just making her tired.  She's already wearing herself out.  She's trying so hard just to prove that she is somewhat close to my level.  Dusty, honey, really! I have the genetics, the experience, and the genuine love of this business to have been training since the day that I could walk.  You only started training because you saw Peyton and Gabby not only kicking ass but your inherent Daphne Blake syndrome."

Rage:"Oooh, nice Scooby Doo reference."

Gracie:"You have no idea how many facets I have to my personality.  {she laughs} Dusty, I think you just got sick of being the victim so much and our younger sisters had to protect you even though, Peyton is so much younger than you.  She can't even drive yet and she's tougher and more graceful than you.  Huh, Jus, Maegan, and I always compliment genetics when we do something good.  You and Lucas have always been such epic failures that maybe your mother's genetics were so damaged that they canceled out whatever good it is that Josh offered?  {she smirks} I guess Camaro and I are in a handicap match againist Rocco.  Dusty will be to busy getting tested for every STD known to man.  Well, I guess Camaro and I will see you this Sunday, Rocco.  Maybe Dusty if she decides to get off her back."

{Rage taps the file and then sends it off into cyber space to SEF.  He then nudges Gracie}

Rage:"You know I think you should run that thing by Maegan that you did at your Uncle Max's fed.  The whole Naughty Angel nickname you had.  You can work it."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.


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