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Playboy Perfection - Extreme rp4

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 12:51:06 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:15/08/2010 5:49 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Playboy Perfection!vs Justin RodgersChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Justin RodgersTV Champion x1sorry couldn't resist throwing this in ;)


 The scene opens with Greg Boone standing backstage at the entrance to the Joe Riley Stadium when a black SUV pulls in. It brakes sharply and the drivers door swings open and out steps Lacey Daniels. She's dressed in the new SEF "Dynasty Divas" t-shirt, Levi's, black boots and a soft black leather biker jacket. She stares at Greg and raises an eyebrow.

LD: Got a death wish there Greg?

Greg steps towards her and speaks quickly in a low voice.

GB: Why don't you give me the keys and I'll get that parked for you.

He takes hold of her elbow and tries to steer her down the entry way and down one of the corridors as she pulls out of his grasp and glares at him.

LD: What the hell are you doing Greg?

GB: Uh Lacey look around you ... probably not the best time to be on your own right now ... what with the Playboy shoot coming out yesterday ... kinda got everyone a little worked up if you know what I mean

Greg turns Lacey around to see the group of about 20 men who make up some of the SEF backstage crew who are blatently checking Lacey out. One of them is holding a copy of Playboy and smirking at her.

Lacey laughs and reaches into her purse and pulls out her keys and winks at Greg before she deliberately struts over to the men. She pauses in front of the one who's holding the magazine and smiles.

LD: You want me to autograph that for you?

The man swallows loudly, all his bravado gone now he's been confronted. He looks at his friends and shrugs trying to be nonchalant.

Crew: Uh yeah sure ...

LD: No problem .. it's just I don't have a pen, so I'll do you a deal ... you park my car and bring my case to me .... you know where my locker room is right?

He nods his head quickly geting a laugh from the other guys.

LD: Great ... you do all that for me and get yourself a pen and I'll happily autograph whatever page you want ... deal?

Lacey holds out her hand as the guy smiles enthusiastically and reaches out to shake with her. She takes a firm hold and puts a lot more pressure into it than necessary to physically show him that she is not a diva to be fucked with or taken lightly. As she squeezes his eye widen dramatically as he realises what she's saying with her actions. She smiles broadly as he winces and looks at the other men who by now realise what she's doing.

LD: Good I'm glad we understand each other ... see you later

She pulls away and drops the keys into his hand that he's still holding out and turns on her heel and walks back over to Greg who's watching her carefully. She heads off with him down the hall as he follows her.  

LD: As if I'd ever let anyone intimidate me! Shame on you Greg ... you should know me better by now!

GB: Sorry ... my bad

Lacey nods her head.

LD: Well I guess it's an easy mistake to make. After all I'm not most women am I now?

GB: You certainly aren't Lacey ... although I have to say after seeing that photospread I most definitely confirm that you are all woman!

Lacey laughs.

LD: As if anyone ever doubted that Greg!

GB: Well you look amazing in it ... Chris is a very lucky man!! ... But I guess it's not going to come at the right time for a certain Justin Rodgers ... I mean it's certainly not going to make his wife feel more secure is it?

Lacey stops dead and turns to face Greg with a scowl on her face and pokes her finger into his chest.

LD: Okay enough is enough ... first off I don't give two shits about Justin Rodgers wife okay? It's got nothing to do with me. If she can't handle the fact that J and I once had a thing a while back then it's her problem not mine! He married her, she's carrying his baby and I'm with someone else, hell I'm with the best thing in SEF, Chris Orton. If it pisses her off that he was with me then too bad! ... But then if my husband had an ex as hot as me then .. hey, maybe I'd have to think twice too! I mean it can't be easy ... all fat and such and there's me ... looking like I do in all my glory ... can't be easy eh?

Lacey smirks and then gets a serious expression on her face.

LD: Me and J are past history and the only reason this whole thing has gotten stirred up again is because we are facing each other over the International title ... a title which I might add will soon be in my possession! ... There's no secret affair here ... hell we've been very open about the whole thing, so just move on already. I know I have ...

Lacey glares at Greg as he ducks his head.

GB: Sorry .... seems to be the day for me saying the wrong thing

Lacey nods and carries on walking as Greg scurries alongside her.

LD: Yeah well ... it just get tiring is all you know. I don't need Chris calling and being all jealous like, I don't need to keep hearing about Justin's wife throwing a fit or how all the Foxes are worried about his marriage ... I want to concentrate on what's important and what's important is that I walk out of Extreme the new International champion. I have to continue my momentum and I refuse to let anything or anyone stand in the way of that. I have sacrificed so much ... more than anyone will ever realise ... to get to where I am today and I'll be damned if I'm going to fuck it all up now. Nope, not going to happen. I will defeat Justin, take his little title and make it my own and that's not a threat Greg ..

Greg smiles a little.

GB: It's a promise?

Lacey smiles back.

LD: You got it!

GB: And what about the triple threat main event ... do you think you and Knox have an advantage going into this match?

Lacey looks at Greg with a sarcastic look in her eyes.

LD: What do you think Greg? ... Hmmm .. we're stable mates and he's on his own ... hmmm .. yeah I'd say we have an advantage! ... Well at least until we get rid of him or take him out of the picture and then ... well ... all bets are off. Oh me and Knox understand each other very well and afterwards it'll be all good and peachy but that doesn't mean for one second that either of us will take a step back or not go at each other 110%. Both of us want that shot at Justin to become the No 1 Contender and face that dickhead Rick Reynolds for the World title ... it's gonna be a real eyeopener I can promise you that!

They reach her locker room as Lacey turns to open the door when Greg speaks again.

GB: Well you know there are rumours flying around that Chris Orton might be making his comeback this week at Extreme ... any comments?

Lacey laughs.

LD: You really think that I'd let you know even if he was coming back on Sunday? ... Rumours, schmumours ... never believe anything unless you se it with your own eyes Greg. I guess you'll just have to wait and see like everyone else ...

A ringing starts out from Lacey's purse as she rolls her eyes and reaches for her cell. She checks the ID and blows out a breath.

LD: Now if you don't mind I really gotta take this ...

Lacey turns and opens the locker room door and you can see the outline of a man already inside the room as the cell carries on ringing, forgotten.

LD: What the hell are you doing here?

You can't tell if Lacey's happy or not, she just sounds suprised but the door closes before anymore can been seen or heard.  

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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