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Hell for Reynolds and O'bannons (Extreme rp #1)

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 03:41:16 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:20/08/2010 9:58 AMCopy HTML

The beginning chords to Burn Halo's Save Me hits the PA System and the entrance is filled with sparks. They continue to run for a while before Johnny Camaro walks out onto the stage to a vibrant crowd cheering. As he walks down the ramp towards the ring he slaps the hands of near by fans. He stops half way down the ramp and brushes off his abs and tosses his arms out to the sides with wind blowing his hair, all of which are slowed down by the production team. The sparks stop and Johnny reaches the end of the ramp throwing his arms out to the sides again. Johnny turns left toward the steps but stops and runs back to the apron, Johnny jumps onto the apron. He steps through the ropes and jumps onto the closest turnbuckle. He just stares into the crowd for a moment, before he drops off of the turnbuckle.

Johnny reaches out of the ring near the announce table and someone hands him a microphone.

"Everyone, I am here before you tonight for a number of reasons. The biggest being the fact that I gave Grace the cold shoulder and made her carry the match. Grace, I don't deserve it, but I want to apologize to you, and I ask you to please accept it. I don't deserve it, but I'm asking for you to accept my apology. The thing is I had a bunch of things on my mind. First, I had a title match on my mind -and I would be carrying my title here now but trademark issues prevent me from doing so- I was trying to stay healthy for it and I guess that I made you carry the match to do so. Second, I was dealing with the asshole Mr Sterling, to which I beat for said title. Third, was your brother taking the World belt from the Triad. Last but not least, I was thinking about a way to stop the Triad. Grace, during that match, all I did was think. I wasn't focused on the task at hand and I wasn't focused on getting revenge on Rob Rocco. During that match I found the perfect person for the job. This man came to me in the back afterward and told me that he would help me. He is a good man and a great friend of mine. Grace, I'm sorry and I hope that we can join together tonight and win our match."

The crowd is lively as Johnny says those words, he's feeling the love and it is pushing him forward.

"But I digress. A couple of weeks ago, I had a match with a fellow named Knox O'Bannon, he had the passion to fight, but he didn't have the endurance to keep up with me and Justin. I already knew that and I'm sure Justin's fought Knox before and knew that too. That is why we were the ones to finish the match, we picked Knox apart and defeated him. Justin then was able to beat me, last week I didn't show anything and many are saying that I was getting revenge. I will put to rest all those rumors now because, as I already explained, I was focusing on my World title match in another promotion."

The crowd stays lively and Johnny keeps going.

"Then there's Dusty, who I know Grace would love to beat this week. She did get by us last week, but it won't happen again. Grace and I will bring our all and we will win tonight. I can't let Grace down again, I can't let SEF down again! So I will fight and I will win. Just wait and see."

The crowd is calming down a bit.

"But what about the Triad? They need to be taken down a peg, and I already told you about my buddy who will be here on Extreme this week and will help us in our fight against the Triad. This Extreme will be infectous, it will boost our ratings all the way up past WWE, past all the other promotions out their. This will be a very special Extreme and it will once again make SEF mainstream. Tune in, get your friends to tune in, this will be a night to remember. And Rick Reynolds, you have no idea the hell that this man will unleash in SEF. He will never die, he will live while the whole world dies."

Johnny's music hits and Johnny walks to the back.
Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.


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