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The Pity Party is Well & Truely Over! - Extreme rp3

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 03:47:30 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:22/08/2010 5:07 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
The Pity Party is Well & Truely Over!vs Maegan Fox & Matt MatlockChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Maegan Fox & Matt MatlockTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)lovin the rps K! :) ... sorry it's not all that but I wanted to tie in with the other rps


The scene opens with Lacey Daniels arriving at the Charlotte Colliseum, dressed in low hipster levis, a sinfully tight Lacey Daniels tee and black wedges. She's pulling her case behind her and her gold belts are sitting on each shoulder respectively. Greg Boone hurries up to her as she smiles. She carries on walking down the ramp to greet him.

LD: Hey Greg come to personally escort me to my locker room again ... you know just cos I mentioned I might as well be single earlier doesn't mean that you're in with a chance you know

Lacey laughs and misses the serious expression on Greg's face.

GB: Oh uh .. no that's not ...

Lacey pats his cheek quite hard.

LD: Yeah right Greg ... you and every other guy walking right? ... I mean unless you're gay or dead ... every man wants a little Sugar Rush, ya feel me?

Lacey laughs again as Greg blushes slightly.

GB: Well Justin Rodgers and Ash Silva were joking about how hot and bothered you'd gotten Rage with that little Playboy package ...

Lacey frowns slightly.

LD: Jeez! Like I said ... nothing to do with me. Why the hell would I want to send anyone my Playboy issue? ... Get it your damn self already!! .. I think it was something Justin already had and just tried to play it off as a package I sent when he got caught with it ... even though he says he's blissfully happy in his marriage ... I somehow doubt it ... I think it's more a case of she's hottish and most importantly carrying his baby ... that's the real pull for him. And now she'll always wonder is he sticking with her because she's the mother of his child or is it because he really wants to be there? .. hmmmm ... not something you want spinning in your brain when you're all hormonal I'll bet. 

Lacey smirks as she enters the building and Greg follows. He looks up and notices something different about one of her belts.

GB: Hey ... where's the International title?

Lacey pauses and takes one of the belts from her shoulder and holds it out for Greg to see. It's definitely slightly different to the International title that Justin Rodgers was carrying around last week.

LD: You like it? ... It's custom. You know, me being me I wanted something a little more special than that scruffy old ragbag of a belt that Justin was carrying around so I got this new one made. See it still says SEF International Champion but right here is where my name goes! ... What the hell is up with SEF and their no nameplate policy ... shithouse I want everyone to know that I'm the International Champion and Greg .. you so know I deserve this!

GB: But you had Justin's name tag taken off and yours put on ...

Lacey laughs as she reaches into her front  jeans pocket and pulls out a small piece of metal.

LD: Oh you mean this? ... Yeah well just something else to tease him with really ... here ...

Lacey tosses the nameplate to a crew hand who miraculasly manages to catch it as Lacey speaks to him as she walks past.

LD: Why don't you drop that off to Justin when you next see him ... tell him it's a genuine gift from me to him ...

Lacey gives a little laugh as she swings the belt back on her shoulder and carries on walking down the hall. You can faintly hear the crew hand mutter to himself as he squeezes his hand around the name plate ... "it's still warm" as he smiles.

LD: So has Maegan been shooting her mouth off about me ...

GB: Oh uh well yeah a bit ....

Lacey raises one eyebrow at Greg

LD: Only a bit? ... The girls slacking ... I thought she'd bit for the Pristine Princess bit at least ... hell knowing Maegan she's probably bragging about it not realising how full of herself she sounds. She has no idea of how real people live ... like everyone is born with a silver spoon in their mouth and the world being handed on a plate to them ... shit, that girl has no idea what it's like to really work your way up from nothing to being somebody ... I've got more determination in my little toe that she does in her entire body. I mean her idea of working hard to achieve something is ... having to fly commercial to work out with a world-famous trainer ... not how to travel 200 miles in below-freezing weather with no car to get to a high-school gym to wrestle for 100 people for 25 bucks if you're lucky. Nope ... she really doesn't have a clue.

Lacey shakes her head as she rolls her eyes in disbelief.

LD: And yet the fans still love her ... huh!

GB: Oh um talking of world-famous trainers ...

Lacey's cell starts to ring  as she holds up her hand to silence Greg and reaches into another pocket and pulls out her phone. She sees the caller ID, smiles and answers the call.

LD: Dusty honey ...

Lacey's smile falls off her face as she listens to Dusty.

LD: Oh My God! ... Okay sweetie calm down ... it's gonna be okay. How's Knox? .... Alright where exactly are you? ... Mmmmhmmmm ... okay, yep ... I know it .... uh huh I'm on my way now ... just stay put I'll be 20 minutes ...

Lacey's eyes have filled up like she's on the verge of crying and the concern for her stable mates is etched on her face.

GB: Shit sorry that's what I came out to tell you ...

LD: Bit fucking late now Greg!

Lacey turns her back on him to walk straight back out of the arena, she takes a step and then unexpectedly turns back.

LD: Sorry Greg ... it's just ... you know

Greg is standing open mouthed at Lacey's apology as he can just about manage to nod his head. Lacey turns away from him again and walks fast away from him back towards the exit.

Scene fades to black
End of rp3

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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