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Justin ppv 2

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 03:59:56 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:27/08/2010 6:49 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ I'm sorry if the formatting is messed up, had to piece it back together because my mom thought she could just randomly click the buttons and nothing would happen;-) ||
{{Justin is pumping iron.  A 46 inch flat screen tv is up on a wall near him replaying promos.  He sees Gracie talking to their mom about Camaro and Rage.  He laughs.  He then sees Ash and Maegan talking about Lacey's ring.  He rolls his eyes.  A voice over then announces that it is going to replay past promos. 
e9ab5897-2.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
Justin stops as Rick Reynolds begins to go off about their match.  That Justin only won a chance at the heavyweight title because Rick let him.  He shakes his head and drops the dumbell onto the rack.  He is extremely annoyed as he places hands on his hips and glares at the camera.}}

MikeOHearn-RPS-Ardenti-293.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
Justin:"Intelligence is relative, Rick.  One could say that my iq being over 180 could mean that I lack common sense or that it is strictly my only knowledge comes from book learning.  You also are claiming I name drop?  Not recently.  Everything except the fact you claim to be trained by Mack and you're defeat of him for the title, the rest you're

full of shit.  Who's chain are you trying to yank Rick?  You got lucky in defeating Mack.  Make me cry, {he chuckles deeply} you may beat me and hell you might even make me tap but you won't make me cry.  Interesting how you claim I am a liar.  What makes you so sure, Rick that I'm not here trying to make a name for myself?  Even if I have mentioned people in the past that I have met or know through my family.  You can't prove that they haven't met them even if it was just a meet n' greet.  Do you know how many meet and greets that celebrities do?  What about charity work?  Did you ever began to consider all of the charity work that my family does and all of the charities that exist that people's paths may cross?  My mom is very active in charities that involve the Barrier Islands off of the Gulf Coast of Lousiana and the rebuilding of New Orleans due to all of the destruction in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita?  To many possibilities exist for you to actually be able to prove that I am lying about anything.  In fact, the only person that I claimed friendship with that is a named superstar in wrestling, is Tyson Kidd and the Hart Dynasty.  Why don't you go back in the SEF archives?  While the time I worked out with them at my dad's gym doesn't prove the friendship I claim to have with them, is does prove that I have met and know them.  You can lay all kinds of claim that you have the vast knowledge that Mack does in his history but the truth is Rick, you're not Shane Mack, no matter how hard you try or how much you try to steal his catch phrases.  You simply do not have the connections or experience that he CAN prove.  It is simply as my friend told me an opinion that can't be proved and in his opinion is thus a lie because it conflicts with what he says, that has actual facts backing it.  Now, that maybe an accidental misquote, but you can't prove it.  I have video footage that shows at least a meeting, since YOU brought it up.  Now, as for respecting my family, {he tilts his head to the side} "what's the matter?  Are you an orphan, Rick?  You lose your family or did they turn againist you?  Interesting.  You seem to be infected with the same bullshit that Knox has been stricken with.  Now all of this is games.  Bullshit.  Trying to throw me off of my game plan to beat you.  {yawns} Everyone knows that its the Triad who likes to interfere.  You can piss and moan that your three on one beat downs never go off without someone trying to stop you. So Nikki Venom returned.  Camaro and I are friends and now we are both backed up by our closest friends.  You hide your annoyance, your anger that you have been one upped by throwing a tantrum like an errant toddler who was punished for sneaking into the cookie jar before dinner. {He walks over to his bag and picks up the phone}  Since you are so concerned with interference.  {Justin smirks}  "Why don't we make it where Rob and Thor are handcuffed to the Infection?  I mean we want to be fair.  {he takes a business card and dials the number on it}  Granted, this is not how I wanted to win a title shot, with the Triad attacking my best friend.  {shakes head and finally smiles} Hey Bill, It's Justin Rodgers.  Rick said he was 'concerned with interference.'  Do we have time to request that Rob and Thor are handcuffed to Camaro and Venom?"
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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