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If You're Gonna Poke This Dogg You Better Have a F'N Big Stick!!

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 04:30:17 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:29/08/2010 12:27 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
If You're Going to Poke This Dogg You Better Have a F'n Big Stick!!w/Dusty & Knox O'Bannon vs Grace Payne, Maegan Fox & Ash SilvaChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly FoxesTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)The many faces of Lacey lol ...  oh and the "romantic interlude" rp wasn't for PPV .. it was like a backstage thing so wouldn't have been on camera


The scene opens with Lacey Daniels watching a monitor backstage in the MCI Arena, she's dressed in a tight corset top with low slung hipster levis and spike-heeled boots. She has her tag team title loosely strapped around her hips and her International belt sitting on her shoulder. She's obviously becoming more and more agitated as the more promos she watches the more she paces up and down. Finally they end and Lacey gives a scream of frustration. 

LD: Can't handle a fucking match on my own?! ... Oh My God!!! ...

Lacey walks towards the cameraman with a look of pure fury on her face. He backs up a little but she keeps coming. She grabs him by the front of his shirt and drags him along behind her. You can't really see too much except for an extreme close up of her back as the lens is so close but you can clearly hear what she is saying.

LD: Oh you want to get my every reaction huh? .. Think I enjoy sharing every intimate moment with you pieces of crap ... well let's share this shall we?

She pushes him back and walks away a little from him and stands with her back to the curtain that leads into the arena. She holds it open a little and gestures behind her.

LD: See that Maegan, Gracie and Ash ... that is the arena where you will pay for your stupid ass comments. That is the arena where I will show you exactly what I am capable of ...

She walks through the curtain and heads down the aisle towards the ring.

LD: Gracie babydoll, this is the barrier where I will smash your pretty little face in! ...

Lacey keeps walking.

LD: Ash honey ... this is the ringpost where I will bounce your skull so hard you will lose consciousness but not before ...

Lacey walks up the steps and climbs into the ring.

LD: I take your cunt of a wife and snap every little bone in her body right in front of the screaming fans of SEF!! I will stomp and wrench and and stretch and twist and batter her fat-ass until she's incapable of taking any more ... til the blood runs in her eyes and blinds her. Til she begs me to stop!! ... And you know that with my training I can do it too!! ...

Lacey shakes her head in anger as she takes some deep breaths to try and calm herself. She closes her eyes and seems to settle a little before opening them again.  She leans forward over the ropes and speaks directly into the camera.

LD: I have never met a bunch of people who are so wrapped up in their own shit, so self obsessed that they cannot see the truth when it's staring them in the face. You have all, and yeah I include Justin in this, deliberately misunderstood my every word, twisted it to suit your own purpose and ended up looking like clueless idiots in the process. I am not the one spewing shit ... you are! ... Shall I elaborate .. oh hell where to start ... okay how about this ... I never said I won tag matches singlehandedly ... in fact I'm pretty sure I spoke about Dusty and Knox being a well oiled team and that they had already proved that fact last week ... you know when they beat Gracie and her little boytoy crush Johnny Camaro? ... Remember that poppet? ... Or how about me not being able to handle a match on my own? ... I mean really did you just show up here or did you just have your memory wiped recently? ... Really I'm curious because if you check the SEF archive I know you'll find plently of matches where I have done just fine and dandy on my own ... but hey, in case you didn't realise this is a TAG match! I know it's a pay-per-view and you're not used to the big leagues but at least pretend like you have a clue! ... We work together not as individuals ... although if that's how you want to work your end that's just peachy with us ... makes our job easier!

Lacey lets go one last big sigh and her shoulders drop. Her cool is returning and she's starting to get the familiar smirk on her face.

LD: Gracie babycakes you want to show up at my home and try and  ... oh wait what was it exactly ... oh yeah "beat my ass into the ground" ...

Lacey tosses her head back and laughs.

LD: Oh please Gracie ... please come on over I would love for you to try and pull that shit with me. I would take great pleasure in just beating the living shit out of you ... no ring, no cameras, no rules just you and me in the street ... and then you in an ambulance!

Lacey laughs again.

LD: Damn honey, the sooner you hook up with a guy the better ... you definitely have some tensions you need to work out!! .. And you say I'm delusional ...

Lacey chuckles and holds out her International title ...

LD: See this ... how delusional does this make me huh? ... I notice not one of you Tarnished Legacy peeps ... not a one of you have any gold to your name and you know why? ... Cos you can talk the talk but you have still yet to walk the walk ... you just ain't got what it takes and I do and deep down you know it. The real reason this match isn't Hell in a Cell isn't because you requested it too late ... it's because you were too afraid to ask for it. You know exactly what could happen to you if there was no way out and how much damage we could cause ... hell the record books speak for themselves. But Maegan babes ... if you really want me one-on-one in a cell ... all you gotta do is ask!

Lacey winks at the camera and smiles.

Lacey swings her leg over the bottom rope and steps onto the apron. She jumps down and starts walking back down the ramp. She clicks her fingers and the cameraman runs around to face her, walking backwards.

LD: But hey I'll hold my hands up to some of the things you say ... we are manipulating the situation, sometimes when people leave the door open you have to walk in you know ...

Lacey shrugs.

LD: But as far as Knox teaching us ... well maybe a few things here and there but nothing we didn't already know. And you shouldn't really bother your tiny little brains with all that mind-fuckery because what you really should be asking yourselves is this .... why did Dusty and Knox align themselves with me? ... I mean Dusty was a big part of the family until lil Gracie came along and started this whole feud and everyone took Gracie's side .... what's that all about? I mean I know you're all cold hearted bastards deep down ... more concerned about presenting a united front than actually working as one. Picking favorites and discarding people when they don't fit your plans or agree with everything you say ... if I'm manipulating them and they're still choosing to stay what does it say about how bad it would be with you? ... hmmmm ...

Lacey shakes her head as she admonishes them like a teacher speaking to a naughty child. She walks through the curtain backstage and carries on down the corridor as the cameraman stops as she walks away. She pauses and turns and tilts her head on one side.

LD: Oh yeah and as for the whole sick Playboy package thing ... what really makes me wonder is .... who really sent it to Justin because I know for a fact it wasn't me ... and it wasn't Dusty or Knox ... they wouldn't waste their time. So who in your camp was so desperate to keep Justin's mind off me that they would pull a cheap-ass stunt like that? ... Oh and I wasn't insinuating anything when I mentioned taking that special place in Justin's heart ... I just meant that Justin had time for Maegan and then he dropped her to spend his time with me because I took his affection ... you were the ones who twisted it into some gross incestuous thing ...

Lacey pulls a face and gags.

LD: ... Wrong ... soooo wrong!! ... But then I guess that's just the way your minds work huh? ... I mean that probably makes sense in your twisted little world ... you know where the Fox family actually mean something ... where Gracie is intimidating ... where Ash doesn't kiss Justin's ass every five seconds and where Maegan can actually wrestle ... me living in a fantasy world ... hello!! ... Never mind it just makes it all the more fun for Sunday when reality comes along and slaps the taste right out of your mouth!! Oh and Fuglies ... that's not a threat ....

Lacey voice echoes off the walls as she walks away towards her locker room and you can hear her laughing.

Scene fades to black

End of rp 2

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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