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Why? Why? Why?

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, October 02, 2023, 04:38:09 PM

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Date Posted:03/09/2010 10:33 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Why? Why? Why?
 Justin Rogers, Lacey Daniels, Shane Jericho, Johnny Camaro 
I'm Back!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" live inside New Davis Arena, and SEF fans are going wild and crazy, so some footage is shown on titiantron showing the return of Chris Orton attacking Justin Rogers. SEF fans wanted to know why did Chris Orton attack him, so the answer to their question is about be answered by Chris Orton who appears on titiantron getting massive heat reaction as he is smiling in a evil kind of way started talking.

Chris Orton: Why? Why? Why? The question everyone wants to know is why I brutal attack Justin Rogers, so the answer is very simple for weeks sitting at home watching this jerkoff mess around with a woman who I love so much Lacey Daniels hearing comments from this jerkoff made me did what I did at Dogg Daze to send a message to him and everyone else don't mess with Lacey Daniels or else. I been out of action due to a leg injury I wasn't ingoring Lacey Daniels which Justin Rogers believe I was preparing myself for my comeback take over SEF as the new leader of this company. At Dog Daze, I put down Justin Rogers if he decides to mess with my future wife or me I promise that brutal attack will be nothing to what I have in store next for that jerkoff.

Chris Orton stop talking, and SEF fans are booing hearing Orton comments about the attack, so Orton address his first match back in SEF.

Chris Orton: Tonight on Extreme, I'm involve in triple treat match against Shane Jericho and Johnny Camaro, and I advise these two men stay out of my way, because I consider this match as a message to new SEF World Heavyweight Champion Rick Reynolds that title is mine, and I will get my title back around where it belongs. Shane Jericho and Johnny Camaro don't stand a chance against me, because I'm coming into this match in the best shape of my life, and I will put down every single wrestler who gets in my way until I become the new SEF World Heavyweight Champion.

Chris Orton has that evil smile look, and he hears more boo's from SEF fans, so he pretty much ended his promo.

Chris Orton: Do you really think I care about you people booing me? You can't bring me down just accept the fact I'm the reason you people paid to see, because I'm biggest superstar in this company always have and always will be, and I will go down in SEF history books as greatest superstar and champion you have ever see on your television screens and inside that ring.

"I Stand Alone" by Godsmack blares on the pa system, and Orton has evil smile look, so "Extreme" went to a commerical break.

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